Sentences with phrase «team discovered»

The team discovered at least four fragments of the object, previously established to have impulsively ejected dust in mid-2011.
With the method, the team discovered a new class of antibiotics called malacidins.
Dr. Tye and her team discovered a role for brain cells that secrete dopamine, dopamine neurons, in a specific brain region which showed changes in activity after social isolation.
In the paper, the research team discovered for the first time a change of the composition of the gamma - ray burst (GRB) jet in one source, dubbed GRB 160625B.
The team discovered that the pattern of differences in genome organization between various individuals of the same species indicates that the bacteria transfer DNA, including whole genes, back and forth.
«Our team discovered an enzymatic pathway that converts omega -3-derived endocannabinoids into more potent anti-inflammatory molecules that predominantly bind to the receptors found in the immune system,» Das said.
The pattern of associations his team discovered suggests that today's population retains Neandertal DNA that may have provided modern humans with adaptive advantages 40,000 years ago — as they migrated into new non-African environments with different pathogens and levels of sun exposure.
In this, the first results of the SUNBIRD project, the team discovered three core - collapse supernovae, and one possible supernova that could not be confirmed with subsequent imaging.
It was during these tests that the team discovered an unforeseen problem: The team's assumption that humans were a reliable backup for the technology was wrong, because once they trusted the technology they themselves couldn't be trusted.
Amid the situation, the NIMS research team discovered that the osmium oxide it synthesized in 2009 exhibits an unusual magnetic transition at about 140 °C, which is higher than room temperature, and had been taking on the challenge of pioneering non-catalytic, industrial functions of the material.
Among them, Orimo's team discovered in 2007 that the ionic conductivity of a hydride containing the metals lithium and boron suddenly leaps by a factor of about 1,000 when its temperature exceeds 117 degrees Celsius1.
The research team discovered that red tide disrupts multiple physiological pathways in the competitor diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana.
The research team discovered how the parasite hijacks the host cell to enable its own growth and survival, hibernating for decades by creating its own food reserve.
The research team discovered that hydrogenation proceeds rapidly over the entire surface of single - layer graphene, while it proceeds slowly and from the edges in few - layer graphene.
Rotman's team discovered this effect in one study in which participants were introduced to a fictitious pharmaceutical company that produced drugs to treat Parkinson's disease and a bacterial infection called Brucellosis.
The team discovered that the levels of various lipids found in human brain samples, especially from the neocortex, stood out.
Since his team discovered the influence of sex on vision loss, Gutmann has begun to make changes to his clinical practice.
The team discovered, for instance, that F. venenatum does not contain some clusters of genes that produce subsidiary compounds, or secondary metabolites, which are produced by F. graminearum during successful wheat infection.
The team discovered that the pain signals from a peripheral injury combined with subsequent morphine treatment worked together to cause a glial cell signaling cascade.
The OHSU team discovered a way to use small molecules that enter cells, fix the misfolded proteins and allow the proteins to move to the correct place and function normally again.
Despite these hurdles, several years ago the team discovered chlorobenzene, a ring - shaped molecule containing six carbons, along with other chlorinated organics, using a sample from a mudstone Curiosity drilled at Yellowknife Bay near its landing site in Gale crater.
The team discovered that the genes responsible for the regulation of NRL became more refined in the placental mammals as the modern retina evolved and were lost in several non-mammalian groups.
In the late 1990s, his team discovered that narcoleptics lack hypocretin, a hormone produced by a few brain cells that helps keep people and animals awake.
Ultimately, three grams of Ca - 48 helped to produce a double - edged finding for Charity and co-author Willem Dickhoff, professor in physics: Their team discovered both a framework to predict where neutrons will inhabit a nucleus and a way to predict the skin thickness of a nucleus.
Didier Raoult, whose team discovered the transpovirons, says: «It appears that viruses have evolved from non-viral genetic elements and vice versa on more than one occasion.
One - hundred - ten of the genes had clear similarities in sequence to known antibiotic - resistance genes, the team discovered, and 18 of those were 100 % identical to genes found in human pathogens.
With the help of a library of dengue antibodies extracted from people with the disease, Screaton's team discovered that the dengue antibodies enhanced Zika infection in cultured cells.
«The flowers act as heat concentrators,» says Doekele Stavenga of the University of Groningen in the Netherlands, whose team discovered the trick (Journal of the Royal Society Interface, DOI: 10.1098 / rsif.2016.0933).
Although scientists had begun to suspect that the standard mammalian model for sex determination wasn't the whole story for all vertebrates, «this study very clearly shows it for the first time certainly in birds,» says Craig Smith, a developmental biologist at the Murdoch Childrens Research Institute in Parkville, Australia, whose team discovered DMRT - 1.
But now the team discovered that the collagen molecule does in fact get unraveled at a molecular level before complete failure of the tissue occurs.
The blue spots, the team discovered, contain explosive crystals, and they're found only on the backs of the oldest termites in the colony.
The research team discovered a new role of the enzyme Axundead — or Axed — in promoting the self - destruction of axons.
While she was there, the team discovered a gene that played an important role in Rubinstein - Taybi syndrome, a genetic disease that can cause skeletal abnormalities and mental retardation in patients.
Thijs Ettema at Uppsala University, Sweden, and his team discovered the new organisms when they analysed DNA extracted from underwater sediment near Loki's Castle, a region of hydrothermal vents along the Arctic mid-ocean ridge (Nature, DOI: 10.1038 / nature14447).
Peter and his team discovered sequences in the human genome that when converted into small double - stranded RNA molecules trigger what they believe to be an ancient kill switch in cells to prevent cancer.
Yang's team discovered their plastic - munching microbes by accident.
His team discovered these special sequences are distributed throughout the human genome, embedded in multiple genes as shown in the study in Cell Cycle.
Twenty percent of the dependencies the team discovered were associated with genes previously identified as potential drug targets.
H7N9 grows especially well in lung cells, the team discovered.
During the last three months of the study, the team discovered that 80 percent of the infections that occurred in the scrub - the - hub arm were related to a significant drop - off in adherence to scrubbing the hub for the required 15 seconds.
The team discovered that the Hadza microbiome is about 30 per cent more diverse than that of people in Western nations, and it seems to change in a cycle through the year.
Reporting in the 19 September issue of Nature Medicine, the team discovered that embryos often get stuck in the oviducts of these mice and can't reach the uterus.
Their team discovered by accident that rituximab might work against CFS after seeing symptoms ease in a patient who had both lymphoma and CFS.
The team discovered that the combination of mammals found together in the Altai and Sayan mountains of western Mongolia and southern Russia — such as horses, reindeer, saiga antelopes and wolverines — is similar to the ancient glacial communities.
Scientists have already seen the same mark close to the start of active genes in many cells, but the team discovered that its role in egg cells is different.
The problem, the team discovered, lies in an ingredient present in Truvia but not in the other six sweeteners: erythritol, a commonly used food additive approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Farzan and his team discovered in their work with monkeys that HIV can't invade cells if those cells» two surface receptors are blocked — like a keyhole jammed with gum.
Comparing the amount of radiocarbon in each band on the shark's vertebrae, the team discovered that visible bands only annually form until a shark reaches its 30s, when the bands become too thin to individually distinguish.
In a 2000 study, Jarvis and his team discovered that the more vocally adept birds have seven small brain areas that are not present in their preprogrammed peers.
In research detailed last week in Cell, the Rockefeller team discovered some of these fastener proteins, known as non-motor microtubule associated proteins, or MAPs, experience different degrees of friction depending on the direction in which they are being moved along a microtubule.
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