Sentences with phrase «team of astronomers studied»

The international team of astronomers studied the young star HD 142527, over 450 light - years from Earth, which is surrounded by a disc of gas and cosmic dust — the remains of the cloud from which the star formed.
Using the eight - metre Gemini North telescope in Hawaii, an international team of astronomers studied nine quasars that all lie about 10 billion light years away, capturing them when the Universe was less than four billion years old.
The first earthly pieces of Vesta were identified only in 1970, when a team of astronomers studying light reflected from the asteroid's surface found that its spectrum — which reveals the minerals present — perfectly matched that of a certain distinct class of meteorite.
«With this one amazing picture, we can explore the earliest days of black holes in the Universe and see how they change over billions of years,» Niel Brandt of Pennsylvania State University in University Park, Pennsylvania, who led a team of astronomers studying the deep image, said in a statement.

Not exact matches

In two studies, international teams of astronomers suggest that recent images from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory of two pulsars — Geminga and B0355 +54 — may help shine a light on the distinctive emission signatures of pulsars, as well as their often perplexing geometry.
The team was studying the warm gas in this disk using a technique called spectro - astrometry, which allows astronomers to detect small changes in the position of moving gas.
Cash and his team tested different variations of his starshade design in the Nevada desert; the best designs might one day fly in space to help astronomers detect and study exoplanets.
A team of astronomers from the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ) and SOKENDAI (Graduate University of Advanced Studies, Japan) are tracking velocity structures and gaseous metallicities in galaxies in two protoclusters located in the direction of the constellation Serpens.
Further studies of SN 2009ip and its aftermath will help tease out the physics of these exotic supernovae, says Armin Rest, an astronomer at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Maryland, who was not part of the study team.
A team led by astronomer Kenji Hamaguchi of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, used the XMM - Newton and Chandra x-ray satellites to study a stellar nursery just 550 light - years from Earth.
In the following years, the team that included Dr. Marilyn Latour, an astronomer from the Dr. Remeis - Sternwarte Bamberg, the astronomical institute of Friedrich - Alexander - Universität Erlangen - Nürnberg (FAU), studied these stars in more detail and concluded that they had stumbled upon a new class of variable star.
A team of British and American astronomers used data from several telescopes on the ground and in space — among them the NASA / ESA Hubble Space Telescope — to study the atmosphere of the hot, bloated, Saturn - mass exoplanet WASP - 39b, about 700 light - years from Earth.
«We are reaching the limit of what the Kepler project has to offer regarding the prevalence of potentially Earth - like planets,» says Kepler team member Joe Twicken, an astronomer and study co-author at the SETI Institute.
Following up on the discovery, an international team of scientists led by the Swiss astronomer Vincent Bourrier from the Observatoire de l'Université de Genève, used the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) on the NASA / ESA Hubble Space Telescope to study the amount of ultraviolet radiation received by the individual planets of the system.
The new COS observations build and expand on the findings of a 2015 Hubble study by the same team, in which astronomers analyzed the light from one quasar that pierced the base of the bubble.
«The brown dwarfs we were turning up before this discovery were more like the temperature of your oven,» said astronomer Davy Kirkpatrick, a WISE science team member at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, and lead author of a study on the 100 new brown dwarfs.
«Finding brown dwarfs near our sun is like discovering there's a hidden house on your block that you didn't know about,» said astronomer Michael Cushing, a WISE team member at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., and lead author of the study on the Y dwarfs.
«Thanks to this detection, the team has been able to study for the first time the properties of extremely faint objects formed not long after the big bang,» said lead author Leopoldo Infante, an astronomer at Pontifical Catholic University of Chile (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile).
Now, a large team of astronomers led by Charles Alcock of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Livermore, California, has used the Hubble Space Telescope and ESO's Very Large Telescope in Chile to study a microlens that was discovered in 1993.
An interdisciplinary team of UvA physicists and astronomers proposed to search for primordial black holes in our galaxy by studying the X-ray and radio emission that these objects would produce as they wander through the galaxy and accrete gas from the interstellar medium.
