Sentences with phrase «teacher evaluation requirements»

For example, clear guidance or regulations are necessary to ensure that states don't use the federal «teacher effectiveness» definition requirements to layer on teacher evaluation requirements that are not otherwise in state laws.
The Orange school district, however, said that while it scrapped some exams, it planned to stick with many of its new tests because of teacher evaluation requirements still in state law.
Sen. Tom Harkin (D - Iowa) shifted a major teacher evaluation requirement out of his rewrite of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act — known as No Child Left Behind — over the weekend, shifting the dynamics of the debate over the bill's passage.
But Alexander recently threw his support behind Harkin and Enzi's legislation after they stripped their original teacher evaluation requirements from the bill.
This BETTER Learning Model and the surveys give teachers a positive tool that can inspire outstanding instruction and surpass minimum teacher evaluation requirements.
In late December, the state's education commissioner froze some of the state's $ 700 million dollars in Race to the Top grants, saying some schools, including in New York City and several upstate cities, had not complied with the teacher evaluation requirements.
This teacher evaluation requirement originated in 2010 after New York was awarded a grant of nearly $ 700 million under the federal Race to the Top program.
California has failed to win grant money three times, mainly because the teachers unions opposed the teacher evaluation requirements.
Eaton called on legislators to delay making changes to state law that are needed to implement the new system and to send TEA back to the negotiating table with USDE to gain more flexibility in the teacher evaluation requirements like other states have done.
TCTA's Holly Eaton told legislators that when the waiver negotiations changed course to become conditional (contingent on implementing the teacher evaluation requirements), there was no opportunity for public comment or formal stakeholder input.
Some experts argue that Duncan overstepped his legal authority by attaching conditions, such as the teacher evaluation requirements, to the waivers because they are are only tenuously connected to the law's original intent.
Duncan's announcement comes in the wake of mounting pressure to address the timing misalignment among the implementation of the Common Core standards, the ongoing administration of old state tests aligned to previous standards, and teacher evaluation requirements that straddled the two.
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