Sentences with phrase «teachers feel they need»

I have to say, though, that things have improved considerably since the days when our public school music teacher felt the need to teach her largely Jewish students about the divinity of Jesus.
It is shameful that a small minority of teachers feel the need to help their students cheat on tests.
The study was not clear as to whether «content and skills» related to teachers learning how to use and implement new technologies, or whether teachers felt they need to know more to keep up with the massive amounts of content that students can now access online.
And as teachers feel the need to take on additional responsibilities — such as providing students with social and emotional support, building relationships with parents, and assisting students with the college application process — many teachers find themselves on a pathway to burnout.
As long as we have extensive curricula teachers feel they need to cover by lecturing, time will be a barrier.
I don't think teachers feel the need to make Wall Street salaries but they also don't want to have to worry about whether they're buying too many groceries this week... Read More
Teachers feel the need to ensure the playing field is level and other students are taught how to take the tests.
I work in a school where the pressure is on for results and the teachers feel the need to teach to the exams.
One particular concern is peer competition: the extent to which teachers feel they need to take steps to inflate their scores because they think their colleagues are.
But why did this teacher feel the need to speak anonymously?
«The modules are scripted,» she says, noting that «sometimes teachers feel they need to do exactly what's on the script.

Not exact matches

Churches feel they need to separate the wheat from the chaff, the sheep from the wolves, the sound teacher from the false teacher, the orthodox from the heretic, and the righteous from the wicked.
See Between Man and Man (London: Regan Paul 1947), p. 89) Such communication by a teacher who has a deep feeling for a religious tradition often leads students to an encounter with the meanings which speak to human needs from that tradition.
What she's suggesting is something like saying that teachers and child care workers should be so fulfilled with their work with children that neither of them would ever feel the need to have children of their own.
«teachers and child care workers should be so fulfilled with their work with children that neither of them would ever feel the need to have children of their own.»
Between getting them back into the groove of school schedules and all that goes with that (earlier bedtimes, homework, etc.) and pulling together everything that their teachers needed, I felt ready to turn back the clock and do summer vacation all over again.
You knew what he meant, but you feel the need to play the English teacher if for no other reason than to just just be a jerk.
And so in these schools, where students are most in need of help internalizing extrinsic motivations, classroom environments often push them in the opposite direction: toward more external control, fewer feelings of competence, and less positive connection with teachers.
If teachers want motivated students, they need to adjust their classroom environment and their relationships with their students in ways that enhance those three feelings.
With our culture and our nation's emphasis on high academic achievement, the perception that in order to get into college kids need straight As and perfect test scores, increased course work and more complex curricula, teachers are feeling the pressure to cover more material, and to prepare kids for the next grade.
Even if you think the teacher (or the coach, or the boss, etc.) is wrong, let your child know that regardless of how they feel, they still need to find a way to act appropriately.One added bonus of this approach?
Provide the teacher with your phone number and tell her to feel free to call when help is needed from home.
As if this second list doesn't make you feel defeated in your quest, often teachers will tell students in the first few days school what additional items will be needed for their specific classes.
Although the teacher likely will ask students if they need to go to the bathroom at fairly regular intervals, you'll need to teach your child to recognize when she feels she has to go.
If you feel your child needs maturity is affecting their school performance, speak with your child's teacher or school counselor about ways to encourage maturity or help a younger acting child.
Or, you might simply feel like you need a check - in with the coach, similar to a parent - teacher conference.
If the teachers claim you do not need to be a part of the homework, take a good look at how much you are contributing because you feel you should, as opposed to the degree to which your children really need you to help.
What a gift for a teacher to be able to help her students who are having an argument on the playground to identify their feelings and unmet needs, to see that we have a universal vocabulary of feelings that are web of strength, not a weapon of name calling and division.
Every child wants, needs and deserves to feel accepted, liked, loved, valued and appreciated by parents, family, friends, caregivers, teachers, classmates and community.
All of my pump supplies in one place — no need to worry if I have everything or not when switching bags -, SO much faster to set up and start pumping since I'm a teacher and have very limites time, and I feel it keeps my pump safer and more secure — they're not cheap!
Well, when the teacher asks for volunteers and you feel obliged to help with the Halloween party, you might need another mom to watch Little Baby while you parade around the hallways with your 3 - year old.
