Sentences with phrase «teacher pension system separate»

In Illinois, the biggest problem is that Chicago operates its own teacher pension system separate and apart from the state fund.

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That doesn't include the approximately 3,000 retired school administrators and teachers who also qualified for pensions of $ 100,000 or more, but who are in a separate pension system.
As the Kauffman report notes, Missouri's separate pension systems are «a microcosm of larger national issues concerning teacher pension systems — particularly the ability of teachers to move between systems
Jeffrey Kuntze, chief operating officer of the Confluence Charter Schools in Saint Louis, says «the separate pension systems make it extremely difficult for us to recruit veteran teachers from the county.
The separate pension systems also limit the pool of teachers who are willing to work in the cities.
Teacher pension systems concentrate retirements within a narrow range of the career cycle by penalizing individuals who separate too soon or remain employed too long.
If she separates from the system after 15 years — the average experience of a teacher who leaves the profession — her pension wealth is $ 38,619, but at this point she has contributed a total of $ 76,425.
Teacher pension systems target retirements within a narrow range of the career cycle by penalizing individuals who separate too soon or remain employed too long.
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