Sentences with phrase «technical default»

Additionally, if the program lapse continues, many property owners with existing commercial mortgage balances that require terrorism insurance could be in technical default of their mortgage terms.
If terrorism insurance becomes unavailable again this throws the financing into technical default.
If terrorism insurance becomes unavailable, this throws the financing into technical default.
Without TRIA, many property owners with existing commercial mortgage balances that require terrorism insurance would be in technical default of their mortgage terms.
Esprit emerged from the buyout so deeply in debt — and Tompkins Buell's subsequent helmsmanship left the company in such desperate financial straits — that it went into technical default on its outstanding loans within less than two years.
Personal guarantees can also be pursued in other circumstances, including technical default, additional borrowings, a sale of assets, death or incapacitation.
After more than 15 years in technical default, Argentina re-entered the credit markets in April 2016 with a bond offering that was oversubscribed multiple times.
«Any uncertainty could cause insurance prices to fluctuate or prompt insurers to drop terrorism coverage, causing commercial loans to go into technical default,» said St. Peter.
«We couldn't meet all the obligations, which put us in technical defaults
We could have another situation like the last one, and this time it doesn't resolve, and we have a technical default.
The company entered Chapter 11 due to the technical default of not filing financial statements and is now an extremely interesting prospect post reorganization.
Often borrowers have a certain amount of time to remedy the technical default, but it often lowers the borrower's credit rating and stock price.
Violating a covenant can trigger a technical default.
As with financial institutions, insolvent mortgages would best be addressed by a) voluntarily swapping debt for equity, or failing that; b) technical default and restructuring of the debt obligation.
At Fidelity, the Boston - based firm that has $ 442 billion in money market assets, managers are avoiding Treasury bills that come due on Aug. 4 and Aug. 11, however unlikely a technical default may be.
Not every reverse mortgage in technical default will proceed to foreclosure, Moulton says.
Even so, the relatively high rate of technical defaults is a concern.
In 2014, about 12 percent of reverse mortgages were in technical default, says Stephanie Moulton, associate professor at the John Glenn College of Public Affairs at Ohio State University.
«Headwinds include tax policy uncertainty that could delay business investment, the risk of a partial government shutdown this fall if Congress fails to pass spending appropriations, a technical default if the debt ceiling isn't raised, and an increase in global political unease,» says Duncan.
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