Sentences with phrase «teacher isolation»

"Teacher isolation" refers to a situation where teachers feel disconnected or separated from their colleagues and lack opportunities to collaborate or work together. Full definition
If student behavior is out of control or if the school culture is characterized by teacher isolation and low expectations, significant improvement in the quality of classroom instruction simply isn't possible.
Networks also reduce teacher isolation while elevating teachers» capacity to serve in any number of formal and informal leadership roles, which can greatly reduce attrition from the classroom.
One of these studies attributed the limited impact to norms of teacher isolation and lack of shared goals within the school (Vesilind & Jones, 1998).
They help define and promote high expectations; they attack teacher isolation and fragmented effort; and they connect directly with teachers and the classroom, University of Washington researchers found.
They are learning that collaboration across leadership teams and use of evidence in teaching teams trumps teacher isolation and benefits the entire learning community as achievement levels rise and gaps between groups narrow for the first time ever.
The Northwest Rural Innovation and Student Engagement (NW RISE) Network connects rural educators in the Pacific Northwest to help them succeed in the profession and overcome the challenges caused by teacher isolation.
Teacher collaboration does not occur naturally; it runs against prevailing norms of teacher isolation and individualistic approaches to teaching.
A fixed mindset approach (believing that one's qualities are carved in stone), teacher isolation, and lack of support can undermine motivation and contribute to a significant percentage of teachers leaving the profession within their first few years.
Without belaboring the point that teacher isolation has to end, unless teachers stop departmentalizing their teaching and start teaching knowledge in context of other knowledge, student learning will continue to be stuck at the dam.
Other challenges in today's classroom include too much required material, too little time, scarce resources, finding effective lesson plan ideas, and teacher isolation.
Our organization and others are learning a great deal about how online communities, effectively facilitated, are rapidly breaking down teacher isolation and equipping teachers to take a more active role in shaping the public image of their profession.
«We can connect people to each other,» Clark says, reducing teacher isolation and forging common approaches to enhance teaching and learning for all.
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