Lawrence Rudnick, the astronomer who led the team that found the void, was studying data from the Very Large Array, a network of 27 radio antennas in New Mexico, when he spotted a gap in the constellation Eridanus where radio signals from galaxies appear unusually faint.
Last February a team of astronomers reported detecting an afterglow from a mysterious event called a fast radio burst, which would pinpoint the precise position of the burst's origin, a longstanding goal in studies of these mysterious events.
Now, an international team of astronomers has tackled the problem by making the largest ever study of hot Jupiters, exploring and comparing ten such planets in a bid to understand their atmospheres [1].
Previous predictions are «exactly what was observed» by the research team, says astronomer Greg Laughlin of the University of California, Santa Cruz, who was not affiliated with the study.
To conduct the new study, the Hawaiian team, led by astronomer Istvan Szapudi, combined two large - scale observations of the cosmos that already had been completed: the cosmic microwave background (CMB), which represents the last, dying embers of the big bang, and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, which comprises images of millions of galaxies.
First, a team led by astronomer Jon Miller of the Harvard - Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA) in Cambridge, Massachusetts, used the European Space Agency's XMM - Newton satellite to study two bright x-ray sources in the nearby galaxy NGC 1313.
(The potentially habitable super-Earth announced by a team of astronomers in September and later questioned by a rival team does not appear to transit, limiting the possibility of such detailed study.)
The international team of astronomers in this study consists of L. Roth (Southwest Research Institute, USA; University of Cologne, Germany), J. Saur (University of Cologne, Germany), K. D. Retherford (Southwest Research Institute, USA), D. F. Strobel (The Johns Hopkins University, USA), P. D. Feldman (The Johns Hopkins University, USA), M. A. McGrath (NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, USA), F. Nimmo (University of California, USA).
Now, a new study by a team of astronomers from France, Israel and Hawaii demonstrates a novel approach.
An international team of astronomers, led by PhD student Erik Kool of Macquarie University in Australia, used laser guide star imaging on the Gemini South telescope to study why we don't see as many of these core - collapse supernovae as expected.
On February 25, 2008, a team of astronomers released a paper on simulation results which support the conclusions of previous studies that multiple - planet systems could have formed in close orbits around both heavy - element rich, Alpha Centauri A and B.
Using the National Science Foundation's Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) of radio telescopes, an international team of astronomers from the United States and Taiwan studied the area generally thought to mark the Galactic center.
To make a detailed study of the X-ray properties of young stars, a team of astronomers, led by Elaine Winston from the University of Exeter, United Kingdom, analyzed the Chandra X-ray data of both NGC 1333, located about 780 light - years from Earth, and the Serpens cloud, a similar cluster of young stars about 1,100 light - years away.
A team of astronomers, led by Thomas Beatty of Pennsylvania State University, used the Hubble Space Telescope's Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) to perform a spectroscopic study of the planet's atmosphere in the near - infrared and conducted the observation as the planet passed behind its parent star.
An international team of astronomers has looked at something very big — a distant galaxy — to study the behavior of things very small — atoms and molecules — to gain vital clues about the fundamental nature of our entire Universe.
While the mystery of KIC 8462852's brightness variations is still far from settled, a new study by a team of astronomers that has utilised NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope suggests that the culprit is most probably a huge swarm of cometary fragments that revolve around the star on highly elongated eccentric orbits.
A recent study by a team of US astronomers argues that Charon might harbor frozen underground oceans of liquid water, the pressence of which could be inferred by surface geologic features that could be visible to the New Horizons -LSB-...]
The team of astronomers led by Tomoya Hirota, an assistant professor at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ) and SOKENDAI (the Graduate University for Advanced Studies) observed a massive baby star called Orion KL Source I in the famous Orion Nebula, located 1,400 light - years away from the Earth.
The study of the galaxies was done by an international team of astronomers.
Mays was recently awarded a Fulbright Grant to travel to Santiago, Chile and work with international teams of astronomers who study Chile's northern deserts in 2010.
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