Sentences with phrase «teacher time»

It's a matter of giving teachers the time, support and training to make it happen.
One of the primary ways seek to do this is to help save teachers time in the planning process.
By allowing teachers the time to collaborate with others outside their immediate department or team, administrators will see engagement and problem solving throughout their building.
Giving students the tools to strengthen and revise their content not only produces more competent writers but saves teachers time in the long run.
However research suggests there are numerous barriers to engaging with the subject, including pressures on teacher time and lack of confidence in delivering the subject.
This does not include teacher time, which was not reimbursed and was undertaken as part of usual teaching duties.
Peer Days are highly valued because they provide arts specialists and classroom teachers time to plan and work together.
What are the major obstacles to increasing teacher time to work together and what can be done to address these obstacles?
It's imperative to show teachers their time will never be wasted and their talent is critical to the success of the school.
One way to do this is to offer teachers time and instruction to collaboratively write grade - level interdisciplinary projects.
As the constant teacher time always reminds me, you can only love others as big as you love yourself.
We use a master schedule to alleviate student and teacher time conflicts, especially so that teachers won't feel as if they're losing time by adding something extra.
A second issue is that researchers don't worry about teacher time.
This costs teachers time, (gas) money, and unnecessary stress and hardship.
It also give kindergarten teachers the time to understand the context of the child.
For example, implementing change usually requires additional teacher time and resources.
Schools must also give teachers time to analyze and discuss state and district curriculum documents.
This data flows into report cards, providing accurate information while saving teachers time.
One problem with most education policy research is that the element of teacher time is missing.
This smaller cohort limits competition for public resources, including teacher time (e.g., class size) and college slots.
But in other respects, the new model meant fewer demands on teacher time.
The survey also found that more than 90 percent of schools gave teachers time for professional development within their workdays.
Wouldn't it be simpler if there was one resource that had the tools necessary to save teachers time during the workday (and at home) so the needs of their students are met?
Surprised By Reading Aloud: Confessions of a Math Teacher Time pressures and accountability have caused educators to look seriously at the way they use class time.
According to findings culled from five meta - analyses, blending technology with face - to - face teacher time generally produces better outcomes than face - to - face or online learning alone (Cheung and Slavin, 2011; Cheung and Slavin, 2012; Tamim, Bernard, Borokhovski, Abrami, and Schmid, 2011; Means et al, 2009; Means et al., 2013).
Essay rubrics save teachers time because all of the criteria are listed and organized into one convenient paper.
Today, Odysseyware digital curriculum, course consistency, and online access maximize teacher time and give students better learning options.
Meta - analyses, like The Effectiveness of Educational Technology Applications for Enhancing Reading Achievement in K — 12 Classrooms: A Meta - Analysis, and Evaluation of Evidence - Based Practices in Online Learning: A Meta - Analysis and Review of Online Learning Studies found that blending technology with face - to - face teacher time generally produces better outcomes than face - to - face or online learning alone.
Another thing that ticks me off is the amount of prep time is not considered that the teacher had to do, and the money for the popsiclemsticks, snd tubs, and well, PBL needs lots of... TIME... somall teacher and unions will need to add 2 hours of in class teacher time fot the teachers to cover PBL and all common core standards... Why is it teachers do not speak out more about the pressure they must be... Read More
Giving preservice teachers time to work with digital tools and try out technology integration in their instruction would support them as they move into their own classrooms and understand what is possible with technology.
Some specific actions steps include providing teachers time to meet in grade - level professional learning communities, improving school climate by addressing discipline challenges, or helping teachers formulate an essential question to focus on, e.g..
Finding time for nutrition as a teacher
...... Fine, I will be a nice teacher this time and tell you the answer.
A Project of The Internet TESL Journal If this is your first time here, then read the Teacher
This dual power of technology — both to extend reach of super-instructors boundlessly (no more low - value homework and large - group time) AND to allow reorganization of great on - site teacher time — is worth hyping.
Reach extension can take several forms, such as redesigning jobs to concentrate 3X teacher time on instruction, putting star teachers in charge of more children's learning, and using technology to extend 3X teacher reach and meet their standard.
Additionally, district leaders should plan time each year to evaluate the content being used and give teachers time within their PLCs to rethink and remix that content.
District leaders must also allow teachers time together and provide classroom coverage when they are engaged in their curriculum design PLC..
In our review of state turnover assumptions, we found no state where teachers time their departures based on when they qualify for a minimum pension.

Phrases with «teacher time»

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