And besides, teachers don't need to be dealing with your child when they are not feeling well — that's not their job.
And immediately after that thought, as if the Universe felt the need to slap me in the face, I very vividly recalled a conversation I had with one of my fellow teachers about sixteen years ago.
Working as a classroom teacher (and as a parent of three of my own), I know that some children are better able to adapt to and cope with new or different situations while others need to be supported and taught more intentionally how to manage their feelings.
Many students with challenging behavior lack the skill of self - regulation, and teachers may need to help students identify their feelings and then encourage them to practice self - calming strategies to avoid a meltdown.
We tried to work with the school and the teacher but in a short amount of time we felt we needed to explore other options and ended up transferring schools.
It is important for parents and teachers to understand that the physical and behavioral symptoms are due to anxiety and treatment needs to focus on helping the child learn the coping skills to combat anxious feelings.
However, the child's teacher may be concerned that 1) the speaking child may feel responsible for helping the child with selective mutism and not focusing on their own needs and 2) the speaking child may enable the child with selective mutism to continue to remain mute around others.
«Young children need to feel comfortable that their teachers won't allow them or others to get hurt.
I've teamed up with yoga teacher extraordinaire, Krista Jones, to teach a short and sweet workshop that will give you all the essential tips and tools you need to feel prepared for birth.
«The number of women saying they feel pessimistic about their future in the profession and the number saying their priority is to leave teaching must give employers and Government pause for thought about the urgency of the need to create a teaching profession which genuinely values and supports all women teachers.
Participants took part in a real - time electronic poll which explored their views on a series of issues relating to their profession: Among the results were: over three quarters of BME teachers considered themselves to be ambitious, yet stated they are being held back by racial discrimination, and the attitude of senior colleagues; nearly two - thirds (62 %) of BME teachers felt their school or college was not seriously committed to addressing their professional development needs and aspirations; 63 % of BME teachers said their employers were not committed to ensuring their mental and physical wellbeing at work, with workload cited as the single most negative factor impacting on their wellbeing; the vast majority of BME teachers felt the Government does not respect and value teachers and does not understand the day to day realities of teaching (99 %); three quarters of BME teachers said they were not confident that their headteacher will make professional and fair decisions regarding their future pay.
«We feel teachers and schools need to have more confidence themselves about looking at what are barriers to learning.»
September 1, 2010 If an RCSD teacher ever feels alone in his or her good work, he or she need only attend REF's Partnership Awards Dinner to understand the depth and breadth of the partnerships supporting city school students.
July 28, 2009 If an RCSD teacher ever feels alone in his or her good work, he or she need only attend REF's Partnership Awards Dinner to understand the depth and breadth of the partnerships supporting city school students.
If we had an 85 percent graduation rate and we were inching up toward 90 percent, if we didn't have the worst SAT scores among 50 upstate school districts, if we didn't have a Syracuse Teachers Union survey — the results of which revealed that 300 teachers reported being assaulted on the job and more than half feel threatened on the job, and 21 percent of their new teachers teaching from zero to five years leave in addition to more seasoned veteran teachers — we wouldn't need such bold decisive action, but we're not in that cTeachers Union survey — the results of which revealed that 300 teachers reported being assaulted on the job and more than half feel threatened on the job, and 21 percent of their new teachers teaching from zero to five years leave in addition to more seasoned veteran teachers — we wouldn't need such bold decisive action, but we're not in that cteachers reported being assaulted on the job and more than half feel threatened on the job, and 21 percent of their new teachers teaching from zero to five years leave in addition to more seasoned veteran teachers — we wouldn't need such bold decisive action, but we're not in that cteachers teaching from zero to five years leave in addition to more seasoned veteran teachers — we wouldn't need such bold decisive action, but we're not in that cteachers — we wouldn't need such bold decisive action, but we're not in that category.
«Teachers across the city feel that no one is paying attention to what they really need for our kids,» said Buffalo Teachers Federation President Philip Rumore.
Teachers reported they felt they were meeting the needs of students and findings suggest a need for more professional development and additional planning time as these networks take root.
I felt so happy that I had not given up on our sessions because of my need to watch him sit up straighter, or breathe deeper, or do whatever it seemed a yoga teacher should be doing with someone.
It's been so long since I've experienced a teacher or teachers that resonate with my needs and desires of yoga practice and to feel this way with two at once is a wondrous thing.
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