Sentences with phrase «teacher voices as»

Then I'll really understand and believe how serious they are about taking on student and teacher voice as an important concept to improve schools.

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The president's comments about the deputy come as he's promoted the idea of training and arming teachers to defend against shooters, a controversial proposal to which prominent Democrats and Republicans have voiced opposition.
As a client, that means you can focus on the teacher's voice, the instruction, and close your eyes to work deeper in class.
What the Jesus Seminar has proposed is that the «voice print» of Jesus that emerges from a study of the parables and other sayings is one that seems to be in tension with the traditional representation of Jesus as an apocalyptic teacher.
Yet again, the list contains both vocal advocates as well as pastors not typically known for speaking out on political matters, topped by influential voices like pastor and devotional author Max Lucado, Bible teacher Beth Moore, and Village Church pastor Matt Chandler.
It is not too surprising that many of Jesus» early followers could see the feminine dimension of divinity in their teacher when one remembers that some Jesus sayings depicted him as the voice of Wisdom, a personified female aspect of God popular among Jews at the turn of the era.
But as I point out in the next few posts, sometimes, we ourselves are the false teachers, and so need to input and corrective voice of those who disagree with us.
Her voice comes through the pages as the voice of my ballet teacher; as result I don't use dried basil and worry about my discipline.
As a school teacher, I pride myself on not raising my voice, even in a classroom full of oversexed, texting adolescents.
It is teacher - intenstive for parents who are stretched for time, and it is specialist - intensive from the school model with separate teachers for so many of the subjects that make up what homeschoolers see as the beauty of Waldorf education — foreign languages, games and eurythmy, handwork, orchestra and voice and band, drama.
As my friends name all kinds of professions such as teachers, astronauts, bankers, presidents I, with the very assuring face and happy voice saiAs my friends name all kinds of professions such as teachers, astronauts, bankers, presidents I, with the very assuring face and happy voice saias teachers, astronauts, bankers, presidents I, with the very assuring face and happy voice said:
These are fantastic tips and as a former preschool teacher and current mom of three boys under 7, I can definitely agree that it's not always easy to avoid your angry voice!
In training programs held year - round, Head Start Trauma Smart teachers learn to validate extreme emotions referred to as (INAUDIBLE) feelings using calm and quiet voices.
As a voice of reason, Steiner has refused to buy into injurious rhetoric about teachers and the teaching profession.
«Albany's budget cuts threaten teacher layoffs,» the voice says, as the screen displays black - and - white photos of frustrated - looking teachers.
Padalino said the district will continue focusing its efforts internally on the academic success of its students, even as its administrators, teachers and parents continue their efforts to have their voices heard by the Cuomo administration.
The group, a nonprofit advocacy organization formed in 2001 and historically funded by teachers unions, has long offered itself as a voice for parents and communities of color and, as such, has also been a thorn in the side of successive state and city governments, consistently pushing for more funding in the state budget to meet the needs of underserved schools and fighting against school closures and charter schools.
«After watching teachers unions spend $ 60 million over five years to protect their interests, we are proud to serve as the much - needed voice of students in Albany.»
The fast tracking of the new national Common Core standards set off a near rebellion last fall, as parents, teachers and students voiced their concerns at often raucous meetings with state education officials.
Charter school teachers need a union for the same reason as other teachers — to have a voice, to be able to advocate for students without fear of losing their jobs, and to be treated like the professionals they are.
As a result, many scientists have worked on finding the physiological causes to help teachers prevent and treat voice problems.
Reduced pulmonary function measures would warn the teachers of their increased risk for potential voice problems, which would remind them to do preventative exercises as well as pay attention to voice rest while teaching.
The team's next step, Hunter said, is to continue studying other underlying risk factors for vocal problems, such as how stress, hormonal changes and age - related changes affect teachers» voice health.
Anyone who communicates with their voice as a significant part of their job, such as teachers, lawyers, call centers, translators, MTA announcers, etc. should be hyper vigilant.»
At this point my teacher raised his voice as he said, «Do not even think of taking on this patient!
