Sentences with phrase «teaching challenging concepts»

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«It challenges the textbook concepts taught in introductory geology classes.»
It is «very, very challenging to try to explain concepts like mass - energy equivalence... to students who are not physics students,» says Schwarz, who also teaches elementary particle physics to Vassar nonmajors.
I've been thinking about iterations on this game to challenge students further or teach different concepts — for example, modifying it to focus on building actual continents or civilizations that students are learning about.
Teaching students to identify similar or different concepts can be challenging.
Our greatest challenge in producing these weekly series was trying to pair them in some meaningful way to uncounted general science and high school chemistry curricula — teaching different chemistry concepts, in different sequences, to greatly different «prior knowledge» levels.
Mathematics can be challenging for students to understand because the concepts are abstract, which is the main reason it's important to provide visuals and manipulatives to students when first teaching a concept.
Wentworth: Teaching all the high school sciences presents a constant challenge to put visual concepts into a tactile, graphic format — but it is an area I thoroughly enjoy.
At a recent professional development workshop I challenged teachers to create short animated sequences that would illustrate and teach a concept.
Teaching engineering concepts to elementary students can be a challenge.
The principle of inclusion of all students in daily teaching practice and activities is a simple concept in presentation but can offer pragmatic challenges to ensure that it is true inclusion, meaningful and significant for all.
I'm not a gambling person, but if I had to place a bet on one sure - fire method for engaging students, increasing test scores, reaching students who fall below standards, challenging students who exceed grade - level standards, accessing students» creativity and originality, maximizing brain connections formed, applying concepts to new situations, and making the learning process more fun for the students and teacher, I would place that bet on... teaching the core curriculum through the arts.
Giving teachers the confidence to teach these concepts sets young people up to successfully navigate a whole host of real - world challenges
For the next 25 years, Dockterman tested and created dozens of educational programs, among them the award - winning Science Court, an animated television show that aired on ABC Kids that taught the fundamental concepts of elementary and middle school science; the Great Ocean Rescue, a computer application where students face four challenging rescue missions that take them deep into the world's oceans; and Decisions, Decisions, a game that teaches students the complexities of topics like immigration, the constitution, environment, or building a nation through role - playing and informed discussion.
Noted challenges with: Time to teach all concepts Student ownership of materials via connection to study habits Teacher comfort level with math curriculum program being used Student demonstrating knowledge on performance tasks Student reasoning abilities Resources: Problem...
There are excellent content driven books and periodicals that can challenge how you teach critical concepts.
However, with many teachers only having experience in one or two STEM content areas, arts and humanities teachers being called upon to incorporate STEM, and with the number of preservice vocational teacher preparation programs decreasing, teaching integrated STEM concepts to meet these workforce demands can be challenging.
In addition, the course will continue our engagement with the current issues, challenges, and opportunities associated with science teaching and learning at the secondary level, with particular emphasis on the assurance that all students have opportunities to learn the core ideas, practices, and crosscutting concepts (as outlined in state and national standards documents), while leveraging students» interests, prior knowledge, and lived experiences.
In addition, the course is designed for engagement with the current issues, challenges, and opportunities associated with science teaching and learning at the secondary level, with particular emphasis on the assurance that all students have opportunities to learn the core ideas, practices, and crosscutting concepts (as outlined in state and national standards documents), while leveraging students» interests, prior knowledge, and lived experiences.
Instructional strategies include a variety of challenging and engaging activities that are clearly related to the concepts and skills being taught.
The chapter is about whether and how data derived via the Tripod student survey instrument (i.e., as built on 7Cs: challenging students, control of the classroom, teacher caring, teachers confer with students, teachers captivate their students, teachers clarify difficult concepts, teachers consolidate students» concerns) align with the data derived via Danielson's Framework for Teaching, to collectively capture teacher effectiveness.
Assign a teacher to lead the station (s) that will require the most support (e.g., teaching a new concept, completing challenging tasks or multi-step processes).
The provision of a communal constructivism environment supported student learning as they met the challenges of creating interactive digital applications to teach a mathematical concept to their peers.
The plan seeks to implement the concept of using the campus as a kind of «living laboratory» to explore innovative and scalable ways of tackling the daunting challenges of climate change, and to use that living laboratory to enhance the educational experience of MIT's students and provide new hands - on teaching opportunities for its faculty.
I don't mean the sort of respect that is old fashioned «teaching by authority», where you accept and memorize everything I say because I'm the teacher and I said so; I actually tell my students not to believe what I way just because I'm the teacher, to challenge it, to test it, and then when it makes sense or corresponds to their experiences in the labs (which at least spot check the concepts, although such checks can not be exhaustive) accept it and build a strong conceptual understanding.
Interpretive dance may not have much value to an optometrist — but if you're an interpretive dance instructor, suddenly you have invaluable experience adapting to conflicting personalities and teaching abstract concepts in a challenging environment.
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