Sentences with phrase «teachers i've never»

You know, whose «followers» gave it the name in a language the Teacher never spoke.
Apparently their Sunday school teachers never explained the connection between ivory tusks and penises.
The reason that you don't know this is that Bible teachers never delve into the problems in the bible.
A true teacher never stops being a teacher — there were so many lightbulbs going off as I read this post, even though I've been reading your thoughts on baking by weight for a while.
Your teen may be tempted to blame other people by saying things like, «My science teacher never told me that project was due,» or «I did the work but my math teacher never graded it.»
This kind of teacher never tries to hold a gifted child back and is often the first one to notice that a child is advanced, sometimes even before the parents realize it.
Your teacher never demonstrates anything.
But I regret that my Spanish teachers never managed to ignite the same interest in me, although as an avid reader of Hemingway, I envisioned a life of foreign travel.
EW: An interesting point was made by one person in the book who noted that math teachers never are called on to defend the role of math in the curriculum.
The students didn't know that, had their teacher never heard of PAT, they would have done the art project anyway.
A report from the nonprofit TNTP found that evaluations are often neither effective (more than 98 % of teachers are deemed «satisfactory») nor instructive (three out of four evaluated teachers never received feedback to help them improve their practice).
Large numbers of beginning teachers never make it to their second year in the classroom, but a solid mentoring program — a well - planned and well - supported program staffed by quality mentors — can help stem the tide of teacher attrition.
Too many classrooms are just dull because they don't have anything on the walls and the teacher never does anything to the bulletin board.»
Self - esteem is so important in the early years of school life... A story comes to mind of an old friend of mine, who's 62 now; apparently, he has struggled through his life always wondering why his teachers never seemed to notice and encourage him when he was such a great (handball) goal - keeper.
Its amazing how many classroom teachers never set eyes on that important document so full of information about the student.
The students did not know that, had their teacher never heard of PAT, they would have done the art project anyway.
Joe Martin Professor Joe Martin is an award - winning educator, trainer, and author of several books, including Good Teachers Never Quit, When Students Just Wont Listen, and Tricks of the Grade.
Students know which teachers never check homework, mark books or monitor and assess their work in other ways.
This most radical of choice based schools — where students and teachers never meet in physical classrooms and state funding flows on a performance - based, demand - driven model — has largely avoided the political and legal tangles that have stymied other reform efforts.
Tony, with his contagious smile, was the type of magnetic student a teacher never forgets.
He needed help, but the teachers never seemed to have time.
That doesn't mean, however, that first and second year teachers don't have periods of time when they feel self - assured and proficient, or that highly experienced teachers never have moments of doubt.
Guidance from the Get - Go: Mentoring New Teachers Large numbers of beginning teachers never make it to their second year in the classroom, but a solid mentoring program — a well - planned and well - supported program staffed by quality mentors — can help stem the tide of teacher attrition.
• • A majority of teachers never «break - even.»
By our estimates, about half of new teachers never qualify for a pension at all.
As a result, our teachers never feared that struggling students or reluctant learners in their classrooms would jeopardize their career or evaluation.
Teachers never get to even see the test.
Real teachers never plan discussions for first period or co-operative groups for 7th during an evaluation.
Real teachers never take grades after Wednesday of the last week of the six weeks.
At the Arizona K12 Center, we understand that good teachers never stop learning.
Real teachers never teach the conjugations of lie and lay to eighth graders.
Classroom management issues and effective communication strategies present unique challenges when teachers never meet their students in person and may be separated from each other by thousands of miles.
Their teachers never spoke to Latino students in Spanish, although they knew quite a few Spanish words.
In her explanation, the teacher never mentions the word rate to make this connection for Jeff.
«If you want to recruit more teachers to mark exams, you have to start by understanding that many are struggling to manage their roles as teachers never mind taking on additional tasks and responsibilities.»
The answer we receive is almost always the same: teachers never have enough time.
Effortless Learning: Learn The Secrets That Teachers Never Told You: Master Any Subject, Memorize More, And Focus Fast (WHILE STUDYING LESS)
Chuck: Well, our first way — because you know on Teachonomy I like to say, «Be the teacher they never forget.»
I have seen teachers never get tenure and they were competent.
Despite their busy schedules and other responsibilities, student teachers said the cooperating teachers never made them feel like they were on their own.
Some teachers never go back.
Before that, «we were teaching in the dark,» she said, because teachers never knew what the state expected children to know in order to do well on the state's assessments.
Do you really think teachers never had kids talking to each other solving problems or thinking critically before CCS?
Regardless of the methodology that's used, the number of incompetent teachers never satisfies education reform groups.
Many new teachers never make it to six years.
It's no secret that teachers never have enough time — they not only have to manage packed teaching schedules but also create lesson plans, communicate with parents, and ensure all students» needs are being met.
These teachers never used the «language of lacking» (or an emphasis on the student's disadvantages) to describe their students.
The truth of the matter — the best teachers never stop teaching.
But her art school teachers never showed her how to actually market her work after she graduated.
The student and teacher never got on, but Rauschenberg would later cite Albers as his most important teacher.
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