Sentences with phrase «teacher in other schools»

I've talked with teachers in other school districts, and this occurrence is pretty common.
Teachers in the other school decide to explore whether adopting these practices will make a difference.
Relative judgments will also raise the prospect of unfair and potentially discriminatory treatment of teachers, particularly in community schools or chain academies where teachers across a number of different schools share the same employer and are entitled to compare their treatment to that of teachers in those other schools.
Dr. Smith said the idea of principals leaving their building to observe teachers in other school districts makes little sense.
Provide Leadershops, sharing unique ways and new approaches developed at each school that can be shared with teachers in other schools to adapt to their own school culture
... there is almost no opportunity for teachers to engage in continuous and sustained learning about their practice in the settings in which they actually work, observing and being observed by their colleagues in their own classrooms and classrooms of other teachers in other schools confronting similar problems (p. 127).
Many teachers in other schools complain about unruly students, but the teachers Education World talks to say they have very few problems with behavior.
And while they continued to ignore it, the misuse of tests became ever more extreme, in some cases reaching truly absurd levels — for example, «evaluating» teachers based on the scores obtained by teachers in other schools or teaching other subjects to different students.
So following some research, I began working with Minted Box - a team of tech developers — and proposed my idea for a solution to the problem our teachers, and undoubtedly teachers in other schools, were facing.
Teachers in the other school profiled in the same study dug more deeply into student test data, examining questions students had missed to determine what concepts learners were struggling to grasp.
The school fully implemented the VTS arts integration pedagogical practice through a series of phases beginning with teacher training and progressing to peer coaches training teachers in other schools.
Though she was naturally bright, her teachers in other schools hadn't pushed her to do much schoolwork.
Teachers in these schools had slightly less experience and slightly more absences than teachers in other schools.
They included providing the British Computer Society (BCS) with more than # 2 million to set up a network of 400 «master teachers» to train teachers in other schools and provide resources for use in the classroom.
Westwood teachers have consented to share a handful of their activity ideas so that teachers in other schools might use or adapt them — or use them to spark new ideas — for their own Literature Days / Literacy Nights.
The Ofsted official has argued grammars» higher rating may be due to «more effective teaching», while Mr Widdows, deputy head teacher at Giles Acadamy in Lincolnshire, said the claim was an «insult» to teachers in other schools.
Teachers in other schools — the control group — received no text messages.
Some teachers in other schools resented the extra resources to Priority Schools amid cutbacks.
And similarly, teachers in outstanding schools also do not work substantially longer hours than teachers in other schools.
Teachers in other schools are asking them, «So how did you do this?»
Allocations from SAISD's recent Tax Ratification Election (TRE), which adds $ 32 million to the district's annual budget, will also pay for another 114 teachers in other schools.
As we have seen, researchers have found that teachers rank quite differently when they are compared to colleagues in the same school than when they are compared to teachers in other schools.
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