Sentences with phrase «teachers in action»

Watching teachers in action, Atria carefully collected data on everything from how many students asked questions or closely read the text of a book, to the number of closed or open - ended questions a teacher asked.
No - Nonsense Nurturer was developed over several years by observing highly effective teachers in action, then creating a coaching system to support teachers as they adopt these effective strategies in their classroom.
The report notes that evaluations are most effective when value added scores are combined with other classroom measures, such as observations — which provide opportunities for school leaders and line managers to see teachers in action — and surveys of pupils about the quality of teaching they receive.
TORSH Talent is an easy to use, observation, feedback and data management platform that gives school leaders and educators an opportunity to observe teachers in action, reflect on practice, collaborate with others, measure the effectiveness of instruction and provide coaching at scale.
However, moving from school to school in virtually every neighborhood in Atlanta provided opportunities to observe teachers in action, as well as the climate and culture in each of those schools.
I have witnessed fantastic teachers in action in the schools I've visited.
Recently, I found a tool that allows me to watch videos of my teachers in action.
The evaluations quickly became a fulltime job for Steckler as he conferred with teachers, formulated standards and goals and refined them, all on top of spending more time observing teachers in action.
As co-principal at Brashear High School, a large, economically and racially diverse school on the city's South Side, she spends most of her time watching teachers in action, taking notes and pushing them to change their ways.
Some science education professors use vignettes of science teachers in action to assess various aspects of their teaching, questioning, and laboratory management (see, e.g., the InTime website,; also Krueger, Boboc, Smaldino, Cornish, & Callahan, 2004).
We also offer to schedule substitute teachers into classes to observe other substitute teachers in action or observe the actual teacher in the class settings that may or may not have paraprofessionals available in the classroom.
This photo portfolio shows student teachers in action — interacting with children and then making connections between their classroom experiences and learning theory.
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One of the ways in which we have done this is by creating a video library of our own teachers in action.
When asked for an example, he pointed to the National Board for Professional Teaching standards exam, which rates portfolios of student work and videos of teachers in action.
When visiting the school be sure to visit classrooms and observe the teachers in action with students.
«The only way I'm going to get better at teaching is to watch real teachers in action — not to mock bad teachers, but to closely observe good ones and learn from them,» she says at Gatsby in LA, her blog, where she is chronicling her experiences.
Diamond's interest in these ideas has taken him into schools to observe students, interview parents, and watch teachers in action.
I've heard him more than once explain — earnestly and sincerely — that the reason he started filming and analyzing videos of great teachers in action was because he was such an «average» teacher, and he wanted to learn the magic of the champion teachers around him.
Consequently, my lesson - planning regimen included scouring the internet for videos of skilled and innovative teachers in action.
This is a set of images showing teachers in action.
Acting Deputy Principal Peter Scott adds many schools are touring the new facilities to watch teachers in action.
Why not watch teachers in action?
All of that begins in teacher preparation programs which must include a focus on content, an understanding of cultural diversity and a strong clinical experience where prospective teachers can watch experienced teachers in action and practice under their supervision - kind of like a medical residency.
Though Dillon mentions value - added modeling, he says that the Gates researchers use it «as a starting point,» and spends most of the rest of the piece discussing their use of cameras to capture teachers in action in the classroom — they hope to have 64,000 hours of classroom video by the end of the project and have already begun the process of looking for «correlations between certain teaching practices and high student achievement» and «scoring» the lessons.
One can learn a lot by observing a great teacher in action!
Watch these videos to see an elementary teacher in action teaching Excel Math Lessons to students in Grade 5 and 6.
I am a Board Member at this Perth school and I watched the teacher in action yesterday.
Ben Graham Video A rare glimpse of the great teacher in action followed by a series of anecdotes from some of his students, including Warren Buffett and Charles Brandes.

