Sentences with phrase «technical debt»

We have a lot of technical debt and you want us to hire.
And so technical debt is sort of like when you put off some things that you have to solve later, but they cost you more money and time after the fact.
I just published a link this morning about an interview I did about technical debt.
With no outstanding convertible debt and low technical debt, our house is in order.
A smaller bank with less historical technical debt and organizational overhead might be more likely to fix a problem like this, but I doubt the biggest banks lose any sleep over it.
This is an example of how technical debt can become so large that starting over is the only option.
«Company power has to do with technical debt or management debt.
Even if companies share 90 % of the same legal DNA, the 10 % variance is a massive wrench that makes automation, or even any kind of significant simplification, impossible without taking on enormous legal technical debt.
It also reduces costs associated with training and upgrades and reduces development costs and technical debts associated with customizations.
In fact, the net effect of segregated witness actually cleans up a lot of technical debt rather than adding to it.
While some argue that Segregated Witness is overly complex and adds technical debt to the protocol, this is unlikely to add much burden to wallet and application developers.
«By using modularity and composition of powerful but simple tools like MERKLEBRANCHVERIFY and single tail - call recursion to construct MAST we enable a complex and desirable feature while minimizing changes to the consensus code, review burden, and acquired technical debt
«We need to minimise technical debt, meaning we need to ensure that our chosen stack is not limited in terms of capabilities,» she said.
When an open source project develops too much technical debt, it can become a tragedy of the commons.
Re-built project by project most internal web applications, eliminating accrued technical debt
So technical debt is sort of like when you make short - term, expedient decisions in the technology that sort cost you later.
This is in many ways an evolution of Project Legion, the concept we announced at EVE Fanfest 2014, but without the limitations of technical debt and development paths we quickly discovered in that effort that could never serve as a future - proof technology base for a full production game.
There is no technical debt since charge cards are paid in full at end of month.
«Technical debt... is a recent metaphor referring to the eventual consequences of any system design, software architecture or software development within a codebase.
What's more, if implemented, SegWit can can actually help reduce the so - called «technical debt» burden of complicated code albeit having its own tradeoffs, which are assessed here.
The segwit code has been heavily reviewed, which helps resist the introduction of technical debt at both a code and design level... Segwit has multiple independent reimplementations, which helps discover any unnecessary complexity and technical debt at the point that it can still be avoided.
«The technical debt that the update adds to the network is the biggest concern,» said Bhardwaj.
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