Sentences with phrase «teacher concerns do»

Some may argue that parent and teacher concerns don't really align, but to that I say hogwash.

Not exact matches

As a grandfather, I don't have to attend parent - teacher conferences or get pedantic notes sent home with my son or daughter addressing the latest concerns of a bunch of thumb - sucking, politically correct, out - of - control idiots.
I hadn't read this comment in a while, but when i did today, it brought to mind Acts 5, and what the teacher Gamaliel said concerning the earliest Christian movement, «Therefore, in the present case I advise you: Leave these men alone!
Gareth Cheeseman from the Christian charity Acet UK which runs sex education classes said: «Our concern at the moment is the number of young people who don't receive any relationship and sex education because their teachers are untrained and they don't have the curriculum time to cover it, anything that can help tackle that issue has the potential to be a positive force.»
kermit — Concerning the teacher analogy, if a teacher (or any other human) tells you something you don't automatically believe — you evaluate it, you run it through your own personal bs filter based on your current knowledge and experiences, etc..
Although parents (and indeed governors and teachers) are often uneasy about early or explicit SRE or providing access to family planning services, their feelings are sometimes ambiguous due to a concern that, if they do not follow such a course, children will be at greater risk of underage pregnancy.
Teachers and pupils do not judge the desirability of various studies and learning activities by the pleasure, comfort, or satisfaction they yield; their sole concern is for the contribution made to the development of right habits of thought and conduct.
The teacher does not have to be continually concerned with the child, but he must have gathered him into his life in such a way «that steady potential presence of the one to the other is established and endures.»
Those who bewail the abstractions of theology teachers will be surprised to know of these churchly concerns in systematics classes, as will the Atlantic readers who were recently led to believe that «the hands that shape the souls» of the next generation of pastors do not hold hymnals.
When we think of all that has come from him in the impulse toward human freedom and dignity — the challenge of ignorance and the attempt to remedy it, the concern for and conquest of disease, the sensitivity to the needs and plight of the weak, destitute, helpless, and those in every kind of suffering, the stabilizing of the inner lives of millions of his followers around the world, and the fostering of a prophetic attack on such giant social evils as prejudice, injustice, and war — when we consider the things that have stemmed from this «penniless teacher of Nazareth,» we are dull indeed if the wonder of it does not sweep over our souls.
They believed there was a creator, but he didn't concern himself with our daily lives and he didn't communicate with us, and Jesus was a great teacher but he certainly wasn't divine.
Now with the world becoming one, if it remains, and with our leading Western universities importing religious teachers from the East to teach students the religions that brought forward views like reincarnation, not to mention the success of missionaries in our midst from non-Christian religions, we Christians had better think long and deep concerning these religions, not only to be honest with ourselves, but to do justice to the central realities of our faith.
There are plenty of deeper - learning skeptics out there, and one of their chief concerns is that while project - based learning in the hands of a well - trained educator can be used in the classroom in a highly effective way, it is also a technique that is easy for an unprepared teacher to do quite badly.
Discuss the concerns shared with you by the teacher and say that you want to get help for your child but before you go to your child's physician, you would like the school to do a full psycho - educational assessment of your child so that you will have all of the information that your child's doctor will need to make a thorough assessment.
Don't hesitate to talk to an expert such as your child's pediatrician or teacher if you have concerns.
However, if you're concerned by your child's excessive clinginess, and it doesn't seem to be passing, talk to your pediatrician about it (as well as your daycare provider, school teacher or anyone else who serves as a caregiver to your child).
Finding the right answers to these questions becomes more challenging when parents and teachers are concerned about issues like attachment and healthy development and do not want their discipline methods to undermine or sabotage these processes.
Allow nature to take its course and talk to your child's teacher or doctor if you do have any concerns.
I'm feeling pretty positive about the whole «secondary education'thing - there are some very good text - books around, and I realise that these days most science experiments have to be done by a teacher, for safety concerns, so we can probably do almost everything at home - or else find something on TV or the Internet.
Faced with parents» concerns, petitions and a teachers survey, Think Tank officials have more thinking to do.
Assembly Majority Leader Joe Morelle says Democrats had some concerns over a purposed commission to design new teacher evaluations, and instead now want the Board of Regents, which is in charge of education policy, to do the job.
The city teachers union didn't seem too concerned at the prospect of charter - school candidates flooding the school boards.
But Bloomberg said the city did make «some progress» in the budget, especially when it comes to an agreement between the governor and legislative leaders that will essentially prevent any teacher evaluation plans from sunsetting — a big concern for the mayor.
The survey, done in conjunction with Hope not Hate, highlighted teachers» concerns that a BNP gain would impact negatively on the morale of teachers and have a detrimental effect on the education of children in the area.
The full text of the motion is below: WORKLOAD AND THE «VIRAL» INTERVENTIONS PHENOMENON Louis Kavanagh to move, Katherine Carlisle to second: Conference is deeply concerned about the rising, ill - informed and debilitating pressure placed on classroom teachers to do ever more under the catch - all, but misleading, term «interventions».
