Sentences with phrase «teachers need help»

The idea was that teachers need help from experts, but new ideas stick when teachers can also learn from one another and have room to tailor training to meet the specific needs of their schools and classrooms.
Teachers need help teaching higher - order thinking skills and comprehension.
Because most districts in the state lack a comprehensive evaluation system, Ullman said it's made it districts like hers difficult to identify which teachers need help.
Even the most promising new teachers need help to accelerate their development and learn how to really make a difference for children of diverse skill levels and backgrounds.
But schools and excellent teachers need help from ed - tech innovators!
«Teachers need help assessing whether kids are making progress.
Many teachers need help covering out - of - pocket classroom expenses.
Teachers need your help to continue examining the data on discipline disparities and to implement the strategies in the guidance to close gaps.
Teachers need your help!
The best way to gain faculty support for your PBIS or positive behavior programs is to gain deep insight into where and how your teachers need your help.
It's even worse if several teachers need help.
Teachers need help with their own emotional wellbeing, and they need better training to create classrooms that support social and emotional learning.
Even the most dedicated yoga teacher needs a helping hand, and in the early days of my career, I wished I had one.
Devaney cites an example: A young capoeira teacher needed help keeping the students engaged; a simple suggestion to have a youth member instead of the instructor lead a warm - up session did the trick.
Her teachers needed her help with integration, not the technology itself.
Administrators and teachers can also take advantage of the Report Card items to identify both individual students and classrooms that need additional help, e.g., a classroom in which a lot of students are receiving low scores on self - management skills is a classroom in which the teacher needs help in classroom management.