Not exact matches

«He's right,» says Allan Baile, Grade 4/5 Teacher and MicroSociety Coordinator, «because when you see Micro in action, there's not a single student sitting anywhere.
Learn the «4 C's» of storytelling and see them in action in one of the teacher's own short stories.
Parents, students and teachers from South Florida, the state's Democratic stronghold, have been a forceful presence in the Capitol since last week, when busloads of Stoneman Douglas High students spent two days lobbying — and protesting — lawmakers, urging them to take more far - reaching action and ban all assault weapons.
Perkins Loan cancellation is currently offered to volunteers in the Peace Corps or ACTION program, teachers, members of the U.S. armed forces, nurses or medical technicians, law enforcement, Head Start workers, child or family services workers, and professional providers of early intervention services.
Last Monday, BC teachers held a Day of Action in communities across the province to protest the BC government's decision to legislate a contract and put an end to their collective bargaining process.
Students from the school in Parkland, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High, sprang into political action after losing classmates and teachers in the Feb. 14 mass shooting.
With a clear four - step methodology to help readers move from idea to action, templates for readers to map out their problems and the opposing ideas for solving them, and with practical and memorable stories, from music mogul Jay - Z, to the founder of Vanguard Group, Creating Great Choices was written with MBA students, business managers, non-profit and government agency leaders, teachers, and even elementary school students in mind.
The week - long walkout was one of the biggest teacher protests in a year marked by job actions.
Students, teachers and lawmakers have urged Trump and other Republican lawmakers to take action on guns in the wake of the Parkland shooting.
In the twentieth century, several religious teachers have stressed the interconnectedness of the life of prayer and contemplation and that of practical action.
Yet he asserts that it is better if corporal punishment is never used, for it «drives children to hate their teachers and parents, causes them to perform good actions only out of fear, and even creates in them an aversion to «true piety.»»
Maybe we who want to embody agape as «creative goodwill» are being called back into action, not this time to man the barricades or even to carry picket signs, but rather to initiate fresh forms of dialogue in parent - teacher - student organizations and town councils.
The student teachers observe the instructors in action and also work under supervision with the children themselves.
It also requires a willingness on the part of the superintendent to take action against principals or teachers whose performance does not create confidence on the part of parents, as reflected in their school choices.
Are teachers able to convey their own faith in Jesus Christ by their attitudes and actions, by the way they teach?
Just as Peter wrote in 2 Peter 2:1, the actions of the false teachers are bringing this destruction upon themselves.
The unintended consequence of these supportive actions have opened a virtual Pandora's box, revealing a smorgasboard of s@xu = al depravity that runs the gamut from NAMBLA to growing ranks of pedophile teachers, emboldened by the brazen behaviors seen in «Pride parades» and an increasingly risque mainstream media that panders to the lowest common denominator in entertainment.
These writers believed themselves to be inspired by the Spirit and called as teachers, and their writings, argues Wright, «were not simply about the coming of God's Kingdom into all the world; they were, and were designed to be, part of the means whereby that happened... Those who read these writings discovered, from very early on, that the books themselves carried the same power, the same authority in action, that had characterized the initial preaching of the «word.»
Decisions had to be made from time to time as to where or when services of the church would be held; the church needed to be told of the impending visit of an apostle, or of some prophet or teacher from abroad; a question has been raised as to the good faith of one of these visitors, and there must be some discussion of the point and a decision on it; a fellow Christian from another church is on a journey and needs hospitality; a member of the local congregation planning to visit a church abroad needs a letter of introduction to that church, which someone must be authorized to provide; a serious dispute about property rights or some other legal matter has arisen between two of the brothers and the church must name someone to help them settle the issue or must in some other way deal with it; a new local magistrate has begun to prosecute Christians for violating the law against unlicensed assembly, and consideration must be given to ways and means of meeting this crisis; charges have been brought against one of the members by another member, and these must be investigated and perhaps some disciplinary action taken; one of the members has died, and the church is called on for some special action in behalf of his family in the emergency; differences of opinion exist in the church on certain questions of morals or belief (such as marriage and divorce, or the resurrection), differences which local prophets and teachers are apparently unable to compose, and a letter must be written to the apostle — who will write this letter and what exactly will it say?
But most important in his message, as in that of the teacher also, would always be the good news of God's action in Christ, the event of Christ's advent, life, death, and resurrection, which had so recently occurred — which indeed was still occurring, for the coming of the Spirit was a part of the event and Christ was soon to come again to bring to fulfillment what had been begun.
Action 7 of the School Food Plan sets out the National College for Teaching and Leadership's (NCTL) commitment to include food and nutrition in their head teacher training programme.
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