pupil behaviour remains a major concern for teachers, with nearly three - quarters of teachers saying they believe there is a widespread behaviour problem in schools; 84 % stated that they did not believe that the increased powers to search pupils, introduced by the Government, would help tackle pupil indiscipline; 55 % do not believe that same - day detentions, a power initiated by the Government, will assist them in maintaining discipline; 52 % did not feel that the power to confiscate items from pupils would be of assistance to them.
«If you look at the timing of that bill, as well as the content, back in late spring and early June... there was grave concern that this would have a significant adverse impact on teachers, and that obviously didn't happen.
And concern over the slashing of teachers must be tempered by the years - long labor - management standoff that brought us the unforgivable waste of the «rubber rooms,» where teachers accused of wrongdoing would sit for weeks on end, doing no work - at a cost to the city of $ 30 million a year.
Commenting on the Secretary of State for Education's session at Conservative Party Conference, Christine Blower, General Secretary of the National Union of Teachers, the largest teachers» union said: «Michael Gove does not have a monopoly of concern that all children and young people should have high aspiration and the very best teaching and support to Teachers, the largest teachers» union said: «Michael Gove does not have a monopoly of concern that all children and young people should have high aspiration and the very best teaching and support to teachers» union said: «Michael Gove does not have a monopoly of concern that all children and young people should have high aspiration and the very best teaching and support to achieve.
«This is the last issue we need to crack in New York City and to do that we need to locate the voters who are really concerned and who will vote on charters, vote on parochial schools, vote on the problems caused by the strength of the teachers» unions,» he said.
Entirely justifiably, teachers and school leaders remain concerned that inspection outcomes do not always give credit for the full extent of schools» achievements, especially those that are not readily captured by pupil performance data.
«The program's structure in which volunteers from within the school receive brief training and then follow a standard curriculum can overcome the concerns of some teachers and parents that they don't have the knowledge to help kids be more active.
This is something which has been very well documented and mourned in a report from the National Academy of Sciences that was issued by a committee headed by Norman Augustine just a few months ago and this report — which is called «he Gathering Storm» — lays out in some detail the concern that that [leaves us] with a long hole over the next couple of decades, because of weaknesses in [the] way we fund basic physical sciences, the way we are training people to do physical sciences, the way we treat science in elementary and high - school programs — all of those factors, the way we pay teachers, the way we use the patent system where we try to provide incentives in some of the physical sciences; we are losing our leadership gradually to other countries, especially in Europe and [of] particular concern in Asia, where the rise of science in, particularly China, to a certain extent India and other parts of Southeast Asia, are cause for long - term concern.
The inclusion of a number of almost ridiculous coincidences within the storyline (ie Dwight's ex-wife is Ethan's daughter's teacher, Ethan eventually hires Dwight as his lawyer, etc) certainly doesn't help matters, although it does remain fairly easy to overlook such concerns thanks to the uniformly effective performances (Phoenix is especially good here).
Time can be even more of a concern when teachers implement project - based learning (PBL), as it changes the way we do things and does require time for students to produce and create.
Not only does this help them own their writing, it also offers the teacher a chance to see the work through the students» eyes, which can help tailor feedback to specific concerns and needs.
Whenever someone suggests accountability for the educators, the furor that follows combines OTL concerns (what if the teachers didn't have enough professional development?
Glavac: That is exactly what I've been doing since 1993: demonstrating the value of the Internet to reluctant classroom teachers and to parents concerned about safety on the Internet.
Science teachers do this when they design inquiry lessons about the nature of salt, or experiments concerning plant growth and fertilizer.
A common concern expressed by teachers is that when students are given back assignments they've handed in, they don't look at the comments.
Teachers don't have to be concerned about whether teaching self - control is their job or not — they are already doing it.
A teacher concerned about students who finish assignments early can create a «must do / may do» chart.
Many teachers associate a wide variety of challenges and concerns with group work: kids goofing off, copying from each other, and letting one student do all the work, as well as issues around the teacher not feeling in control.
Parents wrote about teachers who were hard to reach or seemed unsympathetic to parental concerns; who assigned too much homework or did nt bother to collect homework conscientiously completed; who did nt notify them when their childrens behavior changed or grades began to fall.
More than half of the 50,000 members of the Washington Education Association have voted to authorize a strike if the state legislature does not adequately address teachers» concerns in its current session.
In particular, one might be concerned that parents do not have accurate information on teachers» ability to raise student achievement.
Some don't impress (like this attempt to fleece concerned parents) but others offer products and services that really do offer new capabilities and opportunities for students, teachers, and parents.
My blog silence these past few months has been due to my work on an education reform guide and a story for Education Next on middle schools (which, my editors hope, will be done soon), but I have been paying attention to the sturm und drang concerning Diane Ravitch's new book and her «turnaround» or «u-turn» on certain core issues — e.g. charter schools, teacher assessment, and testing.
Some teachers at a high school did talk about safety concerns, but this was possibly because the students were older.»
«Governments and employers would do well to start to listen to the voice of teachers and take seriously their concerns
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