Sentences with phrase «tear streaming down one's face»

I remember getting off the freeway with tears streaming down my face while he called me over and over and I just let it ring.
After a strategically placed knee and elbow, I managed to get her strapped in to the stroller and we were off with just a few more tears streaming down her face.
Several times during the movie I actually had tears streaming down my face from laughing so hard.
However, as I have a rotten cold involving spontaneous coughing fits resulting in tears streaming down my face (nice look) I decided to stay put for the time being.
If their locker room confrontation doesn't leave you with tears streaming down your face then you're a robot.
Like so many others have already said I am sat here with tears streaming down my face and just wanted to thank you for your honesty.
By the time I was finished I had tears streaming down my face from the wind and I had lost feeling in a few of my fingers.
I found myself with a very wet face as tears streamed down my face awestruck at this moment.
I used to read Frog & Toad Are Friends to my kids and we'd laugh until tears streamed down our face and we couldn't catch our breath.
My sweet baby, Max Writing this as tears stream down my face after the loss of my sweet baby, Max.
Planet Terror gets to a right start, as a stripper named Cherry played by Rose McGowan does a little tease as the credits roll, only to have tears streaming down her face at the end.
But for all the people who come up to me at book signings with tears streaming down their faces because they feel so isolated in their journey through questions and doubt, I am thrilled that I can say with more confidence, «you're not crazy, and you're not alone, and you're going to love this book...»
Horrified tears streamed down my face as I promised myself that I would never loose my colon.
Woopsies... I swear I had tears streaming down my face for minutes I was laughing at myself so hard!
I sat in the restaurant with tears streaming down my face talking to a friend venting to her about how exhausted I was being a...
I'm currently on the pill and terrified to come off because the cramps I'm on for are 100 % debilitating and take me back to being a teenager with snot and tears streaming down my face while I hunch over the loo.
There's a particularly heartfelt and comedic scene in American Ultra, in which Jesse Eisenberg's character, Mike Howell, stoned out of his goddamn mind, looks at a car that's crashed into a tree, and with a single tear streaming down his face — something of an Eisenberg specialty — apologizes to his girlfriend Phoebe Larson (Kristen Stewart) for being the tree that's stopping her, the fast - moving car in this metaphor.
There are certainly more far - flung places in the world, and there are prettier places too, but my encounters with this unique and vulnerable region periodically sent tears streaming down my face.
I read your post on the Kepler track and watched the video you posted with happy tears streaming down my face.
Tears streaming down my face!!
I have no words, just tears streaming down my face, goose bumps on my skin and an unbelieveable amount of joy for a beautiful that I only know virtually, but yet as a parent feel so close to.
My Little Gray Man As tears stream down my face I am hardly able to type.
However, as I have a rotten cold involving spontaneous coughing fits resulting in tears streaming down my face (nice look) I decided to stay put for the -LSB-...]
I'm sitting here with tears streaming down my face after watching Kevin's video.
But I bet you'll say this was the right call 20 years from now, sitting in the back of the crowded arena with tears streaming down your face as your youngest child walks across the stage in cap and gown.
«I mean, you build something from scratch, we had just signed Janet Jackson, we had just signed the Rolling Stones when we sold it, and I remember running down Ladbroke Grove, tears streaming down my face with the check for a billion dollars.»
Both men, hardened combat veterans, had tears streaming down their faces.
So they trudged away sadly with heads bowed low and tears streaming down their faces.
As I served him he made the sign of the cross and tears streamed down his face.
«I read The Broken Way with tears streaming down my face... Few authors have impacted my own life like Ann Voskamp.
«I read with tears streaming down my face... Few authors have impacted my own life like Ann Voskamp.
They often run to our altar calls with tears streaming down their faces.
He sat in my office with tears streaming down his face, worried that he had lost his salvation and that God would never forgive him.
The elegant ones who know their place and know the rules look way down the table at the smiling man in the center of a ragtag party of hungry people feasting, «caring for» every morsel, singing, telling stories, crying or laughing until the tears stream down their faces.
Afterwards, people came up to him with tears streaming down their faces, amazed by what he had said: no one had ever told them that God loved them!
Tears stream down my face and I feel for a moment that I am paralyzed.
One young woman asked me this question with tears streaming down her face, for she had been made to feel small and worthless by churches like these, and she lived in fear that thousands upon thousands of women were experiencing the same thing and there was nothing she could do to stop it.
... lust gave way to sorrow and I prayed, arms stretched out like a Mexican, tears streaming down my face.
as tears streamed down her face.
After an emotional family trip, I was on the verge of completely losing it, with tears streaming down my face.
He said «FSU football player», then I had tears streaming down my face.
The minute I finished, I turned to Dan, tears streaming down my face, and said, «This one is a game - changer.»
I love the feeling of looking out into an audience to whom I am speaking to see a man with tears streaming down his face, nodding in recognition.
When I had pulled away from the church that night with my heart wounded and with tears streaming down my face, to the point that I could no longer see, I pulled over and told Jesus that I choose to forgive them all and would trust his faithfulness to heal my wounded heart.
My head was spnning, I was sweating, my insides felt like they were rotting away, tears streaming down my face, and then after about an hour, i threw it up and felt fine!
There were 80,000 people with tears streaming down their faces.
When he came off the field last Saturday night, Andrew Woolsey had tears streaming down his face, the twin contrails of a hurt too big to keep inside any longer.
After laughing so hard that I had tears streaming down my face (that hasn't happened in a WHILE), I finally ditched the damn box and changed, with the help of my new BlogHer friends, into something a bit more comfortable (some Goth clothes, «cuz I always wanted to be Goth).
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