Sentences with phrase «technical aspects of the film»

You also need to be careful that your overly negative tone doesn't bleed over into other technical aspects of the film.
Beyond the Oscar - winning technical aspects of the film, it's also a showcase for a fantastic performance from Linda Hamilton, and Brad Fiedel again provides another superb score.
While the desaturated palette gives us only suggestions of an object's former color [and thereby gives the rich red of the blood so much more pop], that technical aspect of film only works if we buy the characters, which isn't always easy in any musical.
I don't want to discuss the technical aspects of the film at all.
But the quibbles over the technical aspects of the film rightfully take a backseat to the real reason why people will stand in line, in the heat and the rain, to be one of the first to see this end — Harry Potter is a great movie character.
§ An extensive documentary on the technical aspects of the film's stunts.
The technical aspect of the film is extraordinary: amazing film editing, breath - taking cinematography, perfect music and just overall an
You have to admire the technical aspects of the film.
Blu - ray Highlight: The audio commentary with directors / producers Mike McCoy and Scott Waugh is filled with a ton of great information about making the movie, including the technical aspects of filming the combat sequences, the real stories that inspired them, and the level of realism that was achieved thanks to the cooperation of the Navy.
For all the technical aspects of this film, in regards to acting and direction, «Martha Marcy May Marlene» has a lot of heart behind it.
Also helping are the technical aspects of the film, with gorgeous cinematography from one of Amodovar's old collaborators, Jose Luis Alcaine (Blast from the Past, Belle Epoque), and a fantastic score from Alberto Iglesias (The Dancer Upstairs, Sex and Lucia), who has done the music for the last three Almodovar movies, which are arguably his finest.
The technical aspects of the film are explained in such a way that most should be able to figure out what's going on (The black box is the MacGuffin, so all you have to know is that it's important enough to kill for).
As can be expected from a Haynes film, all technical aspects of the film are top - notch.
He noted that the technical aspects of the film and the acting are all strong points, but detected a certain listlessness to the final product.
It's difficult to imagine a wide acceptance of this unique presentation; however, the technical aspects of the film deserve much Oscar consideration — cinematography, set design, costumes, etc are all first rate.
Hard - working creative thinker who is an expert in the technical aspects of film photography.
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