Sentences with phrase «teachers lecturing the class»

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The company develops software to help teachers manage classes, accept and grade assignments online, and even stream lectures.
One of the amazing things about lateral learning is that you can often learn much more from your peers, role models, and even competitors than you can from any teacher, class, book, or lecture.
Within the Protestant ecclesiastical scene in California there are not many contrasts more colorful than that between Berkeley and Orange County: the University of California and Disneyland, an adult class using Bread for the World material and one deep into the Bethel Bible Series, a Georgian church building hosting the Earl Lectures (Tillich, Niebuhr, Bennett, Marty, Lehman et al.) and a 14 - story Tower of Hope hosting preachers and teachers of «possibility thinking.»
The contents in fact were edited by a fellow teacher, Frank Boyd, from class lecture notes used by Mr. Williams in a course of that title offered at Central Bible Institute (name changed to Central Bible College in the niid - ig6os) during the early and middle 1950s..
This takes place through school visits of one to several weeks annually in North America Waldorf schools, working with teachers, classes, staff, and individual students, as well as offering lectures / workshops for parents and the wider community.
Gail presented five 90 - minute lectures that covered basic and more advanced techniques that the Waldorf teacher needs to know as they prepare to teach drawing to their class, beginning in 1st grade.
A teacher at Fox River Grove Middle School who was fired after officials complained that he had turned his art classes into lectures on veganism filed an appeal Wednesday with the Illinois State Board of Education.
Put a limit on the time you spend preparing for class and anguishing over tomorrow's — worse, yesterday's — lecture; the best way to improve as a teacher is to stay relaxed and pay attention while you're in the classroom.
In a small but growing number of schools, students watch lectures online and come to class prepared to tackle assignments and collaborate with teachers and peers.
One victim was the Dynasty Foundation, which «spent some $ 30 million over 13 years on seed money for young Russian scientists and on competitions for science teachers, science festivals, and public lectures by world - class researchers» but «[wound] up its activities in July.
The KITPC outreach develops a series of scientific activities including public science lectures and science research group classes in order to popularize natural science, arouse interest in science and improve the scientific research abilities among the students and teachers of Universities and high schools.
With one month of Kundalini classes under my belt, I started saying out loud (to everyone, including my lecture audiences) that I was going to become a Kundalini teacher.
Sometimes teachers spend the entire class meeting in a virtual meeting room lecturing and presenting content.
Imagine an interactive class, where students read lecture material sent by chatbots to their favorite IM app and ask for live chat support from their teacher when they stumble upon a problem they can't solve.
Rather than lecturing or delivering whole - class instruction though, the teacher, who can be armed with data about where students are in their learning, can meet one - on - one with each student and have meaningful conversations about the work she is doing.
Instead of your teacher standing in front and lecturing at you, there is now more time for different things to happen in class.
Perhaps you interpret this as guest - lecturing at the local college in a beginning teacher's class, or leading a session at a regional education conference.
There are many valid answers to this question, however many believe that having the teacher spend the majority of the time «lecturing» to a whole class is not one of them.
Blended learning, the mix of online learning in brick - and - mortar schools, can shift how teachers allocate their time by allowing them to actually work with students based on individual students» needs, rather than simply lecturing to an entire class that may have vastly different levels of understanding.
If you think back to the time you were in school, or are in school, how much did you learn from a teacher who lectured on and on droning away through the class period?
Take for example the student who, in their native country, attended classes where the teachers always lectured and the students sat attentively listening.
For instance, there are many ways to understand Shakespeare: teachers can lecture about the Bard's plays, have students read the plays on their own, ask students to read scenes aloud to the whole class, or help the class put together a performance.
Five veteran teachers at four high schools taught macroeconomics using PBL with one or more classes and traditional lecture format in another class.
Thus, while problem - solving activities may be very effective if implemented in the correct way, simply inducing the average teacher employed today to shift time in class from lecture style presentations to problem solving, without concern for how this is implemented, contains little potential to increase student achievement.
