Sentences with phrase «teach the solution of»

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Many believe that part of the solution is to treat software development education similar to how foreign languages are taught at a much earlier age, instead of waiting until university or high school to begin learning.
All of these early lessons are taught through trial and error, and the solutions are often fully logical.
Ramit Sethi, author of «I Will Teach You to Be Rich,» suggests one solution: designating a sub-savings account for nonemergency, unplanned expenses.
While one standardized code of ethics (such as the Hippocratic Oath in the medical profession) could be a solution for the software industry, it is also important to teach delivery teams how to ask the right questions when considering the ramifications for emerging innovations.
Discussing the complacency and complicity of traditional economic models, as taught in universities and adopted by central banks, Michael and Steve take us on a journey from a solar system to a galaxy of thought, taking in the history of economics to solutions for the ongoing global depression.
In fact, as a motivational sales speaker, Marc teaches that if the cost of their challenges isn't at least 10 times the cost of your solution, you're likely going to run into trouble when it comes time to present your proposal.
When brought in as a motivational sales speaker, Marc teaches salespeople to focus on avoiding those objections altogether — by helping the prospect articulate the exact value of solving their key challenges before even approaching the cost of the solution.
This video course is taught by Vizitech Solutions, a Fintech company based out of Pune.
The institutional church is so often like Satan... longing to be worshipped and obeyed; teaching that obedience to one scripture is more important than balancing them all; luring us to abuse our power to make a difficult path chosen by God into a simple solution of no new spiritual growth (Matt 4).
I know ignorance makes people say stupid things but as many problems it has a solution: reading and learning!!!! Muslims will never say anything bad about the Holy Books or about the prophets because all of them are part of Islam and it's teachings.
Teaching respect for life is part of the solution as long as it's respect for all life and all ways of life.
But his solution is not «more science and better science» as the Head of Physics at a school where I once taught averred during a staff meeting.
His story, and that of other Chinese Indonesian Christians, has much to teach us as we consider whether or not to embrace Rod Dreher's Benedict Option (retreat in order to rebuild), or instead seek positive solutions to social problems in an America that judges us on the wrong side of history.
A realistic assessment of our situation — so the neo-orthodox theologians of this century have taught us — will not allow us to assume sanguinely that we can generate solutions to these conditions solely from within a situation governed by the conditions themselves.
If the majority of American Catholics want to redefine marriage, then the solution is not for the Catholic church to accept this wrong teaching.
As Protestant ministers were groping about for a solution that would embrace both a personal and social reality, a brilliant Lutheran theologian, J. H. W. Stuckenberg, worked out a solution in terms of the New Testament teachings of Jesus as related to all of life.
A solution the pope proposes for combating fake news on an individual basis: Listen to diverse sources instead of engaging with homogenous news environments: «Praiseworthy efforts are being made to create educational programs aimed at helping people to interpret and assess information provided by the media, and teaching them to take an active part in unmasking falsehoods, rather than unwittingly contributing to the spread of disinformation.»
So while he welcomed the re-establishment of «neo-orthodoxy» and the reassertion of key teachings and disciplines in many parts of the Church in recent years, Holloway by no means saw this as the whole solution.
Oftentimes, as you sleep, your subconscious mind (or call it your Spiritual mind) sorts through the teaching to come up with insights you hadn't thought of before, or solutions to problems you couldn't understand, or things that you need to take out of your sermon or Bible study lesson.
The solution is to get back to solid Biblical teaching, servant leadership, and taking spiritual warfare seriously — giving the men something real to fight for: the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Recognize the effectiveness of teaching about alcoholism and its solution by having drunks tell other drunks about their former problem, their victory, and the way out.
Our country's experience (as well as that of other progressive nations) has taught us that social solutions can be found to serve the health and welfare needs of people, enabling them to live better lives.
But on the other hand religion is not healthy for children and other living things du to how religions distort lives teachings and are the cause of most wars and deaths of millions of people, the solution is spirituality because god is concerned for all not just those who believe twords specific teachings.
Often we actually laude these Pharisees and Judaizers because of their stand against sin, not realizing that they are still not teaching us the New Testament solution to mankind's sin problem.
The solution I guess is to rein you all in somehow and get you educated, trained, and accountable, and then maybe we can talk about the possibility of perhaps you forming an opinion and then perchance in the unforeseeable future you might be able to teach it to someone.
and although there are many problems that admit of no certain solution, e.g. the difficulty of reconciling passages where the kingdom is spoken of as present with those where it is spoken of as future, there is at least sufficient evidence for reconstructing the main lines of Jesus» authentic eschatological teaching.
