Sentences with phrase «teaching an example about»

Mediating in the Shadow of Faith: Personal Beliefs, The BATNA Analysis, and Dealmaking (04/21/17) This is a fictional story based on fact, teaching an example about mediation.

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Although the T. Rowe Price survey found that 69 percent of parents are very or extremely concerned about setting a good financial example for their kids, 40 percent are relying on a «do as I say, not as I do» attitude for teaching their kids about money.
I saw him once literally bleed from the bottoms of his feet, a man who came here uneducated, alone, unable to speak the language, who taught me all I needed to know about faith and hard work by the simple eloquence of his example
For example, one episode is titled, «Three things Instagram won't teach you about being an entrepreneur,» and another is, «Enough with the webinars and ecourses, go hustle and have patience.»
Example: Everyone's talking about the benefits of outsourcing, but nobody teaches how to onboard new contractors quickly and manage their work effectively.
For example, my company reached out to Pivotal Labs to have a representative come to our office to teach us about its development process.
All the examples that we discuss here have been conducted by members of the HubSpot marketing team, and each test can teach you a lesson about A / B testing.
Show notes: Recap: Our motivation to be teaching pre-teens about money: Other people's bad examples are all around us, including the US government.
Show notes: Recap: Our motivation to be teaching kids about money: Other people's bad examples are all around us, including the US government.
Although there is some dispute about his teaching, it would seem that Spinoza, for example, equated God with the systematic perfection of the world order.
Blind faith is used as a caution By one that knows when teaching the ignorant about such things as fire for example, when the student comprehends feeling heat, they learn without burning themselves.
That text you shared, is it teaching about slavery or is slavery used as an example?
There are amazing apostolates out there to explain these teachings (One More Soul, based in the US, is a fine example), yet few know of these and even fewer talk openly about this issue within the Church.
So while I agree that this is an example of how long some of these teachings went, even here they were interactive discussions, and while we can not be certain, the discussion was probably about the interpretation and application of biblical texts.
Most young people do know that the Church teaches, for example, that abortion is wrong (sometimes it's about the only thing they do know about the Catholic Church!)
We usually focus on the content of faiths and policies in disputing groups; for example, the Catholic bishops» pastoral letters, the sermonic messages of Martin Luther King, Jr., and black churches, Mormon doctrines about equality or inequality, New Christian Right teachings based on revealed truths, or Jews» concepts of the land of Israel.
Why do we have to accommodate this» healing» How about they build a memorial in their country and teach their children that what they did was wrong as an example, lead by example.
We are likewise learning more about first century religion in Palestine — as, for example, about the place of synagogue, Torah, temple and sacrifice; the meaning of the terms «Pharisee,» «Essene,» «Sadducee,» «apocalyptist»; the nature of Judaism and of rabbinic teaching.
Not all Christians will follow the lead of the new monastics to create intentional communities in abandoned places of empire, but those that do, such as the folks at Camden House in New Jersey, can teach the rest of us a lot — for example, about environmental racism.
It would be quite in keeping with the Lukan practice to prefer a version of a saying he found in another source to that of Mark, as, for example, he prefers the Q version of the teaching about divorce (Luke 16.18 / / Matt.
What about the examples of this same kind of teaching that are, on occasions, still present in the New Testament?
Gustav Aulen's contention, for example, that the New Testament teaching on Christ's death is teaching simply about his conquest of the devil — the «classic motif» falls into this category as does Karl Barth's understanding of evil conveyed in his term das Nichtige or Karl Rahner's «supernatural existential.»
We forget that we are the light of the world and are suppose to set an example for other believers and for those we are trying to teach about Jesus.
Early in development children are taught by example, if not by word of mouth, to conceal their real feelings about many things.
On Biblical grounds, we note, for example, that Jesus» ministry is summarized in the Gospels in ways like the following: «And he went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every infirmity among the people.»
Examples are 9/11 hijackings, The holding back of stem cell research that could save countless human lives, Aids being spread due to religious opposition to the use of condoms, Christians legally fighting this year to teach over 1 million young girls in America that they must always be obedient to men, the eroding of child protection laws in America by Christians, for so called faith based healing alternatives that place children's health and safety at risk, burning of witches, the crusades, The Nazi belief that the Aryans were god's chosen to rule the world, etc... But who cares about evidence in the real world when we have our imaginations and delusions about gods with no evidence of them existing.