Not exact matches

Eleven entrepreneurs, all from founding teams including women or people of color, made their cases for innovations that would help bring more real - world experience into classrooms, help teachers track the progress of special - needs students, or help underserved people find jobs, among others.
«This system was designed decades ago,» Gates continued, «and it doesn't reflect what educators have learned about helping students and teachers do their best work,» namely, that students learn far more effectively when their instruction is tailored to their specific needs.
But Gutfreund needed to find a video system that worked in order to help a client build a tablet - based education platform that would integrate live video, remote student / teacher collaboration, curriculum and rich media.
The Ontario Teachers» Pension Plan, for example, started using leadership assessments a couple of years ago to help pinpoint areas where senior staff need improvement and to verify impressions of outside candidates.
Areas with a high need for qualified teachers often have additional help.
We have frozen post-secondary tuition for two years, funded teachers and nurses that the PCs were going to cut, and created the Alberta Child Benefit Plan for low - income families, which is a $ 340 - million investment in new direct help to families who need it most.
Thus it would not be wise to say: «You have been misbehaving lately and we are going to take you to a counselor,» or «Your teacher says you are not getting along in school and you need some help
When the church is funtionioning correctly, there will be multiple elders, pastors, teachers, ect, to help with whatever arises as a need in the church.
With such a view, the function of the teacher is to help the students solve their problems and meet their needs.
The children and young people of every congregation need adults who are able to help them think critically about life values to be their teachers, leaders, and role models.
Instead, the teacher is basically a researcher who needs the student to help achieve the goal of research in a cooperative enterprise.
He gives us leaders / elders to help raise us up to spiritual maturity, and we have Holy Spirit in us who is our Ultimate Teacher, Counselor and Guide Tas the Word says, since we have Him, we need no other person to teach us).
Marianne: In my initial desire to help in the catechesis in my own parish I knew that being a teacher and a practising Catholic was not enough and that I needed training and formation.
When Our Saviour Yeshua Mashiah came it is importnat to note that he didn't try to change the Romans i.e the government at that time as His thing was not against them, he came to help people as individuals and its only when we as people change can we begin to see change in the world and this is why God is a very personal experince and not religious, we need teachers but not the religious types, we need teachers who guide us to God with us and this is what Our Saviour did, we have the freedom to choose but we can only choose if we have what to choose from and being informed helps us to do this
Church is a handy thing, Priests are teachers and counselors, they can often be of help when it is needed.
Posters from a government office urged that girls and boys be treated alike in every possible particular: teachers should not say things like: «I need two strong boys to help carry this table.»
If the ministers stressed the need for formation, the Ph.D. graduates helped us understand what kind of formation teachers need.
Cooperation as the law of the universe will lead us to restructure the school system so that teachers and students become part of a learning team, not unlike a family, with the task of helping each other learn what needs to be learned.
But a little later, a smallpox and cholera epidemic broke out and she was able to step in to help the parish priest in Bootle who needed a teacher in his school.
Decisions had to be made from time to time as to where or when services of the church would be held; the church needed to be told of the impending visit of an apostle, or of some prophet or teacher from abroad; a question has been raised as to the good faith of one of these visitors, and there must be some discussion of the point and a decision on it; a fellow Christian from another church is on a journey and needs hospitality; a member of the local congregation planning to visit a church abroad needs a letter of introduction to that church, which someone must be authorized to provide; a serious dispute about property rights or some other legal matter has arisen between two of the brothers and the church must name someone to help them settle the issue or must in some other way deal with it; a new local magistrate has begun to prosecute Christians for violating the law against unlicensed assembly, and consideration must be given to ways and means of meeting this crisis; charges have been brought against one of the members by another member, and these must be investigated and perhaps some disciplinary action taken; one of the members has died, and the church is called on for some special action in behalf of his family in the emergency; differences of opinion exist in the church on certain questions of morals or belief (such as marriage and divorce, or the resurrection), differences which local prophets and teachers are apparently unable to compose, and a letter must be written to the apostle — who will write this letter and what exactly will it say?
As a biology teacher, I just couldn't help myself in needing to correct your correction about what yeast is.
Sometimes game time is the best teacher and now I think he needs to come back and talk to the experience we have at AFC to help digest what he has learnt, to recap so to speak.
The focus of the training, delivered via professional - development workshops and phone - coaching sessions, was the personal interactions in the classroom between teachers and students; the coaches gave teachers strategies designed to help them build a «positive emotional climate» and show «sensitivity to student needs for autonomy.»
And so in these schools, where students are most in need of help internalizing extrinsic motivations, classroom environments often push them in the opposite direction: toward more external control, fewer feelings of competence, and less positive connection with teachers.
Would you help us by, you know, learning how to teach this course, going on the road, so - to - speak, and doing the parents and teachers allied program because parents need the school system to understand what's going on inside their homes, and they don't.
Thank God for gifted teachers who cherish the kids that need a little extra help, and just shower them with love.
Thank a teacher for making a difference in your life, hug a friend who has helped you in a time of need, and be sure to thank your parents for all that they have done and will continue to do for you as you embark on your next adventure.
By advocating for successful governmental policies, setting standards for professionals in the education industry, and providing professional development seminars, it helps teachers, administrators, parents, related students and other educational support staff to best support and educate the special needs children with whom they work.
Discuss the concerns shared with you by the teacher and say that you want to get help for your child but before you go to your child's physician, you would like the school to do a full psycho - educational assessment of your child so that you will have all of the information that your child's doctor will need to make a thorough assessment.
Since I won't be at the school where Charlotte is going, I thought I would write a list of «Char - isms» for her teachers, in case they need help while I am not there because let's face it, she IS sort of a handful.
To help children learn self - discipline, the parent needs to adopt the role of coach / teacher rather than that of disciplinarian and punisher.
We had a few extra teachers sit in on this class in case kids needed help, but for the most part these elementary kids really flew with the lesson.
While the preschool teacher is going to be your child's strongest ally in the classroom, the reality is that your little one isn't going to be bullied while grownups are around, so you need to help her work out what to do right then and there if another child bothers her.
He was so disinterested, in fact, that I went into his 1st grade teacher conference convinced he needed outside help with reading.
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