Sentences with phrase «teacher of religion»

If this image is adopted, it should also aid in closing the gap that now so often exists between ministers and teachers of religion in higher education.
Many teachers of religion simply assume that this is the only morally just position to take.
Shame on preachers and religious teachers of any religion who try and legislate when and how anyone has sex!
Except for surgeons and psychoanalysts, therefore, the school route to becoming a full - time teacher of religion in higher education requires more years than any other field.
In terms of deep attitudes about oneself, others, and God, parents are the most important teachers of religion.
As late as the first half of the twentieth century, college teachers of religion and seminary professors were often ministers who distinguished themselves by their reflectiveness and scholarly habits.
The process is comparable to the modern effort of teachers of religion and morals to attempt to get their material into the movies, on the radio, or in television, which are the media of mass appeal of today.
Such a study should prove valuable for anyone involved in the communication of Christian beliefs, especially teachers of religion in churches and schools but also those who participate In the educational process at every level.
Catherine Roberts asks me, as a matter of my vocation as a teacher of religion, to view animals from a theocentric, not anthropocentric, perspective.
A teacher of religion, for example, must foster in the young people the central Christian experience; hence he ought to be able to help them through his own religious practice without asking them to invent anew everything belonging to the Christian life, which leads to nothing anyhow in ninety - five per cent of the cases.
His severest strictures are directed against those teachers of religion and morals whose lofty principles were belied by the pretentiousness, superficiality and inhumanity of their behavior.
In some passages he appears as the Second Moses, the Prophet par excellence, the ideal Scribe and teacher of religion.
A teacher of religion at a Baptist college was denied tenure and effectively fired.
The chief religious leader in the mosque is called the Ahund (or Ahung), which means scholar, or teacher of religion.
There were among the teachers of religion and ethics as many eloquent defenders of bondage as opponents.
Justice Kagan asked whether all teachers of religion are ministers under the exception.
In addition, there are colleges of education that specialise in the training of second - level home economics teachers, teachers of religion and physical education.
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