Sentences with phrase «teacher opinion»

Not surprisingly, the distribution of teacher opinion is almost exactly the opposite.
Student voice initiatives can range from students giving teachers their opinions about school issues to youth assuming leadership roles in reform efforts.
How does teacher opinion compare with that of the general public?
Teacher opinion against those who claim to represent them shifted even more dramatically.
I mean that, starting no later than middle school, kids set their own schedules, going in whatever directions their interests, abilities, and respect for parental and teacher opinion lead.
This Informed Educator looks at recent research on teacher opinions about their working conditions to address the question: «What matters to teachers?»
This 12 - 15 minute survey measures teacher opinions regarding implementation of mindfulness, compassion, courage, equity, neuroplasticity, and cultural competence.
Our 12 - 15 minute survey measures teacher opinions regarding implementation of mindfulness, compassion, courage, equity, neuroplasticity, and cultural competence.
When relative costs were explained, the change in teacher opinion was even more pronounced than among the public, with support for class - size reduction dropping from 54 % to 38 %, and support for a salary increase jumping from 37 % to 48 %.
The NASUWT has conducted an annual survey of teacher opinion since 2011 which highlights the growing concerns of the teacher profession about the impact of Coalition Government education policy.
Even more surprising were the results that came from phone polls conducted in January and March of 2003 asking teachers their opinions on ProComp just before the vote to adopt the new program.
Teacher opinion slipped an additional 10 percentage points in 2015, but stabilized at 44 % in 2016.
Teacher opinion often diverges from that of both the affluent and the general public.
An answer to that question is to be found in the eighth annual Education Next survey of public and teacher opinion discussed in this issue of the journal (see «No Common Opinion on the Common Core,» features, Winter 2015).
As mounting calls for reform from both sides of the isle take shape, voters are right to question policies that will have lasting effects on their students; and AAE is eager to shine a spotlight on teacher opinions during this critical time.
Resist dismissing teacher opinions you disagree with or don't fully understand.
A school where teacher opinions are not valued and where they feel powerless will result in disgruntled teachers who do not have the desire to put as much into their teaching.
The S - CCATE measures teacher opinions regarding implementation of mindfulness, compassion, courage, equity, neuroplasticity, and cultural competence.
At the end of the year, we asked TIS and teachers their opinions of our ITG plan.
Meanwhile, teacher opinion on the Common Core roughly parallels that of the public as a whole.
Teacher opinion is less influenced by the brand name.
We draw seven main conclusions from our multiyear survey of public and teacher opinions on a broad range of educational issues:
Teachers versus the Public Michael Henderson, Paul Peterson, and Martin West In Teachers versus the Public, Henderson, Peterson, and Associate Professor West examine the first experimental study comparing public and teacher opinion, showing a wide divide on a number of issues, including merit pay and teacher tenure.
While the study suggests that public support for school reforms changes with added information about school quality, in most instances, teacher opinion is unaffected.
But NORC's results do suggest that the similarity of public and teacher opinions is more problematic than either Weingarten's or Lewis's statements assume.
Teacher opinion is almost the mirror image.
Once leaning toward charters, teacher opinion is now almost evenly divided between support and opposition.
But for the next level, testing competing ideas, I'd suggest we draw heavily on teacher opinion, particularly a group of teachers selected for their stated willingness to try new methods (if they are supported by research).
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