Sentences with phrase «teaches principles»

She is also an incredible author and is soon to release her newest book The Anxious Lawyer where she teaches the principles and secrets of using mindfulness and meditation to effectively deal with anxiety and stress among the law profession.
Hannes Famira teaches Principles of Typeface Design: Pen to Pixel and Typeface Design: Open Studio
He teaches the principles of whole brain and whole mind thinking and how to get our minds into the state where they can tap into unlimited creativity.
While other types of yoga might be practiced by beginners, a Hatha yoga course teaches the principles and basis of the yoga lifestyle.
Dr. Frank Lipman, internationally recognized expert in the field of functional medicine and founder of the Eleven Eleven Wellness Center in New York City, teaches the principles of detoxification so you can optimize your digestion, health, weight, energy and quality of life.
At MSU, she teaches Principles of Biological Diversity, Plant Ecology, and Community ecology, and she mentors undergraduate and graduate students in field - based research.
By investing the time to work and coach your future leadership team, you can thoroughly discuss and teach the principles of your culture at the deepest levels, helping to ensure a strong culture for generations to come.
Unlike other management books that focus on principles, Green teaches the principle and then gives sample dialogues for just about every situation imaginable.
The Canfield Trainer Directory, is a searchable online directory to connect with trained graduates of Jack Canfield's Train the Trainer Professional Development Program — a year - long intensive professional training program focused on how to experientially teach the principles of success and the facilitation of individual and group transformation.
He said that all universities» schools of Marxism should follow a clear - cut political orientation and teaching principles.
Your coach's main focus will be to increase your financial literacy and help you learn and utilize fundamental investment planning tools to help you go from the E and S quadrants to the B and I quadrants — teaching you the principles that can get you out of the Rat Race!
What Jefferson couldn't foresee, but which Spalding knows well, is that such mandates can only work if the teachers charged with teaching the principles reject reigning dogmas which reject the very possibility of truth.
The schools are not able to teach these principles, however valiantly they may try, because a mannerly attitude and etiquette skills are prerequisites for learning anything at all in a school setting.
The Church has always taught the principle of freedom of conscience — St. Thomas Aquinas radically so — even though that principle's application has varied over time.
I am teaching the principle you already see to my congregation.
Jesus didn't just teach principles; he taught practices.
Andrew now works with young people to try and teach them principles that he hopes will one day end the trend.
The joint Mexican and American bishops» statement, Strangers No Longer, goes beyond teaching the principles outlined by both Chip and Scaperlanda» that there is a right to migrate, qualified by considerations of the common good» to outlining a specific political program.
A visit to their website confirms that the bishops have gone far beyond teaching principles to proposing legislation and lobbying for it.
Does the bishops» charism to teach the principles of Christian social doctrine extend to those judgments of fact and of the politically feasible that are needed to turn principle into policy?
He is teaching a principle almost exactly similar to the slap on the cheek.
The Catholic church has long taught the principle of subsidiarity.
«The First Amendment ensures that religious organizations and persons are given proper protection as they seek to teach the principles that are so fulfilling and so central to their lives and faiths,» he continues, «and to their own deep aspirations to continue the family structure they have long revered.»
«The First Amendment ensures that religious organizations and persons are given proper protection as they seek to teach the principles that are so fulfilling and so central to their lives and faiths,» Kennedy wrote, «and to their own deep aspirations to continue the family structure they have long revered.»
Religious liberty is about more than just the protection for «religious organizations and persons... as they seek to teach the principles that are so fulfilling and so central to their lives and faiths.»
One of the Lord's most faithful disciples teaches us this principle well.
Eventually, Newman discovered that his own Anglican bishops not only failed to teach the principles of the via media but opposed them.
«We teach the principles of defensive and attacking play, but we work mainly on attacking.»
A Lactation Consultant can teach principles and give suggestions but there is no one perfect plan.
That's kind of how I try to live my life and I do tend to teach them those principles just by default.
My husband, a pharmacist, taught me the principle that letting yourself suffer because you are afraid of medications that have been proven to be very safe is not noble, just sad.
Teach them the principles to help them thrive, find joy and success, and let them set their own terms.
For example, by teaching the principle of, we can coach a young dad through the process of encouraging appropriate behavior in his children by developing behavior contract or setting reasonable consequences for misbehavior.
Each middle - school student would be taught the principles of savings and retirement funds and encouraged to open a checking and savings account.
Some widely held ideas about the way children learn can lead educators and parents to adopt faulty teaching principles
Focus: Today we will design a hamburger — In technology classes children are taught the principles of cookery and design.
We should teach the principles of deductive and inductive logic underpinning all rational thought.
We are also working with CERN to develop games and animations to teach the principles of quantum physics to children as young as four and six years old.
The International Dark Sky Association is to be commended for bringing important issues like these before the public and supporting efforts to teach the principles of good lighting on the ground.
Traditional cultures make provisions for the health of future generations by providing special nutrient - rich foods for parents - to - be, pregnant women and growing children; by proper spacing of children; and by teaching the principles of right diet to the young.
By enrolling as a member of the Weston A. Price Foundation today, you will be helping to orchestrate a worldwide campaign to teach the principles of sound nutrition and facilitate the return of nutrient - dense foods to American tables.
In the most strictest of definitions, Webster defines it as a principle or position; the body of principles, teachings, or instructions; taught principles in a branch of knowledge; a system of belief.
You will be helping us achieve our primary goal — to teach the principles of good nutrition and help tomorrow's children achieve their natural birthright of robust good health.
The purpose of my Fat Loss FAST system is to teach you the principles of intermittent fasting and flexible dieting so you will never have to rely on a method or meal plan again.
Standing postures teach the principles of correct movement and improve postural anomalies.
I am lucky to teach them principles of intuitive eating, remind them of their bodies» inner wisdom and help them develop strategies to make self - care a priority.
You will be taught the principle of deep relaxation and guided through a practice that eliminates physical and emotional tension, replacing it with equanimity.
Krishna goes beyond teaching the principles of Yoga.
Traditional cultures make provisions for the health of future generations by providing special nutrient - rich animal foods for parents - to - be, pregnant women and growing children; by proper spacing of children; and by teaching the principles of right diet to the young.
Our unique concept is EAST MEETS EAST IN THE WEST A blend of teachings from Yoga schools, Chinese medicine, TaiChi and Qiqong to develop unique teaching principles to deliver a well - balanced practice to practitioners.
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