Sentences with phrase «teaching them that good things»

I want to give and teach her the best things, but I can't hide her from this society.
It did teach me good things and I saw my REAL HEALTHY weight and just how easy one can lose weight when he changes the quality of the food he eats.
You are teaching them that good things happen in each other's presence.
And, as odd as sounds, the violent games can still teach you good things, if you actually bother to judge them by more than their box art.
>> Sesame Street has taken advantage of the Cookie Monster's popularity with kids to teach them that good things come to those who wait.

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The initiative is intended to teach small businesses how to use Facebook to generate new customers, retain existing ones and build an online community through things like buying display ads targeting specific markets as well as other cost - free measures.
Lessons learned: Rooney says the best thing the Marine Corps taught him was to train, motivate, and, above all, trust young people.
Best Time To Go: Spring, when the ranch's pecan trees are in bloom Don't Forget To Pack: The cowboy boots you haven't worn since 1980 P.S.: Ranch hands can teach your employees a thing or two about herding longhorn cattle, baling hay, and harvesting pecans.
Things we are taught in childhood do not serve us well in adulthood.
But perhaps age and hopefully a little more wisdom, teach us to put a little faith in the fact that things will often work out better than expected if we let them.
Core pursuits are things that make you feel gratified and fulfilled: volunteering, traveling, teaching, sports... activities that make you feel good about yourself and your life.
But the Web is especially well - suited to teaching technical topics, effective sales and customer - service techniques, financial skills, product and policy updates, and things that can be learned step by step, such as drafting a business plan or managing a project.
While this is true and it's always good practice for leaders to teach those working under them, there are things management can learn from their employees, as well.
In an episode of LinkedIn cofounder and chairman Reid Hoffman's podcast «Masters of Scale,» Zuckerberg told Hoffman that his experience with Sandberg taught him that the «single most important thing» when it comes to scaling into a massively successful business is having founders surround themselves with the best people they can find.
I did the same thing with marathons, launching a profitable online business, teaching communication courses, inventing a product, creating animated movie shorts, public speaking as well as writing ebooks.
Mike Angell of Evulse, a self - taught programmer says,»... the best thing you can do is prepare your site for sale well before you even consider selling it.
The thing is, it's easy to sit in judgement when supposed adults can't seem to put themselves in each other's shoes and work things out for the greater good, as we've all been taught to do... especially those in leadership positions.
GREENBLATT: Well you know I taught at Columbia as I mentioned for the last 22 years and so I tell my students that first day of class actually, I tell them that you know I don't think there's a lot of social value in being an investment manager, it's not that I don't think investors who do work set help set prices and allocate capital and all those things, but I just think A, they're not very good at it, and B, it'll get done without you.
Ma, a former teacher, says he always warns government leaders to also «pay attention to education,» because right now we're teaching children the wrong thing: that machines are better than humans.
I often tell people that being un-employed was one of the best things to ever happen to me because it taught me the true value of money.
So teaching us and educating us how to to use that platform as best as possible was a good thing [for Facebook] to do.»
Well, he has said you can change the world in a positive way through doing things like teaching people job skills.
Joni made a good point that possibly these people think they are doing the right thing or what they were taught.
I truly believe the most damaging thing that was taught to us through the Bible and was delivered to me at the ripe age of 5... was there is none good, no not one.
Now the one who receives instruction in the word must share all good things with the one who teaches it.
I guess it's a good thing that Christians as a whole don't follow his teachings too literally.
In order for things to change, pastors and Christian leaders who believe that acceptance, fidelity, and monogamy are a better alternative to shame and promiscuity have got to speak up and speak out against the teaching that states * all * homosexual expression is sinful... and proclaim that message as misinformed, damaging to God's children, and unchristian.
Through his example, one of the things he taught us best, was how to hang in there, be tough, and provide for our families.
Just teach them about loving each others and the good things Jesus have thought us to do.
@Jake — that sounds like a better thing to teach our children, right?
But when she went to bed at night, Sparks felt an absence of purpose: «My parents taught me to leave things better than I found them,» she remembers.
That being said, legalism, absolutes beyond basic issues, problems with universalizing Bible historical times issues to today, misinterpretation of things past to things future (dispensationalism good example) all are rooted in being so locked into the Bible and one groups teaching of that Bible, over another.
In Christianity, for example, it's taught that people wouldn't do good things without belief in God, or that their good deeds are somehow «meaningless» without first believing in God.
The pain and suffering that we receive in this life either teaches us not to do stupid things or (depending on how we handle it) can make us a better person.
Take some of your thoughts, present them with grace and... who knows... maybe you'll learn some things as well as teaching some others.
«Tts 2:3 - 4 The aged women likewise, that [they be] in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children,»!!
The greatest confusion of American parents: they believe they teach their children truths about those things as gods when it is at best an indoctrination of unknowable mysteries.
«For it has been a characteristic of that ethic to teach that there are certain things forbidden whatever consequences threaten, such as choosing to kill the innocent for any purpose, however good
He taught that being convinced that God loves you is enough to make you do good things for others which will get you salvation.
The proper thing to teach young black males is to stay in school, get good grades, choose a respectable career field, attend church regularly, be kind and couteous to everyone you meet, repect and support the police, stay off drugs, don't steal, don't assault people, and quit thinking the man is out to get you.
Thankfully, Calvinists recognize this as well and so are careful to clarify that the teaching on Total Depravity is not the same thing as «absolute depravity,» and that in general, humanity is not without some good.
Wright criticizes Reformers for failing to stress «the great narrative of God, Israel, Jesus, and the world, coming forward into our own day and looking ahead to the eventual renewal of all things» so that their readings of the gospels «show little awareness of them as anything other than repositories of dominical teaching, concluding with the saving events of Good Friday and Easter but without integrating those events into the Kingdom - proclamation that preceded them.»
I think that a good God, would want me to overcome my arrogance and teach me things that I need to learn on this world.
It seems to me that I become the best at the things I dislike the most because I understand it and can teach others to avoid the placed where I failed.
(iii) you are a complete blowhard who has never studied one subject of university level biology, never been on an archaeological dig, never studied a thing about paleontology, geology, astronomy, linguistics or archaeology, but feel perfectly sure that you know more than the best biologists, archaeologists, paleontologists, doctors, astronomers botanists and linguists in the World because your mommy and daddy taught you some comforting stories from Bronze Age Palestine as a child.
2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is inspired of God + and beneficial for teaching, + for reproving, for setting things straight, * for disciplining in righteousness, + 17 so that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work.
If Christians believe that undisciplined sex is a good thing, then they are living by a standard in conflict with biblical teaching.
Do not give an inch in teaching children that this could possibly be a good thing.
Biblicism falls apart, Smith says, because of the «the problem of pervasive interpretive pluralism,» for «even among presumably well - intentioned readers — including many evangelical biblicists — the Bible, after their very best efforts to understand it, says and teaches very different things about most significant topics... It becomes beside the point to assert a text to be solely authoritative or inerrant, for instance, when, lo and behold, it gives rise to a host of many divergent teachings on important matters.»
There are other things that are made much clearer in Scripture and in the teachings of Jesus, so we all have to start with a posture of humility, and a posture of listening, and maybe even a commitment to disagree well.
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