Sentences with phrase «teaching materials at»

The Internet puts free teaching materials at your disposal 24 - 7, if you just know where to find them.
Recently, he has called for armed guards in city schools and held up the state budget while pushing to end state oversight of teaching materials at Orthodox schools.

Not exact matches

Charlene Markley, an anthropology professor at Reed College, is building an extraordinary database of images, all drawn from mainstream advertising materials, to use as teaching aids in a sex and gender class.
Not only did he learn the materials, but he went on to teach as both a student tutor and a teaching assistant at Carnegie Mellon.
Under federal securities rules, public companies aren't supposed to disclose «material information» about their business performance unless it's made widely available to the public, noted Stephen Diamond, an associate professor who teaches securities law at Santa Clara University.
I teach a class at Princeton on how to grow ideas into self - sustaining enterprises and I could not find good materials to use for my class so I wrote this book.
APPEDU — We Guide, You Lead Our company motto, «We Guide, You Lead», presents our aim at breeding the excellence through providing a comprehensive environment of teaching experts with the appropriate tools and materials, guiding our students throughout the learning process, and becoming the leader of their bright future....
Equity Campaigns APPEDU — We Guide, You Lead Our company motto, «We Guide, You Lead», presents our aim at breeding the excellence through providing a comprehensive environment of teaching experts with the appropriate tools and materials, guiding our students throughout the learning process, and becoming the leader of their bright future....
The joke, due to the incompetence of the professors teaching the material, has at least to do with the fact that they will not learn Spanish or anthropology in their classes.
The evidence indicates that the written sources of our Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) are not later than c. AD 60; some of them have even been traced back to notes taken of our Lord's teaching while His words were actually being uttered... We have then in the Synoptic Gospels, the latest of which was complete between 40 - 50 years after the death of Christ, material which took shape at a still earlier time, some of it even before His death, and which, besides being for the most part 1st hand evidence, was transmitted along independent and trustworthy lines.»
If it no longer betrays «the freshness and vividness of original composition,» at least it bears the marks of the hard age in which it arose, reflects the circumscribed outlook of its author and first readers, and reveals most clearly the paucity of the materials at the author's disposal — especially for a presentation of Jesus» teaching.
Reacting to the findings, Rev Dr Sandra Millar, head of life events at the Church of England told Premier: It can feel like the pressure to do something material for them [children] is overwhelming but actually, in the long - term, when we look back at our parents, what we remember about our mums are those values [they taught].»
Gadamer, of how the inspired text, which we question in order to find its meaning and relevance, questions, criticizes, challenges and changes us in the process -» Some who today raise the proper question, whether there are not culturally relative elements in Paul's teaching about role relationships (an the material has to be thought through from this standpoint), seem to proceed improperly in doing so; for in effect they take current secular views about the sexes as fixed points, and work to bring Scripture into line with them - an agenda that at a stroke turns the study of sacred theology into a venture in secular ideology.
First, it is plain that the empty tomb was not the originating factor since careful critical study of the material found at the end of all four Gospels makes it clear that the stories about the empty tomb are more in the category of Christian apologetic — however honestly believed and taught at the time when the Gospels were compiled from earlier oral tradition — than in that of historical reporting.
For a number of reasons, most observers agree that this material is a variety of sources; there may be some authentic teaching of Jesus here, but there is also some material that the church used to warn the Christians to flee from Jerusalem at the time of the Roman attack in A.D. 70.
Descartes» disappointment over his formation at school and university taught him to learn to mistrust the senses, that is to say the technique of interpretation of material things by means of the senses.
So, for instance, if it is not clear to the readers of my work that my writing is done by an Episcopalian Christian, I will have failed to practice this virtue — which, of course, includes my making clear at which points the materials I study or engage seem to me false, noxious, or incomplete; just as it includes my making clear when and in what ways it seems to me that the materials I engage are true, have taught me something I didn't know before, or may be of use to me and my community in its search to apprehend and incarnate the gospel.
It is not possible, according to Catholic teaching, to avoid even the mere possibility of a conflict between sacred theology and science by delimiting beforehand and on principle the domain of reality to which the propositions asserted by each refer, in such a way that even the material object of each set of affirmations would be different from the start and as a consequence no contradiction at all would be possible (Denzinger 2109).
Of the creation of C S Lewis material there seems to be no end, but some of it is excellent, like the Journal of Inklings Studies, edited by Judith and B N Wolfe, both teaching at Oxford.
After an armistice was signed in the summer of 1953 the Century indicated its support of the United Nations action in Korea by asserting that «now that aggression has been restrained at great cost in life and material, it is to be hoped that communist expansionists have been taught a lesson and that no other test of like character will be demanded of United Nation members» (August 5).
At the same time, the basic emphases of the previous presentation of the teaching of Jesus have survived the stringent re-examination of the material.
A few years ago, teaching a course on religion in Western civilization at MIT, I struggled to screen out my own religious bias from my presentation of the materials.
In only three days you can become a Certified Attached at the Heart Parent Educator (CAHPE) a program of Attachment Parenting International (API), with the information and materials you need to start teaching parenting classes in your community.
