Sentences with phrase «teacher contributions»

The researchers present convincing evidence that their estimates of teacher contributions to student achievement are valid and do not simply reflect differences in student background.
A bill introduced this legislative session in the state capital would have gradually raised teacher contributions to 7.5 percent of their salary, among other factors.
As large as the increase in public school costs are, they are understated since they do not include increases in teacher contributions.
These changes were intended to achieve savings on district benefit costs, through adoption of plans with lower premiums and increased teacher contributions.
We searched public pension plan documents to find what happens to departing teacher contributions.
Many school districts already have data that can help them assess teacher contributions to achievement in later grades, course - taking, high school graduation, and even college attendance and completion.
Click on this link to gain much needed insight about teacher contributions to education.
We also examine data newly available from Wisconsin to quantify the impact of that state's recent change in collective bargaining law: we find a reduction in district costs of 13 to 19 percent, the result of lower - cost policies and higher teacher contributions.
* VAMs are generally based on standardized test scores and do not directly measure potential teacher contributions toward other student outcomes.
In its statement, the ASA says VAMs «generally... not directly measure potential teacher contributions toward other student outcomes» (emphasis added).
Similarly, for family coverage, the average teacher contribution drifted up slightly over the period, to about 5 1/2 percent, and then jumped in 2012 to more than 10 percent.
In dollar terms, teacher contributions for family coverage rose by $ 939 in 2012, relative to the previous trend, while total premiums for family coverage declined by $ 1,674.
Wisconsin's high district costs reflected both the choice of expensive plans and low teacher contributions.
Teacher contributions grew as well, from 8 percent of salary to 10.25 percent.
Due to different decisions in state legislatures, pension rules vary from state - to - state, leading to different vesting periods, variation in teacher contribution rates, and differences in benefit quality.
Some researchers have argued that even that percentage is too high due to the conflation of teacher contribution with class size and peer effects.
This research brief examines differences in teacher effectiveness by school transition status and school characteristics in a large urban school district in Texas, using estimates of teacher effectiveness based on teacher contributions to student learning outcomes across classrooms.
As discussed above, Act 10 did not directly raise teacher contributions, but the 12 percent minimum it established for the state plan set a standard that districts were now free to follow.
The idea is to see if combining information from the tests, survey, and classroom observations could produce more stable measures of teacher contributions to learning than is possible by just using the state test.
In some nonunion states, teacher medical benefits are not particularly generous, owing to either low - cost plans (e.g., those with high deductibles) or high teacher contributions.
However, to pay for the benefit enhancements and a falling stock market, Missouri has been forced to increase teacher contributions to the pension plan.
Over a 7 - year period, teacher contributions to the fund would rise from 8 to 10.25 percent of their salary.
Upon termination, or shortly thereafter, any teacher contributions are returned with interest (the rate varies, and can be well below market), but the teacher does not receive employer contributions.
Indeed, the Tier 2 package is not actually a net «benefit» for entering teachers, since the teacher contributions are nearly double the cost of the average benefit they accrue; the rest is basically a tax to pay for benefits accrued but not funded, by previous cohorts of teachers.
Legislators raised teacher contributions to the pension plan from 8 percent of salary to 14.5 percent today.
La Crosse had already turned to teacher contributions in previous years, requiring educators to make payments totaling 10 percent of their health - insurance premiums.
If three - quarters of the definition of effective teaching involves the first goal, then the measure of teacher contributions to academic achievement for their own students should receive a weight of 0.75.
In one study, principals» assessments of overall teacher performance and their assessment of teacher contributions to student achievement are correlated at about 0.7, very high.
But Gov. Brown's announcement last week that higher than expected tax revenues mean more money for local school districts was buzz - killed by his proposal to pay down $ 74 billion in teacher pension debt, starting with a first payment of $ 450 million through increased state and teacher contributions.
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