Sentences with phrase «teacher in general»

Let me start out by dying that I have great respect for teachers in general.
At what point — if there is such a point for some of the critics of teachers in general — does learning become the responsibility of the student?
Second, teaching based on problem - solving might be highly effective, but optimal teaching methods that can not be executed by teachers in general may do more harm than good.
It takes experienced teachers in both general and special education, and decent class sizes, to help address the challenges facing students with disabilities.
But the strength of our approach is that it examines which teaching style turns out to be effective, on average, for teachers in general.
In honor of this day and of teachers in general, I asked others about why they value teachers.
In her role as a classroom teacher in general education and integrated co-teaching settings, she used iPads one to one with her students while aligning her instruction to the Common Core State Standards.
Our interview data point to five potential sources of expertise in data use in schools: central office personnel (superintendents, curriculum or assessment specialists); state - supported regional education center specialists; principals; key teachers trained to serve as assessment and data experts; and classroom teachers in general.
Does evidence that the New York City bonus program did not lead to marked gains in student achievement, at least in the program's first two years, mean that merit pay for teachers in general does not work?
In a recent conversation about mentoring with my long - time colleague Nettie Fabrie from Sound Circle Center who is the Pedagogical Dean of the Seattle Waldorf School, I posed a question about mentoring a new and untrained teacher and she shared with me an important thought about mentoring new teachers in general.
Georgia simply has to get more creative in attracting teachers in general, especially to schools in economically disadvantaged areas.»
I read the many comments that followed the Dwindling Teacher Supply article and came upon a number of comments by one particular individual, Floyd Thursby1941 that seemed to be so negative towards teachers in general, especially those who had many years in the profession.
Minority teachers in general also tend to have a lower turnover rate than nonminority teachers (Strunk & Robinson, 2006).
«Several years of budget cuts and many elected officials and pundits saying very negative things about teachers in general — there is a general feeling, at least among the educators I know, that public education is under attack in NC.
In many communities, students experience a revolving door of untrained and under - supported novice teachers in both general education and special education who can not sustain a high - quality educational program.
(1) «What are the biggest challenges for Connecticut's public school teachers in general or for your own success as a teacher in Connecticut?»
Researchers have shown that teachers in general don't favour or encourage students who score well on creativity tests.
Optimal teaching methods that can not be executed by teachers in general may do more harm than good.
Based on the results, future studies might use a larger sample to determine (a) how representative the distribution of learning types in our study is for teachers in general and (b) whether schools with different distributions of learning types experience different patterns in teacher retention.
George Bridges sets out a four point plan for overcoming the NUT - including making the important distinction that any conflict is with NUT extremists - not teachers in general.
Course for teachers of Spanish and teachers in general, interested in renewing their linguistic and methodological resources and live a rich learning experience about the Spanish language and culture.
Teachers in general are overworked, Lewis told Education World.
Teachers in general are skeptical that occasional and cursory observations mean that their supervisors are knowledgeable about their skills as an instructor and understands the needs of students as learners.
Mr. Cunningham has been a teacher in general education and special education at both the elementary and secondary levels as well as an educational evaluator and an administrator for both general and special education programs in several suburban school districts.
Teachers in general don't cause low achievement.
Teachers in both general and special education classrooms are being asked to collaborate to give all students access to the general education curriculum.
Included were more women than men, three teachers and one former - teacher (also a woman of color,) and a whole lot of recognition of the efforts of teachers in general.
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