Sentences with phrase «teaching of the apostles»

It is based on an actual teaching of the apostle Paul and is part of the promise of Salvation from the Judgment that is coming to this world and upon all of you foolish unbelievers.
The Didache which is also called Teachings of the Apostles is one of the oldest surviving documents of canonical teaching we have.
Thus Clement regarded the Didache or Teaching of the Apostles as scriptural; both he and Origen viewed the author of I Clement as the Clement mentioned by Paul in Philippians 4:3 and the author of the Shepherd as the Hernias of Romans 16:4.
We do not know what those sources were, apart from the preaching and teaching of the apostle Peter (and perhaps others), and we do not know precisely what Mark did with them.
The human words that constitute Jesus's teaching have passed over into the «teaching of the apostles» (Acts 2:42) and the Church's doctrine of faith.
It does not keep us there when we engage in serious sin, nor does it keep us grafted in when we reject the teachings of the Apostles.
One of these is mastery of the tradition through which the teaching of the Apostles has come down to us.
Humane Vitae came out in 1968 but it reaffirmed what was in the Didache or teachings of the apostles and also in the bible.
They met together, prayed, ate meals, learned the teaching of the apostles, and served one another.
It was impossible for Paul to simply take the practices and teachings of the Apostles and apply the strategy of using Roman transportation and manuscripts.
Didascalia Apostolorum (The Teaching of the Apostles)(R. H. Connolly, Didascalia Apostolorum Oxford, Clarendon, 1929.)
One example of the evidence for the Indian apostolate of Thomas is Didascalia Apostolorum (Teaching of the Apostles), a book probably written around AD 250, which says, «India and all its countries and those bordering on it, even to the farthest sea, received the Apostle's Hand of the Priesthood from Judas Thomas, who was Guide and Ruler in the church which he built and ministered there.»
Those who heard Peter's preaching were baptised, and — again in the words of Scripture — «they continued steadfastly in the teaching of the apostles and in the communion of the breaking of bread and in prayers... praising God and being in favour with all the people» (Acts 2:41 - 47).
Furthermore, what we receive from the teaching of the apostles can be considered true knowledge of God.
The Gentiles, oppositely, accepted the teachings of the apostles.
«10 It also ignores the teaching of the apostle Paul, that we sinners are justified by grace, that we are accepted despite our unacceptability.
The Church is faithful to the teachings of the Apostles, but it is the Spirit who brings them to life, saving them from the fate of being abstract truths.
In the days which they were initiated and practiced, both were meaningful and helpful for the life and teaching of the apostles and early church.
I believe that in the days which they were initiated and practiced, both were meaningful and helpful for the life and teaching of the apostles and early church.
Christ was clear that He was revealing the Father's word to mankind and that the Holy Spirit would indeed guarantee the teaching of the apostles and the Church as they hand on this word (cf. Jo hn 14:24 - 26).
If Christians are to contribute prophetically to the struggle for new meaning and purpose in academic life, they must attend with quickened imagination to «the teaching of the apostles, to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to the prayers.»
In Marcion's case the Church acted correctly to protect the integrity of the teaching of the Apostles and the faith of the people.
In addition to, and perhaps in conjunction with, this kind of worship there was also the Lord's Supper, to which Luke probably refers in Acts 2:42 when he describes the Jerusalem Christians as holding firmly to «the teaching of the apostles and the fellowship, the breaking of the bread and the prayers».
Then, since this gospel was already being corrupted, there was a reiteration of this gospel in the teaching of the apostle Paul.
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