Sentences with phrase «teams of teachers although»

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«Although there are efforts to create teams of teachers to improve teaching and learning in schools, only recently has there been a broad effort to appoint expert teachers as instructional coaches or teacher leaders,» Johnson says.
Although the teachers reported serious concerns about the pace of their work, they said that their teams reduced stress rather than intensified it.
Findings from across these studies suggest that teacher leaders are more likely to provide instructional support when leading teacher teams within their subject area focus, although the form of instructional leadership may be influenced by subject area.
This study suggests that the role of teacher leaders in teacher - teams may vary by subject area, although Bliss et al. (1995) did not discuss the possibilities for this variation among teams in different subject areas.
Although educators have been clear about what they want students to know and be able to do and what level they want them to do it, fear of what the evidence will reveal becomes a real concern for many teachers and teams.
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