The fluidity of this approach provides extensive engagement that leads to lifelong connections with the material taught, the teachers involved and the bigger questions at the heart of each subject.
Through my writings (books, scholarly articles, popular articles, and website), my lectures at conferences (for physicians, lactation consultants, health departments, and LLL groups), and my university classroom teaching (I manage to work this material into every class, no matter what the official topic might be), I have been able to pass along the lessons I learned from LLL to thousands of people, who in turn have passed them along.
(In full disclosure, I teach at a hospital and have been able to teach fully and freely how I like to present material and topics.)
Decoding The Complaint: You may be tempted to believe that your child already knows the material being taught at school when they come home with this complaint.
Gayle Berry has written and designed all course materials and has a PGCE in Teaching and Delivering Learning to post 16 sector.Gayle has ten years experience as a teacher and is also the author of a successful book «Baby Massage - Expert know - how at your fingertips».
With merely 5,000 square feet of space to provide treatment to the young clients, our dedicated group of therapists used equipment and materials that were donated or purchased at yard sales to conduct physical, occupational and speech therapy based on the sensory integration techniques taught by pioneer, Dr. Jean Ayres.
If he gets them wrong, he needs to look back at the teaching material, or find another book that explains better, or re-think his strategy.
I think I know the material through at least 9th grade (although, I may even be too confident there), but I do not know how to teach or really help someone understand material.
She actively teaches the Ruhi children's class material developed by the Ruhi Institute, and has developed a supplemental curriculum for children ages 0 - 2 and ages 3 - 5 which has been very successful in her work at the neighborhood - level building community with families.
If your school isn't teaching your child these things, then it might be a good idea to find some educational materials and work on critical thinking skills at home.
At 11 a.m., NYS Schools Chancellor Betty Rosa, state Education Commissioner MaryEllen Elia and other educators announce the first - in - nation curriculum materials to teach children about sepsis prevention, P.S. 150, 40 - 01 43rd Ave., Queens.
it's very unusual for the Department of Justice to permit prosecutors to raid an attorney's office and that's because you want to be careful not to get privileged material,» said Litman, who teaches at the UCLA School of Law and continues to practice at the law firm Constantine Cannon.
«That is why one of the purposes of the workshop is to ensure that mothers are taught on how they can make the best use of food materials at their disposal.
Most Primary Schools in the Local Government Areas hitherto occupied by Boko Haram were completely destroyed, the Universal Basic Education Board is to undertake reconstruction of all primary schools, renovate existing schools, supply most needed educational materials and of course feed the primary school pupils across the State and provide more furniture to enhance teaching and learning at the primary school level» Shettima said.
The Thursday release from Faso's campaign referred to Teachout, who teaches at Fordham Law School, as «Vermont - native - turned - New York City - professor - turned Hudson - Valley - weekender - turned - NY -19-congressional-candidate» and claims she has «dived headfirst into the transactional worlds of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and presumptive Democratic Party presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in order to enlist their financial and material support in her run for Congress.»
The District Chief Executive (DCE) for his part said the assembly will continue to support brilliant but needy students at various levels of the academic ladder, provision of physical infrastructure, motivation packages for teachers as well as provision of teaching and learning materials.
The three best guides to deciding what to teach are your colleagues (either at your home institution or at comparable institutions), textbooks, and Web sites that disseminate curricular material.
4.3.4 Distribute a copy of individual articles or items of the Licensed Materials in print or electronic form on an occasional basis to other Authorized Users; for the avoidance of doubt, this sub-clause shall include the distribution of a copy for teaching purposes to each individual student Authorized User in a class at the Licensee's institution;
I was both fascinated by the task and appalled at the quality of teaching materials being used (they had an awful book called The Structure of Scientific English which bored students to death).
At least you can get a copy of the material they get on teaching and sit in on their class now and then to see what goes on.
He spun a Ph.D. in materials science and engineering into a 4 - year stint as a physics professor at a small liberal arts college, where he was hired to teach courses for nonmajors.
And I taught an introductory materials science class at a local community college.
In 1984, as a graduate student at Brown University, Yang Wei took a course in materials science taught by a new assistant professor.
«When compared to learners expecting a test, learners expecting to teach recalled more material correctly, they organized their recall more effectively and they had better memory for especially important information,» said lead author John Nestojko, PhD, a postdoctoral researcher in psychology in Arts & Sciences at WUSTL.
«The challenge of using ZnO to make these devices has stumped researchers for a long time, and we've developed a solution that uses some very common elements: nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen,» says Dr. Lew Reynolds, co-author of a paper describing the research and a teaching associate professor of materials science and engineering at NC State.
According to Richard Thompson, president and chief counsel at Thomas More, Dawn and Julie's method of presenting the material and asking the students to pick a theory and debate it, based on the evidence, is a method of teaching that's supported by the judicial concept of academic freedom: that teachers and students have the right to pursue knowledge, wherever it may lead.
Although this article does not contain any direct teaching materials, science teachers and their students may find it interesting to hear about scientists at work.
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