Sentences with phrase «teaching efforts for»

Highly energetic paraprofessional with 15 years experience assisting the teaching efforts for preschool, general education, and special education students.
Summary: Highly energetic paraprofessional with 15 years experience assisting the teaching efforts for preschool, general educat...
While all courthouse libraries (if and when staffed) offer reference and research assistance to local lawyers, including assistance in accessing and using free web and subscribed digital legal research resources, not all are engaged in formal teaching efforts for their local bar.

Not exact matches

I have known Jamie for many years and have been impressed with his dynamism as he has ramped up his restaurant business and built his worldwide brand through his various TV shows, all the while pouring his efforts into teaching people to eat better, drawing public attention to the poor quality of school lunches, and developing Fifteen, his restaurant and social enterprise that trains unemployed young people to become professional chefs.
Business schools are reaching for real - life examples to teach old - school business practices in an effort to engage their students.
She decided to make a concerted effort to develop her staff into one that was engaged and invested in the company by teaching a half - day workshop on the basics for making a business successful.
U.S. motorcycle ridership has stalled in spite of Levatich's efforts to introduce models for first - time buyers and teach more Americans how to safely get around on bikes.
The group supports teachers and community organizations in their effort to teach pre-teens, teens and young adults the financial skills they'll need for financial independence and decision - making.
No effort is made to teach the importance of marriage as the proper home for sexual intimacy.»
Jews are taught early that the atonement of Yom Kippur must be preceded by the effort to reconcile with persons one has hurt, and that it is forbidden to be callous when approached for forgiveness.
That the majority of the relatively few men coming forward for priesthood now want to be faithful to the magisterium is likely due in large part to the enormous efforts of John Paul II and Benedict XVI to teach the «full faith», the «full content of the life of Christ».
Yes, he said, we are happy that Christians no longer teach contempt for the synagogue, and yes, we are pleased with any efforts to end the persecution of Jews.
Biblicism falls apart, Smith says, because of the «the problem of pervasive interpretive pluralism,» for «even among presumably well - intentioned readers — including many evangelical biblicists — the Bible, after their very best efforts to understand it, says and teaches very different things about most significant topics... It becomes beside the point to assert a text to be solely authoritative or inerrant, for instance, when, lo and behold, it gives rise to a host of many divergent teachings on important matters.»
We present some «plan of salvation,» then dedicate our lives to politically fighting any efforts to allow our nation to adopt the principles Jesus taught as a basis for merting needs.
Arguing for them not to believe in something that they've been taught to be true since they could speak is a futile effort.
For the sake of convenience, the locus of the minister's teaching efforts has so far been assumed to be the local church or some extension thereof.
A solution the pope proposes for combating fake news on an individual basis: Listen to diverse sources instead of engaging with homogenous news environments: «Praiseworthy efforts are being made to create educational programs aimed at helping people to interpret and assess information provided by the media, and teaching them to take an active part in unmasking falsehoods, rather than unwittingly contributing to the spread of disinformation.»
22 Some people would need to make a considerable effort to put themselves into the attitude in which his teaching would have meaning for them.
So while I am grateful for those people who have devoted their lives to studying Greek, I know that I will never be able to «compete» on their level, and so for my Bible teaching efforts, learning Chinese, Spanish, or Hindi would have bee much more valuable so that I could communicate with the people who are in my neighborhood.
The concern of the prophets and the Lord Jesus Christ for the epileptic, the demoniac, the anxious, and the fear - ridden provided both model and motivation for this effort to teach ministers about the contemporary ministry to people in mental illness.
This rescue effort was not for him to toss some teaching our way and hope we would live better lives, but rather Gods rescue effort is that he came down himself to communicate in the most clear form possible his intentions and desires, and to make a sacrificial provision for pardon for mans crimes against God.
If, as Donald Davidson has taught us, hermeneutical charity is the effort to maximize the sense of views we oppose and to search for all possible areas of agreement whenever we engage a view whose truthfulness and coherence we doubt, then I feel bound to conclude — alas — that Wolterstorff's lecture lacks such charity almost entirely.
Many Presbyterians, for example, no longer found the standard Calvinist teachings on double predestination and limited atonement compelling, and efforts were made to alter the Westminster Shorter Catechism to reflect a «modern» point of view.
Those who claim to be Christian strive to follow the model he gave (one of total non-violence) and his teachings which incude love for neighbor and, more importantly, help other to put their hope — not in man's various pitiful efforts to rule themselves, all which have fallen way too short (since man was not created to rule man)-- but rather in God's Kingdom... the only true panacea to ANY and ALL of today's worldwide problems.
