Sentences with phrase «teacher discussion»

He learned to foster high - level teacher discussions and collaborations around teaching and learning.
Since my daughter was 13 months she has had some sort of worksheet or activity that she has to do as «homework» and we have parent teacher discussions about her strenghts and weaknesses.
-LSB-...] in the «Teachers Discussion Guide» that McDonald's put together for 540 Meals, which The Lunch Tray's Bettina Elias Siegel linked to in her write - up of the film, teachers are encouraged to use the video to balance out -LSB-...]
and is aligned with professional - development activities (e.g., week - long summer institutes, monthly Saturday workshops, teacher discussion groups, online resources, and classroom support by graduate students and peer teachers).
Analysis of teacher discussions and actions during this task revealed multiple examples of the teachers» exploration and development of TCK, TPK, PCK, and TPCK.
Teacher Discussion Guides include a summary of the literature, background material, questions to help students establish a purpose for reading, answers to guided discussion questions and teacher read - aloud suggestions for mini-lessons on selected literary elements and devices.
Overall, Ahn strengthened her teaching through this co-inquiry process; evidence of her growth was apparent in our one - on - one conversations, our larger teacher discussions, and my observations of her class.
When posting a comment, or joining the Teacher discussion on social media, we ask that you follow these simple guidelines.
Used as starter for a teacher discussion about how effectively we use questions to enhance learning.
Every parent committee and teacher discussion I've participate in has cited the lack of parental involvement as a primary concern, but we don't have the power to force them to parent their own children.
Encourage groups to move their desks into a circle, to sit together on the floor or to otherwise move out of their normal seating to encourage discussion and an emphasis on actively working as a learning team instead of more passively listening to a teacher
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