Using a scientific approach to pitching analysis and teaching methods to create solutions, I can help you make the necessary changes to improve your pitching performance in terms of velocity, location, and pain - free and injury - free pitching.
An artifact of helicopter teaching, mythrules smooth the way for students, simplify what is complicated, provide neat solutions to messy intellectual problems.
Teaching a breastfed baby to take a bottle is like many of the other milestones you'll encounter in parenting: it will be tricky at first, but you'll find the solution that works best for baby and you.
What You'll Learn: Amy McCready, Founder of Positive Parenting Solutions will present a strategy - packed, interactive, LIVE online webinar designed to teach you...
Beyond Standardized Tests — Teaching Empathy More than ever children need skills in how to work with changing teams of collaborators and how to seek solutions rooted in the needs of others.
• The fundamentals of Elimination Communication • Starting: observation, logging, and sound association • Variations: for 3 age groups (0 - 6 mos, 6 - 12 mos, 12 - 18 mos) • Maintaining: how the process changes over developmental changes and growth • Troubleshooting: the most common issues and their solutions • Building Blocks of Potty Independence: how to incorporate teaching and at which age to teach which activities.
«Parents have less direct control over making older children sleep, so it becomes about making them a partner and teaching them the importance of getting a good night's rest,» says Elizabeth Pantley, author of The No - Cry Sleep Solution.
Teach Your Children Well gives practical, research - based solutions to help parents return their families to healthier and saner versions of themselves.
Schools need to be part of the solution, not part of the problem, and should be trying harder — along with parents — to teach kids to drink milk responsibly.
Toddler Tactics is bursting with practical strategies and hassle - free advice for making the toddler years the exhilarating experience they should be, including techniques for dealing with tantrums, mummy meltdowns, walking, talking, weaning and learning, as wellas: • Communicating with your toddler • Discipline and good manners • Healthy eating habits • Solutions for sound sleep • Creative play ideas • Toilet teaching • Family dynamics (including introducing a new baby) Toddler Tactics is a great resource for parents of wonderful one year olds, terrific twos and thrilling threes.
Each teen is taught how to balance both work and play while learning to manage the core of their issues for the most ideal long term solution.
Often times the challenges / problems on the agenda can turn into a lecture forum, but instead we're in fact teaching our children and reminding ourselves that instead of finding blame we're searching for solutions.
Because of the move to «product - based» solutions, funding is already drying up for most infant and young child feeding support programs and for community - based approaches that teach and promote skills to make nutritious family foods from local indigenous ingredients.
I have counseled thousands of families and raised five children of my own, yet The No - Cry Nap Solution taught me things I was not expecting about the dynamics of sleep and, more important, what we as parents can do to help children get the rest that they need.
Teaching your child the skill of hypnosis is not a temporary solution to your problems, but an investment of a lifetime!
Malang Fofana, the head of the Gambia delegation, expressed the concerns of many saying, «Because of the move to «product - based» solutions, funding is already drying up for most infant and young child feeding support programs and for community - based approaches that teach and promote skills to make nutritious family foods from local indigenous ingredients.
A field guide has been created to compliment the Standards of Care and Teaching for Ohio's Infants and Toddlers in order to provide a framework to help examine issues that a provider may find challenging and to explore possible solutions through reflective questioning and practice.
«What plants can teach us about oil spill clean - up, microfluidics: Nature - inspired 3 - D printed solutions to solve perhaps one of the worst humanmade dilemmas.»
After several years of teaching, they each went on to earn master's degrees (Bill at MIT; Larry at Stanford University), then Ph.D. s. Bill's work at MIT resulted in two publications and unpublished contributions toward the solution of a difficult experimental problem: the deceptively simple 2NO2 / N2O4 equilibrium, which was still under investigation 25 years after his graduation.
They can ask questions their parents would not conceive of, occasionally stumbling on solutions no adult could have taught them.
As part of the solution, the clearinghouse has published 18 «practice guides» that lay out what is known about subjects such as teaching students who are learning English or teaching math to young children.
In the first test, they taught the rats to hit a lever to score one of two possible treats: a sip of a sugary solution or a food pellet.
«The challenge of using ZnO to make these devices has stumped researchers for a long time, and we've developed a solution that uses some very common elements: nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen,» says Dr. Lew Reynolds, co-author of a paper describing the research and a teaching associate professor of materials science and engineering at NC State.
With unrivaled ease - of - use, and the ability to utilize the CMS for multi-modalities, Advion's LC / CMS offers chemists within teaching labs, research facilities, and industry a high - performance solution at an affordable price.
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