Sentences with phrase «teaching those people exactly»

Through her online tools, ebooks, articles and courses, she teaches people exactly how to find their purpose and bring it to life.
And I love that passage about teachers — too many artists get all twisted up about people copying them * even when they're teaching those people exactly what they (teachers) do!

Not exact matches

Yet we take it for granted that our society produces machines and teaches people to do exactly that — and do it safely, statistically speaking, more often than any other mode of transportation.
I am glad to say that the levels you marked matched the ones I had on my charts almost exactly which proves a few things — there are no levels but more like zones — each person marks them differently without being necessary wrong, and finally, — your lessons / teaching / articles / ideas work and provide real, useful information.
Most people seem to think that what they believe is exactly what the Bible teaches, and if people would read the Bible, they would come to the same beliefs.
They are referring, of course, to the statement in Romans 6:1 where a person objects to Paul's teaching about grace in exactly the same way.
I am using it exactly as taught by Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron, where we ask questions in order to encourage people to compare themselves, even judging themselves, by God's moral standard instead of man's.
While I don't know if it is ever stated exactly this way, it sometimes seems that we teach that Jesus kept the law perfectly so that as the only perfect person, He could credit His righteousness to our account.
I was also taught that there are as many aspects of G - d as there are people, that no two people see G - d exactly the same way.
Please note that I don't exactly know what the evangelistic method is of Zane Hodges, Antonio DaRosa, or any of the other Free Grace people accused of teaching a «crossless gospel.»
Also, if I tell a person «you CAN NOT be saved by believing in the Mormon «Jesus» but you must believe in a Jesus who is God and Man, and that His death was the only payment for your sins, and that He was raised from the death so that He is a living Savior who offers you eternal life by Him in Him alone» — and if they receive / believe exactly what I tell them — assuming, as it sounds, you believe I am teaching a false gospel — do you believe the person would be saved?
The goal of such exercises is to teach people to pay nonjudgmental attention to exactly what they're feeling in the moment.
Appeals are made in the name of «fairness»: People touting this argument say, «We should just teach kids both sides because there are exactly two sides, in equal proportions,» even though there aren't, Rosenau says.
Often people are better at explaining one on one because you can learn exactly what the other person does or does not understand instead of teaching to the top / middle / bottom of the class.
Skills such as financial management, strategic planning, writing for a lay audience, interpretation of patent law, and management of people are rarely taught by graduate programs or mentors, but these skills are exactly what will be needed for a career outside the lab.
This new way of eating is exactly what I teach people to do during my free live 30 Day PCOS Diet Challenge.
The 3 bonus videos take you straight through my coaching sessions, showing you exactly what I teach my clients in person.
Traditional professional development for educators isn't exactly winning rave reviews; in 2006, for example, the MetLife Survey of the American Teacher found that only half of teachers thought that «providing more opportunities for professional development would help a lot in keeping good people in teaching
So exactly what should we teach young people in an age where Dr. Google has an answer for everything?
People who know how to test but not how to teach decided exactly what our children need to be «ready» for and how they demonstrate that «readiness» each year, kindergarten through high school.
It may not line up with exactly what we were taught as schoolchildren, but it's a story about people seeking prosperity — American through and through.
They were utterly amazing people - all of them - and they taught me volumes about how to see people for exactly who they are, no more and certainly no less.
Most people would rather learn from someone who has unique insights and a different approach to teaching them EXACTLY what they need to know to move forward from where they are today.
A person will generalize from one training scenario to all others, whereas a dog only learns exactly what you teach him.
And teaching people the correct way to drive is exactly what GP Driving School is here
And teaching people the right way to drive is exactly what we are doing.
Whether you're an industry professional creating online content for a living, or you're an adult or young person creating content in your spare time, or you teach a class of keen technology users and designers, or you have a talented child of your own, you are exactly what we're looking for!
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