Sentences with phrase «teach you anything»

Larry King had the right idea when he said, «I remind myself every morning: Nothing I say this day will teach me anything.
Recipes don't teach you anything.
Sure — it might mean spending a little bit of extra money to consult a lawyer but, if Delta's legal department has taught us anything, it's that it is always better to solve a problem before it morphs into a lawsuit.
But if our history of profligacy has taught us anything, it's that Canada can't afford to be complacent about the country's more than $ 500 - billion debt.
There's a reason I display those plaques on the wall: It's to make sure no one tries to teach me anything.
The former talk show host Larry King once said, «Here's what I remind myself every morning: Nothing I say this day will teach me anything.
We can teach anything, whether it's policies and procedures or a new way to drive sales performance.
This ignores how differently each of us learns and pretends that a single instructor standing in front of a classroom full of kids can effectively teach anything to all of them at the same time.
Trump believes in that part of his economic agenda more than anything else, and if Gary Cohn's exit taught us anything it's that any adviser now needs to get with that program or get out.
If the rise in popularity of «millennial pink» has taught us anything, it's that everything is better in rose gold.
If the closure of the popular Google Reader service has taught us anything, it's that no program is safe from the search giant's chopping block.
If world events of the last six or eight months have taught us anything, it's that experts are not always right in their predictions.
But if political events of 2016 have taught us anything, it is to expect the unexpected.
But if this campaign has taught us anything, it's that our political process is vulnerable to intrusion and exploitation.
There's more than 2000 hours available to teach anything from elementary school to university, it's simple resource allocation.
If the speculative bubbles and crashes across market history have taught us anything (particularly the repeated episodes of recklessness we've observed over the past two decades), it's this: regardless of the level of valuation at any point in time, we have to allow for the potential for investors to adopt a psychological preference toward risk - seeking speculation, and no amount of reason will dissuade them even when that speculation has already made a collapse inevitable over a longer horizon.
So if this week taught us anything, it's that Amazon isn't just a store.
Think Like A Journalist Quote «If Google teaches you anything, it's that small ideas can be big.»
But if Climategate has taught us anything, it is that the power of the environmentalist argument rests entirely on its intellectual integrity.
If history has taught us anything, it is that markets are cyclical.
So if all the research and writing has taught me anything, it's that we have to engage in what we believe in.
@nii: religion teaches anything but tolerance.
Yeah, well if history has taught us anything about the Pope.
The theory is not uncontroversial even among Muslims, many of whom believe that teaching anything other than the «substitution» model is tantamount to heresy.
If televangelists have taught us anything, all one needs to say is «God has forgiven me — why can't you?»
If the 24 - hour news cycle has taught us anything, it's that one need not possess firsthand knowledge of a subject to orate upon it at great length.
How does the bible teach anything but hate?
On the other hand, it gave a basic signpost on the way: the great truths taught in scripture are indeed the way of salvation, and those entrusted with the teaching office in the church have no right to use that office to teach anything else.»
If the overwhelming response by women to this book has taught me anything it's that Christian women are not going to take that phrase for granted any more.
Anyone who teaches anything contrary to what they taught, is in error.
If christianity has taught us anything, its that your god views us as sheep and will use us as such.Luckily for your kind you can sheer a sheep many times, however like a dog, you keep going back for your next beating!
Likewise, I may never understand why an evangelical will not consider as evidence of a flaw in the Bible's teachings anything not also derived from the Bible.
If the history of Christianity has taught us anything it is its ability to assimilate culture, other religions and science into its dogmatic fold.
That sounds like a tall order but, hey, if recent events have taught us anything, it's that there are a lot more Nazi sympathizers out there than most of us thought.
«Youth group was fun, but no one taught me anything
Too bad that his faith hasn't taught him anything about compassion or empathy.
In the end, if the Bible teaches us anything, it is that each one of us is loved by God not because of how right we are but because God graciously and mercifully accepts us, sometimes despite the positions we adopt.
But if the twentieth century's experiments in a brave new world have taught us anything, it is that attempts to institutionalize a revolution in global human solidarity have a way of repeating and amplifying the permanent problems of humanity.
At a time when Rabbi Soloveichik is so rightfully appalled by «the actions of a man [obviously, Yasir Arafat] who... sent children [as suicide bombers] to kill children [and to kill themselves by so doing],» he should be more careful in picking, of all people, Samson, to teach us anything.
Please wash your mouth out with soap before I see you, didn't your mother teach you anything!
1) seperation of church and state; state funded public schools can't teach anything that is directly influenced by religion other than just touching on that kind of topic.
If you teach anything outside of that, it is a trespass against God.
If Super Mario Bros taught you anything, it's how to adapt, right?
If Augustine's modern, secular children Marx and Freud have taught us anything, it is that the idea that we are unaffected by the sins, economic interests and neuroses of our parents, class, nation, race and gender is absurd.
Jesus doesn't teach anything.
But I never purposefully taught anything wrong.
If the 20th and 21st century has taught us anything, it is that we live in an increasingly rapidly changing world.
If the modernistfundamentalist controversy of our past has taught us anything, it is the tragic consequences of polarization.
Please do not dangerously deceive anyone by teaching them anything less.
He truly did want to get saved that hour as he spoke — saved from preaching or teaching anything that might be in error.
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