Sentences with phrase «teaching decisions»

Help teachers make informed teaching decisions that have a positive impact on children's progress.
Then, they sit down with the teacher to get an understanding of the motivations behind teaching decisions.
Although her team looked at data regularly, the teachers seldom used data strategically to shape teaching decisions.
Is research used to inform teaching decisions, and is assessment used to inform instruction?
Cognitive understanding of how students learn; emotional preparation to relate to many students whose varied needs are not always evident; content knowledge from which to draw different ways to present a concept; and, finally, the ability to make teaching decisions quickly and act on them.
Shulman described a few of the basics required of the expert teacher: cognitive understanding of how students learn; emotional preparation to relate to many students whose varied needs are not always evident; content knowledge from which to draw different ways to present a concept; and, finally, the ability to make teaching decisions quickly and act on them.
The Instructor's Manual serves as a guide for teaching the Decisions Skills Class, which is designed to be a group learning activity taught in three 60 or 90 minute class sessions, either as a free - standing class, or as part of a longer parenting class.
All these tests provide valuable data that teachers can use to establish where students are in their long - term learning, diagnose individual strengths and weaknesses, identify the best next steps for action, decide on appropriate evidence - based interventions, monitor the progress students make over time, and evaluate the effectiveness of their own teaching decisions and approaches.
«And then there's another issue there that [for a teacher] goes to: What teaching decisions do I need to make, based on the information that I have?
Furthermore, the preservice teachers blended components of this specialized knowledge to make in - the - moment teaching decisions when integrating technology into tutoring sessions.
In addition, since the effectiveness of technology integration can influence future teaching decisions, we gathered social validity data regarding the participants» perceptions of the iPad implementation process during the study.
Like other researchers, we found that participants» close observations of students» engagement and understanding prompted teaching decisions and, hence, provided opportunities for developing teacher knowledge (Courduff et al, 2016; Park & Oliver, 2008).
Literacy educators need a way of collecting data on students» progress so that classroom and intervention teachers can use the information to assess literacy behaviors and make sound teaching decisions.
In this section, we describe the types of teaching decisions the preservice teachers made, identify the kinds of knowledge underlying those decisions, and convey participants» perceptions regarding the implementation of iPad apps during the lessons.
Professional networks of expertise are important in Reading Recovery: from thetrainers who train tutors / teacher leaders, to the tutors / teacher leaders who train theteachers, to the teachers who make teaching decisions in their lessons with children.
As such, they teach decision - making based on evidence and historical data.
Billy Graham, I have some problems with, he taught decision theology.
We identified two primary kinds of teaching decisions: planning and in - the - moment (although occasionally we could not be certain whether a decision was made spontaneously or while planning the lesson).
Teaching decisions should be made by teachers and the richer the information they have about the learners, the better.
The teaching decisions within the guided reading lesson play a critical role in helping students gain flexible reading strategies that allow them to read more challenging text.
How will your metaphor shape and guide your teaching decisions?
It should not, however, be the role it has chosen to play over the past decade — dictating classroom behavior, micromanaging curricular and teaching decisions, and mandating assessment practices.
You want to have armed them with information and taught them decision making skills, but you also want them to know that you're available as a resource to them!
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