However, there is pressure on teachers who teach in PBL environments, such as art classes and other «making» classes, that formal observations still require the teacher to perform the same old song - and - dance routine of the conventional lecture / demo.
Professor Mapp is an exceptional teacher who can transform a class discussion of 40 students in a large lecture hall into a conversation that feels as intimate as five friends sitting around a table.
Cambridge, MA — A new study finds that 8th grade students in the U.S. score higher on standardized tests in math and science when their teachers allocate greater amounts of class time to lecture - style presentations than to group problem - solving activities.
As a result, the blackboard didn't make much sense in the context of the one - room schoolhouse because the teacher rarely, if ever, stood in front of the class to lecture.
That means teachers may stop planning for whole - class instruction, delivering lectures, and grading basic tests.
And do longer classes really propel teachers to shift from lecturing to a more active teaching style, as block - scheduling advocates suggest?
When I was lecturing education students, I would ask them in their first class, who was their best teacher and why.
While students were given international tests in math and science, their teachers were asked what percentage of the overall class time was being spent on lectures, and what percent was being spent either on individual problem - solving or problem solving under the guidance of the teacher.
Jon Bergmann and Aaron Sams, two chemistry teachers in Colorado, wanted to spend more time with each student during class time, so began posting their lectures online to free up time face to face time for discussion.
Technology can free teachers to work with small groups instead of lecturing to a large class.
Frequently used in math and science classes, the flip has upended traditional learning as teachers spend less time lecturing and more time coaching.
These analysts took advantage of the fact that the 2003 Trends in International Mathematics and Science Survey (TIMSS) not only tested a nationally representative sample of U.S. 8th graders in math and science, but also asked their teachers what percentage of class time was taken up by students «listening to lecture - style presentations» rather than either «working on problems with the teacher's guidance» or «working on problems without guidance.»
Newer teaching methods might be beneficial for student achievement if implemented in the proper way, but our findings imply that simply inducing teachers to shift time in class from lecture - style presentations to problem solving without ensuring effective implementation is unlikely to raise overall student achievement in math and science.
Teacher Dianna L. Miller taught a variety of Advanced Placement courses in Florida for five years, lecturing, demonstrating concepts, and building close relationships with students she'd see every day in class.
Many teachers continue to lecture to classes about topics that have no connection to students» lives, even though today's students can find more information faster than any other generation in history.
The argument also goes that since students watch most teacher lectures at home and are receiving instruction as homework, they can spend class time working through any gaps or misunderstandings around the content with the teacher acting as «guide on the side.»
We tackle this underexplored area by investigating the relative effects of two teacher practices — lecture - style presentations and in - class problem solving — on the achievement of middle - school students in math and science.
In one technology - heavy school, the only class Oppenheimer enjoys has a teacher lecturing to orderly rows of silent students, heads bent down and taking notes.
Each teacher is expected to design lesson plans, lecture, run class discussions, grade essays and exams, mentor colleagues, supervise homeroom, and patrol the cafeteria.
When students view lectures on their own time, teachers can use class time to concentrate on collaborative work, discussion and any confusion students may have about the class.
However, whole - class direct instruction (i.e., lecturing) is not typically associated with teacher effectiveness in U.S. studies.
As noted in the second link, according to proponents of flipping, it allows teachers more time to work with students on small group and individual areas of need instead of spending in - class time lecturing.
If you're a teacher, this can be difficult to manage, especially because it's impossible to have a student bouncing all over the place in class when you're trying to relay information during a lecture.
The grants are also supporting a pilot project in the Plymouth Community School Corporation to introduce the flipped classroom, in which teachers use online videos in place of in - class lectures. Coral George interview: Marj Newbury Reception Class Teacher: Lecture Theatre?
Currently, she is following several teachers who «flipped» their classrooms (a process in which teachers have students watch the lecture portion of a class at home on video, then do the homework or more hands - on work, in class), and is preparing to go in that direction with her own class.
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