Sentences with phrase «technical joy of it»

She has a strong interest in meaningful game design and loves the technical joy of problem - solving through code.

Not exact matches

The new life in Christ, the consequent transformation of all their hopes and expectations, the sense of fresh power to achieve the hitherto impossible, the vital awareness of the change which had been effected in their relations with God, the confidence of sin forgiven and of restoration to divine favor, the «joy in the holy Spirit,» and confident looking forward to great events still to come, and soon, as the result of Christ's exaltation at God's right hand and of his promised coming as Redeemer and Judge — all this lies behind the choice and the use of technical terms or concepts borrowed, first of all, from current Jewish messianism.
You will learn to blend the right amount of technical knowledge, joy, power, and spirituality into your practice and teaching.
There's real joy in seeing weapons I'd played with on 3DS turned into 4K beauties - the absurd Metal Bagpipes hunting horn I've tooted so often has been turned from a jut of jagged pixels into the offensive instrument it should be, its rivets shining in the sun, it's puffbag (not the technical term, probably) showing signs of wear.
But Arthur is the only one in the family who still brims over with the absolute joy that the season brings, and when a technical oversight sees one child left present-less, Arthur takes it upon himself to ensure that the child's Christmas isn't ruined, with the help of his Grand - Santa (Bill Nighy) and a ninja - level wrapping elf (Ashley Jensen).
Be it an intimate wedding of two or a large event, family photos or a fashion shoot, Oli's experience and technical skills, capture the joy of each moment, while making everyone look and feel beautiful in front of her camera.
Our certified ski school instructors are excited to share the joy of cross country skiing with you in a structured lesson with helpful technical tips and identifying ways to improve your skiing efficiency.
The former are devastating, cinematic super moves that are a joy to watch; the latter are more technical moves that can turn the tide of battle if used correctly.
There are those that claim that abstraction suffers great impoverishment by eliminating the joys of subject recognition further enhanced by a technical acuity that replicates surface appearances.
You can forgo the «joy» and expense of seeing your technical support person on a regula basis.
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