Sentences with phrase «teacher workplace protections»

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As far as the UFT is concerned, withdrawing representation in grievances is unlikely to give teachers enough reasons to be members because contractual workplace protections are incomplete, and the UFT has not consistently enforced existing provisions.
Her critics, however, argue she cherry picks students and wants to break the teachers» unions by circumventing workplace protections.
Federation officials say their motive is the same one that drove teachers in school districts to unionize decades ago: Every worker deserves fair pay, due process, and other workplace protections.
And it's even good if teachers are unionized and have basic workplace protections.
The unions have been fighting the expansion of public charter schools, teacher evaluations based on test scores, and challenges to tenure and other workplace protections.
I don't believe that frustration with a few bad teachers justifies stripping away workplace protection.
Keep in mind, this lamentation of the lack of «honor» given to teaching as a profession comes from someone who has repeatedly taken the standard reformer line that all of the ills in our education system can be traced back almost entirely to teachers themselves and who has advocated for policy makers who diminish teachers» workplace protections and their autonomy and who want to tie opportunities for greater compensation to standardized test scores.
Her critics, however, argue she cherry picks students and wants to break the teachers» unions by circumventing workplace protections.
Mr. Bruni tossed 27 words about respecting teachers into the mix while calling on them to «partner» with people like Mr. Klein who want to diminish their workplace protections and offer pay for increasing standardized test scores while completely ignoring issues like persistent and rising poverty.
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