This project was lead by the art teacher, Alison Flegal, who created the project as a way for students to voice their support for the Green Bank Telescope in response to 2016's Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Call for Public Comments.
Level two is about finding your voice and further cultivating your skills as a Prenatal Yoga Teacher, including advanced teaching methodology and practicum.
You've completed your 200 - hour teacher training and now you're ready to fine - tune your skills, develop your voice more fully, and discover the unique gifts you have to offer as a teacher.
Hayley Koch is a yoga and voice teacher as well as a professional singer.
Level 2 is about finding your voice and further cultivating your skills as a Prenatal Yoga Teacher, including advanced teaching methodology and practicum.
With the help of a trusted yoga teacher's guidance, voice and sometimes corrective touch, there arises a strong calm abiding with self - compassion for what the object of meditative yoga is: the body as the personal home of emotional suffering.
As a voice teacher, I was drawn to fitness to develop a sports - specific training protocol for singers.
I hope that as a prominent teacher and voice in the yoga community, you can reconsider your viewpoints, and consider how they can be complicit in furthering the experience of trauma and silencing the voices of victims.
By exploring various styles of practice and methods of teaching, students will find their voice as a teacher and confidently lead their peers through prepared classes.
The goal of the Teacher Training Program is to help students find their voice as a yoga tTeacher Training Program is to help students find their voice as a yoga teacherteacher.
We begin our practice on our mats, observing our thoughts as they dwell in the past or race toward the future until we hear the soothing sound of the teacher's voice inviting us back into the room, and into present moment.
My mind and body was hooked, still struggle to engage my inner core as some connections have been «lost» due to the surgery and now that I am a Yoga Teacher I need to clarify through my voice as I am not able to model all poses.
Smiling even though I have no voice... try having no voice as a teacher!
Shannon Hernandez spent 15 years as a teacher and now empowers other writers to find their voice in a noisy world.
Her name is Parvana (voiced with strength and conviction by newcomer Saara Chaudry), and she is allowed to visit Kabul's market square only so long as she is accompanied by her father (Ali Badshah), a one - legged local teacher whose reverence for books upsets the militant young men — including one especially spiteful former student, hardly more than a child himself — who've since seized control of the region.
Aside from her more recent onscreen performances (including the comedies «Bad Teacher,» «What to Expect When You're Expecting» and «The Other Woman»), Cameron has brought her bubbly voice to the screen in the wildly popular «Shrek» franchise as Princess Fiona.
The hit kids» comedy YOGI BEAR saw him voice Boo Boo, then he went «against type» as a nerdy high school teacher in the comedy BAD TEACHER alongside Cameroteacher in the comedy BAD TEACHER alongside CameroTEACHER alongside Cameron Diaz.
The film then cuts to the mortal world where Po, voiced again by Jack Black (Goosebumps, 2015) has become a kung fu teacher although he is not finding it to be easy as his friends, the Furious Five, become injured in the process.
Spot's owner and best friend, 8 - year - old Leonard Helperman, is in the same class as him and the teacher just happens to be Leonard's mother (voiced by Debra Jo Rupp of «That»70s Show.»)
Three radical poetry teachers politically redefined «someone» as «society,» and used this implied threat to inspire and empower South Bronx kids to find their own voices, write their own poetry, and through that, find their place in a not - so - friendly world.
«As much as you can, make teachers» voices heard,» Curtis adviseAs much as you can, make teachers» voices heard,» Curtis adviseas you can, make teachers» voices heard,» Curtis advises.
An expanded presence on social networks fuels the growth of Edutopia and makes it easier to showcase the community's voices and stories, allowing Edutopia to reach millions of teachers, administrators, and parents as well as students.
As a teacher, I learned that my voice is a powerful tool in classroom management and instruction.
Writing is another example where author's craft, such as voice and word choice (see 6 +1 Writing Traits), may be difficult for some teachers who lack confidence in their own writing.
Other models exist for giving students more voice and choice in their work and the opportunity to work alongside teachers as collaborators, rather than as subordinates.
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