Sentences with phrase «technical boundaries»

When pushing technical boundaries with other people's data, a little openness goes a long way.
We see a future full of choice, without being constrained by technical boundaries, devices people play on, or console generations.
As a pioneer of contemporary photography and master of experimental darkroom technique, Uelsmann has continuously pushed the creative and technical boundaries of photography, revealing new visual possibilities and critical considerations for the medium.
It's just that due to how hard they tried and how many technical boundaries were pushed, glitches crept in.
The Zelda series, more than any other Nintendo property, has always pushed technical boundaries.
Spencer shared that the team sees a future full of choice, without being constrained by technical boundaries, devices people play on, or console generations.
«This is an early warning sign for companies that they need to have really clear policies and technical boundaries and systems in place if they do not intend to be a permanent pipeline of data flowing directly to the government,» O'Connor says.
R&D experts are pushing the technical boundaries in both paper packaging and flexible plastic packaging every day.
Considering this game isn't pushing the technical boundaries in any sense it's a shame that they couldn't have at least given us this one little thing.
Sure, it does not push the technical boundaries of the platforms it's on, but that does not stop it from being a beautiful game brimming with amazing worlds to play through.
Sure, it's not exactly pushing the technical boundaries of what the Xbox One can do, nor will it ever be the game you'll putting on to impress upon your friends the console's abilities, but it does boast incredibly charming animations and strong, rich colors.
Graphics: 9 It's not pushing any technical boundaries, but it doesn't have to.
It's not pushing any technical boundaries, but it doesn't have to.
The kind of FX artist that will excel and flourish in our studio will understand the importance of artistic expression and technical boundaries.
The Night Work Games team carries on that history of innovation with BLACKROOM ™, with a focus on fast - paced action, pushing technical boundaries and developing community - focused, mod - friendly games.
Sometimes you wonder if GTA V should even run on these aged consoles, because the game clearly betrays any technical boundaries these consoles have.
It doesn't smash through any technical boundaries and probably won't win any awards for excellence.
Since its arrival in 1986, the Zelda series has always pushed the technical boundaries of whatever console it has graced and Breath of the Wild continues this tradition (times two).
Ever since Nintendo launched the original Legend of Zelda over 30 years ago, the series has constantly been at the forefront of video game development, introducing new ideas and pushing technical boundaries.
Fallout Shelter's 2D base - building may not push the technical boundaries of either your Xbox One or PC, but hey, at least it's free.
She creates conceptual objects that often question and re-contextualize their original materials and conventional use, often blurring the line between genres, or seeking to push the technical boundaries and expectations of a particular medium.
The screen isn't going to break any technical boundaries, though.
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