Sentences with phrase «teaching of scripture»

Nor can he imagine living at odds with the clear teaching of Scripture.
Yet our understanding of Scripture may not be the actual teachings of Scripture in every case.
If a church is not giving to its people the clear and systematic teaching of Scripture, complete with explanation and application, then they are not giving to the people what they need.
They taught this was the clear teaching of Scripture and this view of the universe was the biblical worldview.
It's not about why I think Calvinism is a theological system based on logical inferences rather than the clear, consistent teachings of Scripture.
Attendant features do not constitute the moral teachings of Scripture.
And being good meant trying to live in accord with the ethical teaching of scripture, whether that was understood as a narrow and highly specific code of righteousness, or more generally as following important principles such as the golden rule, loving your neighbor as yourself, and so forth.
My church is known in town as a top - notch Bible teaching church and the pastors / speakers are generally very good and stick to solid teaching of scripture.
The heretics of the early third century (those we see in retrospect as heretics) could make plausible arguments, using Scripture, but the bishops gathered at the first Council of Nicaea saw what was the real teaching of Scripture, even though they had to invent a term not found in the Bible, homoousios, to define it exactly.
Most of the recorded teaching of Scripture in Jesus is dinner time conversation or travel talk.
If we disabuse ourselves of such thinking, then we will see the obvious teaching of the Scriptures that man is unfree.
The One Verse Podcast will feature verse - by - verse expository teaching of Scripture, with a target goal (that will rarely be accomplished) of one verse per episode in five minutes or less.
So the people of India have ignored the core teaching of their scriptures which strongly discourages identifying oneself with any temporary bodily designation whether it be ethnic, gender, or religion based.
Next, you object to «varying» interpretations of Scripture on pragmatic concerns — something you evidently define apart from CORE theological convictions... but the PRIMARY teaching of Scripture is theological.
The dogma of Double Predestination is a product of human logic which can - not withstand the a-logical teaching of the Scripture.
Christian 1 «the plain teaching of the scripture is that it's a square (quotes proof text) and if you don't believe it you are a deceiver.»
It just goes to show that the clear teaching of scripture for legalistic interpretations isn't so clear after all.
Or are you going to tell me that some parts of the Bible shouldn't be taken literally, in which case you are no longer holding to the teachings of the scripture and I guess you need to be stoned to death.
Exactly, but, when one chooses to ignore the clear teachings of scripture, you wind up like our professor friend, with a reprobate mind, believing a lie.
«My concern was that the council was acting with seeming disregard for the teachings of Scripture.
It is the preaching and teaching of the Scriptures, and specifically, the Gospel.
Along with 1 Chronicles 16:30, Psalm 96:10, and Psalm 104:5, this was taken to show that Galileo's claim that the earth moved around the sun was contrary to the teaching of the Scriptures.
We reserve the right to test what they say against the teaching of Scripture.
But when Tradition codifies and clearly re-presents the teachings of Scripture, it is to be accepted as a norming influence on our individual reading of Scripture.
These pronouncements do not invent new dogma not found in the Scriptures; instead, they clearly and carefully reproduce the teachings of Scripture.
The words of the law of Moses and the teachings of the Scriptures were not in existence before Abraham.
It was agreed in the Samaj that «the Vedas, the Upanishads and other ancient writings were not to be accepted as infallible guides, that reason and conscience were to be the supreme authority and the teachings of the scriptures were to be accepted only insofar as they harmonised with the light within us.»
Like «Christian feminists,» «egalitarians» discern and embrace justice for females through the teachings of Scripture where they observe that:
The Complementarian Perspective: In response to loosened morals in the 20th century, coupled with the growing influence of secular feminism (that placed feminist ideals above the teachings of Scripture) a third view emerged in the 1970s.
He decides to gather a large group of ministers and commission them to write a Reformed confession in the form of 129 questions and answers that would serve the people as a devotional tool for preaching and teaching of Scripture.
Obviously, any idea of inspiration which implies equal value in the teachings of Scripture, or inerrancy in its statements, or conclusive infallibility in its ideas, is irreconcilable with such facts as this book presents.
The theologian must strive to duplicate the teachings of Scripture even if the latter is written in ordinary language and the theologians own essays are written in a more academic mode.
An interpreter whose grasp of the life and meaning of sin is shallow will, for example, almost inevitably understand the teaching of Scripture on sin in a shallow manner and the doctrinal structure which results will be correspondingly deformed.
(13) The individual views of a teacher should not be considered the teaching of the church and the teaching of the church should not necessarily and automatically be considered the teaching of Scripture.
Of course our doctrine of inspiration does not grow out of our experience with the Bible, but from the teaching of Scripture itself But that truth does not become actual apart from a real interaction between the text and my experience.
Everybody who has a doctrinal statement believes that their doctrinal statement accurately represents the teaching of Scripture.
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