First, the rise of Darwinian evolutionary theory for almost the first time brought about efforts of some Christians to interfere with the scientific teaching to which by the late nineteenth century higher education was committed.
The italics are Teilhard's own; and the succeeding pages of the essay from which the quotation comes show that for him «what has gone wrong» was the failure of much traditional Christian teaching and preaching to see that the world — the whole created order in its materiality, along with man's grasp of the importance of secular effort and achievement — is an ongoing movement in which significance is given to human life.
George Weigel has written a definitive refutation of the media's spin, which, predictably, interprets every sane (and commonplace) pastoral observation about the need for the Church to welcome sinners and accompany them in their efforts to seek sanctity as a sea change in Catholic teaching on sex and marriage.
In fact, this same body has attacked the Ukrainian Greco - Catholic Church for supporting Ukraine's efforts at self - defense (that support is purely in terms that flow from Catholic social teaching).
He has directed his efforts to giving already certified teachers the necessary tools and understanding for this kind of teaching.
For is not Anglican existence in a place like Montreal (where Farrow teaches) a relic of a previous poaching effort into Roman Catholic land?
Not only did that effort take all the juice out of teaching, making the course a dull business for all of us, but I could never quite allay the students» suspicion (and mine) that I was still covertly an apologist for Christianity.
If revelation has sought to teach us of the mysteries of the Trinity transcending human reason, we must remember that its reflection began in the effort to understand just how God and the person of Jesus are to be related, and must make allowance for the partial or total eclipse of specific revelational content by the overlay of philosophical speculation.
We're taught to regard large - scale efforts of understanding as ideologies; they are «meta - narratives» that serve as masks for power.
For example, last year we started a program where we had an outside instructor come in and teach ESL classes to small groups of our employees in an effort to improve communication within a very diverse crew.
Thank you for your support in every single thing I do, for your daily morning prayers over my safety and future; for your ceaseless efforts to show me that your love is constant and never fading; for your example as a woman of God, and for everything that you have taught me and shaped me to be.
Welcome to Cooking Without Recipes, in which we teach you how to make a dish we love, but don't worry too much about the nitty - gritty details of the recipe, in an effort for you to create your own spin.
Any effort on the part of parents to teach environmental responsibility to their children can therefore be considered strictly remedial; the best thing they could have done for Mother Earth would have been not to add another human to her burden in the first place.
Meanwhile, in connection with the event, the Food Revolution Community has renewed its effort to gather over one million supporters for Jamie's petition seeking better school food for, and the teaching of home cooking skills to, children.
If they would just make a little more effort to teach what they know to the kids, their job would become easier and less frustrating for them, as well as everyone else.
We took the lovely Ms. Jaclyn on a little shopping spree to TJ Maxx in an effort to teach her how she could round out her Fall 2009 wardrobe at TJ's for less than $ 300.
Later, my mother made a bigger effort to make our toys diverse AND teach us not to listen to others for definitions of pretty.
Praising kids for a solid effort teaches them that even though things don't always go as planned, it's important to persist and improve.
Consider teaching your spouse or others that care for your child how to sign so they can help you with your efforts.
Unfortunately, almost none of that could be said to come «naturally» in a society that doesn't always teach men to fully respect or nurture their partners, doesn't provide universal paid parental leave for all parents, doesn't ensure that all healthcare providers understand what it means to support mothers» efforts to breastfeed, doesn't teach people what it looks like to establish a nursing relationship, and pushes mothers to put all sorts of other things (financial obligations, social pressures to entertain guests and / or «get their body back») ahead of their postpartum recovery.
Advocates for culturally relevant education practices hope the new NYC schools chancellor, Richard Carranza, who once established a mariachi curriculum while teaching in Arizona, will support their efforts.
Some recent stories in the mainsteam media have blasted this particular effort, but for those of us who work in this space, the campaign teaches some lessons we can incorporate into our own future work:
Our efforts to educate our children and young adults through service goes beyond classroom learning, it is life learning, it is teaching the values of respect and compassion for others,» said the Iwanenkos.
In addition to being academically weak, these teachers are dissatisfied with their job and will use more effort on searching for another job than on their actual teaching.
Over the weekend, Republican candidate for governor Rob Astorino appeared a firearms festival in Sullivan County and made supportive statements of the organizers» efforts to teach marksmanship and firearms training for kids.
On the efforts by the President Muhammadu Buharu administration to improve electricity in Nigeria, Fashola said «Federal government is implementing off - grid renewable energy solutions such as rural mini-grids, standalone home solutions, IPP for Federal Universities, Teaching Hospitals and large - scale solar PV projects such as the Jigawa solar city.
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