Sentences with phrase «teacher strengths»

What can we learn from those signs about teacher strengths and capacities?
Teachers organize themselves around tiered instruction in a variety of different ways and it depends on teacher strengths and student needs.
iObservation identifies teacher strengths and maps differentiated targeted professional development to areas that need improvement.
The point scale highlights teacher strengths and areas of improvement, and the written feedback lets teachers know their students» experience in the classroom and how they can specifically help them.
After our visits, we processed our notes — discussing teacher strengths and celebrating evidence of teachers trying out new practices and what those practices did for students — and then planned for feedback for the teachers.
Ultimately, the pilot's evaluators will look at 47 different pieces of information to help identify teacher strengths and areas for growth.
This requires specific assessment practices, such as differentiating instruction, re-teaching certain targets, or re-sorting students to allow for small - group work connected to teacher strengths.
They recognize vitality and build on teacher strengths.
Using case diagnoses (PACS, parental account) and symptom ratings (Parent / Teacher Strengths and Difficulties [SDQ], and Conners Questionnaires [CPTRS]-RRB- we studied 1009 cases (241 with ADHDonly and 768 with ADHD + CP), and their 1591 siblings.
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