Sentences with phrase «team got there»

Kinda makes you get excited now that developers like the zelda team and metriod team got there games out with unknown technology, (WindWaker, DKCTF) Now that they experienced it more they can fully use the wiiu specs through the rough!
«Policemen were deployed to the scene swiftly to rescue people and when the police patrol team got there, the thugs attacked the policemen with dangerous weapons.
I was doing my best to not push until someone from the birth team got there.
Between contractions I realized I was not in a good spot when the medical team got there if I needed help, so I picked myself and my towel up and moved into the kitchen.
The only time he might not start is in Pittsburgh, if both teams get there, given that he has never had a good game here.
Very often, our RZ percentage is close to the other team's, but that number is misleading because the other team gets there more often than we do.

Not exact matches

To build trust, business leaders must be honest about the state of the company, where they see the company heading, how they want to get there and which skill sets are needed to round out the team during the early talent - recruitment process.
Elon Musk's far - fetched plan not only to get humans to Mars, but to inhabit it, has evidently driven interest in the Red Planet: A team of NASA scientists will talk about the challenges of living on Earth's neighbor, while Lockheed Martin and NASA will combine to talk about the interplanetary travel systems that will take us there.
Perhaps sensing it was getting crushed in the intellectual arena, Team Trump has tried harder of late to show there is real thought behind those presidential tweets on trade.
«I believe the CEO of a small - to - medium business has three major duties: to make sure there is money in the bank; to get the right people in the right roles; and to guide the long - term vision for the company,» said Nick Gray, the founder and CEO of Museum Hack, a team - building company in New York City that counts major brands, including Facebook, among its customers.
There are many ways to get a quantitative look at how your support team is doing, but far fewer to assess the care and thought being put into your replies.
«It was really impactful; you get so caught up in the day - to - day so it was really nice to be outside the office and to see your co-workers working together to achieve a collective goal... we're a stronger team when we work together and do these things, it bonds us at work and there's definitely an appetite to do more as a team
The team stressed there was simply no other way to get it done.
There's no way to predict the pace of submissions, but even when your team is inundated, promptly acknowledge bug reports when you get them.
«She asked me to consider that if I went to dinner with my team, are there people I'd rather sit next to and others who I'd hope I didn't get sat next to?»
I believe in where we are going, and I believe in our team's ability to get there together.
I could have easily gotten a huge deal with any big name brand, but I chose to go out there and start my own brand — the TMT [The Money Team] brand.
Or maybe it's this: The sales team is ready to get out the pitchforks and stampede to the town center when there's a new step in the sales process that will create a smoother workflow.
Says Wong, «The earlier challenges were sort of partner buy - in and getting our name out there and things like bonus structures for our sales team, structuring our revenue share model and putting together all the default paperwork for how we would build out our streams of relationships, so to speak.
For example, if you designate Wednesday to be your «off limits» day when you wouldn't schedule company meetings or conference calls — your entire team would know that there will not be any distractions, allowing your business to clear tasks and get ahead of the game.
And, the last was the reason we got together as a team in the first place, but there was very little execution.
Once you've established the goal, ask for the team members» permission to hold them accountable and push them to get there.
«Over the next few months, the science team is really excited to get to Mount Sharp, where we think the layered rocks there have captured the major climate changes in Mars» history,» Curiosity deputy project scientist Ashwin Vasavada said in a new NASA video marking the rover's first Martian year.
«We've got the guys out there kicking butt right now,» says Al Johnson of his eight - member work team at Davidson Plyforms, a $ 20 - million plywood manufacturer in Grand Rapids.
They let a valued member of their team know that there is no «statute of limitations» on disrespecting another person, and that no one should ever get a pass, no matter how much money they have or what position they hold.
McManus liked the idea of a self - directed team, even if he didn't know exactly what that meant or how he'd get there.
If teams could get access to the full feed of game cameras, they could give QBs virtual run - throughs of past real games, even if there was nobody on the field wearing a 360 camera.
[Our team captain Amanda Borden] was right there saying, «you've got this, you can do this,»» she says.
Now that you're armed with the words you need to get what you want, get out there and start advocating for yourself and your team, and let us know how effective you found Kolb's advice in the comments.
Get out there and join a group, club, or team — start connecting and making friends.
«The sales teams asked... how to get Twitter involved in things like the Essence Festival or to get black influencers to support product launches — but there were some Beyoncé and twerking questions,» he says with a sigh.
If a member of your team finds something else at your company that they're passionate about and want to pursue, create a roadmap to get them there.
There are four key steps to getting unstuck and helping our teams get unstuck, too.
There's even science to suggest that your team will get a brain chemical boost from helping each other hit their marks, which is an extra perk that will keep everyone motivated and feeling good.
But if your product / service is outstanding and your team is depending on you to come up with a plan, the inspirational words of Twisted Sister's co-manager Joe Gerber will keep you going: «You pick yourself up, dust yourself off, strap your Spandex back on, and get back out there
There wasn't a master plan to get into company team building.
They consistently emphasize and over index on people's titles and credentials and forget that -; unless you're only concerned with window dressing and PR -; the object of the board - building exercise is to get some regular help, a sympathetic ear or two, and some people on your team who've been there before, who will tell you the truth when necessary, and who share your vision for the business.
While the company had a vision for a big outcome, the team wasn't seasoned and didn't see a strong path to get there.
You need team members who will get up when they're knocked down and who will be there for you when things get gritty, instead of leaving you behind in the trenches.
The type of insights that inform you on the map you need to put in place that shows you, your teams, and your company how to get from here to there.
To get there, Lemann recruited a team of young, fresh - faced executives, led by 33 - year - old Daniel Schwartz, to oversea a turnaround effort that's so far focused on relentless cost - cutting and a dramatic reorganization of Burger King's business.
Closed business is what defines how a salesperson gets paid, but with CRM systems being the new normal for running today's sales team, as well as a plethora of sales technology that's connected into that CRM, there is data galore.
This is the exact kind of guy who as a VC you would love to invest in provided he can deliver on a well rounded team (getting there) and a great idea (done).
You and your team will find it easy to get here — every taxi driver knows IT Park and there are several Jeepney routes that operate here.
While their respective levels of involvement depend on the project, both teams contribute to every project to ensure there is no gap between what our customers want and what gets built.
While there is a team of core developers, there are a lot of contributors and nothing that gets developed can get forced on anyone.
«Green bonds will be a key tool for getting there,» says Jessica Alsford, Head of Morgan Stanley's Global Sustainability Research team.
You confuse yourselves with the Universe, and there are millions who really are getting sick and tired of your cheerleading for your «team», like the Universe is concerned with a game where a soul is a football and on one side there is God and the other there is Satan.
Chad, Chuckles, the many faces of UrLost / TheCapitalist, the many faces of HeavenSent, the many faces of bubbles... it's like we have the all - star team of froth - mouth god - howlers with us here today, and none of then took their Lithium or Thorazine or Xanax or Valium for a few days now and are really getting out there in the crash withdrawal!
We have had to develop teams of people who are able to get alongside them and support and help and encourage and simply be there for them.
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