For example, during the controversies about evolution, some Christians insisted that only the view now called creationist could be taught in departments of biology in their schools.
(To comprehend the Orthodox teaching on the Resurrection, for example, you would look at icons and hymns about the Resurrection.)
By centering this article on communities, I have not mentioned, for example, those who taught me most about how — as distinct from what — to think theologically and historically: Robert L. Calhoun and H. Richard Niebuhr of Yale, and Paul Vignaux of Paris.
For example, he says that the Bible teaches us about Jesus (p. 237).
Many of them have been outspoken about the teaching of Joel Osteen, for example.
No different from you being indoctrinated to believe what your school taught you about US history, for example.
I have also found myself looking into the faces of that diversified company of informal students embracing, for example, my colleagues teaching in other fields, as well as those other friends from all walks with whom I spend sustaining nonworking hours and who, ever and again even in the midst of play, put me back to work with «simple» innocent questions about the Bible.
For example, you infer that the Catholic Church is wrong about Birth Control, so your suggestion is to change the teaching.
The Apostle's Creed presents us with the Trinity (that is not all it presents, but just an example), which gives us the basic idea that the Gospel is about community, which then needs to be expanded through the teaching in the church to explain social justice, kingdom living, responsibility towards earth - care, etc..
(18) This is but one example of how the marginalized of the world have much to teach the Western world about social compassion.
It would be a bit like a Muslim teaching a room full of other Muslims about Christianity and using Westboro Baptist Church as the only example.
After a year or so I began to teach them about, «GOD's PLAN» for His Church, and I gave the Early Church Pattern to them, as an example.
(3) The goal of paideia can not be taught directly — for example, by simply conveying information about various philosophers» doctrines regarding virtue.
Lear uses the example of a teacher who is suddenly and inexplicably struck with perplexity, not just about this or that aspect of teaching but about the very meaning of teaching.
We needed someone who could answer off the cuff the detailed attacks made on Church history and policy: opposition to the use of condoms to combat AIDS, magisterial teaching about homosexuality; the Church's historical attitude to slavery, involvement in the crusades, relations with the Jewish people; someone who could properly confront and contextualise the evil actions of some members of the Church - in Ireland or Rwanda, for example.
For example, such a culture may include some or all of the following; ongoing safety classes for parents, children and youth, sermons that teach about the value of children and that openly address issues related to abuse, ongoing child protection training for staff and volunteers, and the hosting of community wide events that address issues related to abuse.
Thus, the rest of the Gospels are the story of this King, the teachings of this King about His Kingdom (for example, the kingdom parables and sermon on the mount), and how this King ascends to His throne (Philippians 2).
For example, if we had only the writings of Paul (which probably were the very earliest reports about Jesus to have been written down), we would never have read that Jesus ever taught in parables or proverbs, or that he performed miracles, or that he was born of a virgin, since all of that information was written in the Gospels after the letters of Paul.
I was an adult before I figured out who Jesus really was and I wondered why I had never heard anything about loving our neighbors and living like Jesus had taught and had shown by example.
How can these politicians believe that god uses them for his will... there are many out there that actually believe that god is using the U.S. to bring about his will... example... world peace... that is such a lie and makes no sense... the bible teaches that only gods kingdom will bring peace and security to humanity... no nation will bring about his will... much less currupt war mongering politicians... all nations left and right wingers or whatever will be crushed!!!!
For example, the sexual revolution forced us to rethink our teaching about the body.
The hostility to Buddhism, for example, does not arise out of Biblical teaching about Buddhism.
Is it equally legitimate for Catholic apologists for legal abortion, and even its facilitation by public funding, to appeal to Aquinas» teaching about the toleration of evil, as Mario Cuomo, for example, has done?
While Genesis 6:5 does speak about a specific period of time (before the Flood), but the conclusion of that verse is that Man is totally wicked / depraved and it shows Man's true sinful nature.Me personally, I don't use Genesis 6:5 to prove that man is totally depraved when Paul teaches that in Ephesians and Romans.Scripture teaches that man is DEAD, Dead is his Sin, and it's God who makes one ALIVE.The simplest example is Lazarus dead in the Tomb when Jesus called him forth.Lazarus came forth.Could of Lazarus resisted?
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