Sentences with phrase «team excavated»

For the study, Loewen and his team excavated the remains and analyzed them.
To make a case for the channels, Osborne's team excavated snail fossils buried by half a metre of sand from a channel in Libya and compared their chemical makeup to rocks from volcanoes hundreds of kilometres away.
Mundorff, a forensic anthropologist, wanted to learn how the team excavated and exhumed graves, and then sorted and identified co-mingled human remains — her area of expertise.
In the 1990s, before this team excavated the gorilla - like C. abyssinicus, they discovered the nearly intact skeleton of the 4.4 - million - year - old species Ardipithecus ramidus (nicknamed «Ardi») and its relative, the million - year - older species Ardipithecus kadabba.
In 2013, the Russian - Belgian team excavated many dinosaur fossils, as well as plant and insect fossils.
As the elder Berger and his team excavated, they were shocked to uncover a fairly complete australopith skeleton.
In this study, the research team excavated intertidal beach sediments on the shoreline of Calvert Island, British Columbia, where the sea level was two to three meters lower than it is today at the end of the last ice age.
These initial assurances, she adds, helped the rabbis feel comfortable letting the team excavate around the gas chambers, as they were not located on top of a mass - grave site.

Not exact matches

Archaeologist Alisha Gauvreau, a doctoral student from the University of Victoria and a scholar with the research institute Hakai, led a team that excavated the site in late 2016.
Governors mentioned by Luke that many historians never believe existed were confirmed by the evidence excavated by Ramsay's archeological team.
In 1989, Ahmed Zaki Yamani led a team that excavated the alleged Meccan home of Muhammad and his first wife, Khadijah, near the Grand Mosque.
The team of archaeologists excavated an ancient...
He was saying he has to muck it up, dig deep, excavate why his team that has strode to the last two Super Bowls suddenly can not finish and has fallen to 2 - 3.
The material was excavated in the 1970s, but in 2016 Rosso and her team performed a high - tech analysis on the pieces, which are about 40,000 years old.
A team stands in Palace 6000, one of the ashlar palaces, originally excavated in the 1960s by Israeli archaeologist Yigael Yadin.
The newly trained experts formed the Argentine Forensic Anthropology Team and worked with Snow and Kirschner to excavate mass and individual graves and recover bones recently exhumed.
To retrace the history of the disease, an international team of scientists, led by Johannes Krause from Tübingen University and Stewart Cole from EPFL Lausanne, have reconstructed entire genome sequences of M. leprae bacteria from five medieval skeletons that were excavated in Denmark, Sweden and the United Kingdom as well as seven biopsy samples from modern patients.
These data were previously published by two teams that excavated and then reburied 7th Cavalry soldiers who died at Little Big Horn.
The team contrasted Boncuklu with the nearby site of Pınarbaşı, excavated by Professor Baird in 2003 - 4.
Still, Clark calculates that 100 square yards of regolith excavated to a depth of only two inches will produce 660 pounds of oxygen, enough to sustain a four - member explorer team for 75 days.
By the time the team had excavated all the bones and encased them in plaster, the collection weighed 3,000 pounds, heavier than the helicopter could lift.
The hobbit team has continued excavating Liang Bua — mainly in search of more hominin remains, but also to better understand the geology of the enormous cave.
Using several methods, the team dated newly excavated rock and dirt that had accumulated in the same sediment layer as the hominin remains, and discovered that they are between 100,000 and 60,000 years old.
That's what Huw Groucutt, a paleoarchaeologist at the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom, and his team were looking for when they began excavating sites in the Arabian Desert more than 10 years ago.
Not only have he and his team been able to select the most promising sites for on - the - ground fieldwork, but they can also use the images to reconstruct the Garamantes» regional footrpint — something that would have been very hard to do by excavating one site at a time.
A team has excavated at the site ever since, recovering cannons, a copper disk depicting Queen Anne herself, and personal effects such as pipes.
A research team led by Marc Lebeau of the European Center for Upper Mesopotamian Studies and Antoine Suleiman of the Directorate - General of Antiquities and Museums (Syria) began to excavate Tell Beydar, a large mound — or «tell» — rising out of the flat steppes near the Khbr River.
Bretschneider led the German team from University of Mnster, which worked between 1992 and 2000 at the Euro - Syrian excavations at Tell Beydar, and is now excavating with a Syro - Belgian team in Tell Tweini (ancient Gibala) on the Syrian coast.
The coin dates to a little more than a decade before the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 AD, and was found in rubble material outside the ruins of the 1st Century Jewish villas the team has been excavating.
Excavated by a team of researchers led by D'Andrea of Simon Fraser, the bones analyzed for this study were recovered from the kitchen and living floors of an ancient farming community known as Mezber.
Mellaart excavated 200 houses in four seasons; Hodder, with a much larger team, has uncovered 3 houses in six seasons.
Three years ago, a team from the Oriental Institute began excavating a site in Iran's Khuzestan region.
Harrison's team will continue excavating the temple's inner sanctuary this year.
In June a team of paleontologists identified the oldest example of such symmetry in a group of fossils excavated from a 600 - million - year - old rock quarry in southern China.
Last year, while he and his team were excavating a triceratops, he stumbled across an abandoned site that he's digging this summer.
He is currently excavating them and has assembled a team of about 60 experts to analyze all of the material from the site in detail.
The team of scientists working with the paleoanthropologist Scherf compared the humerus of the 7000 year old «patient» with humeri of 11 individuals from the same site in southern Germany, where they were excavated between 1982 and 1993.
With a quick grant from the National Geographic Society, where he is an explorer - in - residence, Berger assembled a team of thin, young researchers and cavers to excavate further.
Van den Bergh and his team continue to dig at Mata Menge where, the paleontologist believes, «there must be many, many fossils waiting to be excavated
The team includes Thomas Sutikna of the National Centre for Archaeology in Jakarta and the University of Wollongong in Australia, who helped discover the «hobbit,» a small - statured human species from another Indonesian island, and he and Brumm are already excavating the caves near the newly dated art to search for ocher pieces, stone tools, and bones.
Rather than excavate, the team intends to use the Swedish Research Council's largest ever archaeo logical grant to reexamine spectacular existing finds using modern methods such as isotopic analysis.
Author and site excavator Thomas Deméré, a paleontologist at the San Diego Natural History Museum, says the team carefully excavated 50 square meters beginning in 1992, and the bones described in the paper were «deeply buried.
Gomez's team is in the process of excavating the rooms down to the floors and it is possible there are nobles buried in the detritus or even below the chamber floors.
By carefully excavating it, a research team could learn key details about how and where the ship was built.
Recently excavated by a team from the University of Oregon Museum of Natural and Cultural History, the Bureau of Land Management and the University of Louisiana, the trackway includes 117 footprints thought to represent a number of adults as well as juvenile and infant mammoths.
Berger's team plans to excavate near openings to the Rising Star cave system where stone tools and signs of fire use may turn up.
In 2004, a team led by Elizabeth Nicholls of the Royal Tyrrell Museum in Drumheller, Canada, excavated a monstrous ichthyosaur from 210 - million - year - old rocks in British Columbia.
Steele, who studies how food sources and environmental change influenced human evolution and migration, was part of the international research team that began excavating at the site in 2004.
With his team, Tschinkel excavated and studied some 200 P. badius nests and then carried out a range of experiments.
The discovery of these two statues in the same building currently being excavated by the research team, indicates the special importance of the building (probably the administrative palace of the ruler of the city), as well as that of the entire city of Hazor.
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