Sentences with phrase «teach the test mentality»

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That focus has led to a teach to the test mentality and tactics that have classrooms in five - by - five rows, students sitting up straight, filling out worksheet after worksheet.
Or has it bred a teach - to - the - test - and - only - the - test mentality that discourages teachers from focusing on low - income children?
What it has led to is a general malaise among our profession, one that has accepted a narrowing of the curriculum, a teaching to the test mentality, and a poorly constructed redefinition of what a good education is.
One of the negative ramifications of No Child Left Behind and the accountability movement is a teach - to - the - test mentality that severely limits the amount of discussion many teachers allow in their classrooms (Parker, 2006).
Finally, Smith cautions against the Obama Administration's competitive approach to education reform, which fosters a narrow, «teach to the test» mentality.
The problem here is that with a Common Core «teach to the test» mentality, it is less likely that Precalculus will be offered in high schools in the future meaning that students will not be ready to take Calculus during their first year of college.
Malloy, now famous for his -» I'd don't mind if they teach to the test as long as the test scores go up» — statement has been leading the mob mentality that is claiming that it is imperative that 20 - 40 % of a teacher's annual evaluation be based on their student's annual test scores.
This article can introduce you to cool methods to deploy to lower your rates; and perhaps more importantly, it can teach you a new mentality about insurance shopping and connect you with a time - tested source for Weston insurance quotes.
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