Sentences with phrase «teacher favorite job»

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Changing diapers is no one's favorite thing, but it's fast, unfussy, and part of the job description of most nannies and many day - care teachers.
4 pm Favorite WOD: Anything Heavy and no burpees Favorite CF Movements: Shoulder to Overhead 1RM Deadlift: 440 3 RM Back squat: 405 Favorite Food: BBQ Favorite Movie: Braveheart Favorite Athlete: Mat Fraser Dream Job: Teacher Dream
Here's just a few of my favorite posts: 5 Things Teachers Wish Parents Knew My Job Has Its Perks... Like Meeting David Beckham Funny Things I Said Before Having Kids Dinnertime Questions To Get Kids Talking Working Mom Hacks to Get More Time with Your Kids
As a teacher for social justice, Joquetta's favorite part of the job is leveraging technology and culturally relevant pedagogy to excite, engage, empower, and enable ALL learners to meet academic success and to pursue their personal interests.
The Interview: Principals Share 30 Favorite Questions for Future Teachers It's springtime, which means it's also the beginning of job - interview season in schools.
Affectionately known as «America's Favorite Teacher,» Stephen has moved daily attendance from 40 % to 93 %, reduced behavioral incidents, improved test scores and helped create 2,200 youth jobs in the Bronx.
But the assistant teacher said that, because Ms. Nicholls had made it clear that Ms. Dial was a favorite of hers, she did not think raising her concerns would have any effect other than to possibly imperil her own job.
Ask teachers what their least favorite aspect of their job is, and most will groan, «grading.»
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