Sentences with phrase «technical methods»

Technical methods of any kind, price action included, are not designed to tell us what a market will do next.
The term climate engineering (CE) specifically describes large - scale technical methods that can be used to reduce the concentration of CO2 in the atmospheric or to reduce incoming solar radiation.
I'll start with the less - technical methods first then get into the more - involved techniques.
The second and more technical method of protecting an E-book involves utilizing Digital Rights Management (DRM) or data encryption to create a «lock» that prevents anyone without the proper «key» from gaining access to the contents within the book.
With a environmentally friendly manufacturing process and zero carbon emissions, Hubert's use of sustainable material and advanced technical methods minimize environmental impact, an important concern for the designer.
The first, published in eLife, describes the proposed technical methods of building gene drives in different species, defines their theoretical capabilities and limitations, and outlines possible applications.
Los Alamos researchers demonstrated improved technical methods capable of directly counting small RNA molecules in pathogenic (disease - causing) bacteria.
While the former uses fundamental data and the latter employs technical methods, both strategies seek to align themselves with the market bias, without over-emphasizing the exact timing of their entries.
The deceptively uncomplicated paintings are in fact culminations of trained technical methods.
There, on a formerly shopworn industrial site, newly planted trees, a ten - acre living roof, and a series of constructed wetlands and swales are restoring soil, creating habitat, and revitalizing the landscape while effectively filtering stormwater runoff for $ 35 million less than conventional technical methods.
You are still using someone else's work, the exact technical method you employ for that purpose is irrelevant, it is intent (breaching copyright) and result (displaying someone else's intellectual property in a way that beaches copyright) that matter.
FindLaw takes care of the nuanced technical methods of placing you in front of your prospective clients through an integrated marketing solution.That way you don't have to rely on a flashy website and expensive PPC alone to find legal consumers looking for your firm.
With 20 years of experience and professional practice, in both public and private law, litigation and commercial law, N - Advogados & CM Advogados has a set of professionals and technical methods based in solid values of rigour, excellency and dedication to its clients.
Next, he introduces easy - to - use technical methods for establishing where trends and oscillations are beginning or ending.
Our Veterinary Online Reputation Management team utilizes years of experience and advanced technical methods to meticulously defend your practice against online reputation attacks.
Or is he, in contrast, so bound to his technical methods that they blind him to the novelties in the situations he confronts?
We think that the technical methods of the world are ultimately legitimate.
But, as far as I can see, in Process and Reality he hasn't got a technical method of abstracting space, as he had before.
The technical methods for cramming enough lifeboats on a ship to save every soul on board were fairly easy to conceive.
«This has to be addressed at the macro level,» says Marc Rotenberg, executive director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center in Washington, D.C. «We need to protect Internet users through legislation or technical methods, by enforcing fair information practices that give users control over information held by businesses and government agencies, and by limiting the collection of personal information.»
Laboratory Investigation; A Journal of Technical Methods and Pathology 90: 245 - 56, 2010.
-- Jörn Karhausen — Laboratory Investigation; A Journal Of Technical Methods And Pathology
Laboratory investigation; a journal of technical methods and pathology» Lab Invest.1976 Apr; 34 (4): 406 - 14.
Addressing these questions would be very difficult, and doing so might not change the technical methods of MET, but it might definitely influence how they interpret and present their results.
This report presents an in - depth discussion of the technical methods, findings, and implications of the Measures of Effective Teaching (MET) project's random assignment study of teaching effectiveness measures.
But if you need a technical method to judge, use Bollinger Bands applied on volume bars.
Many traders will use both fundamental and technical methods to determine when and where to place trades, but they also tend to favor one over the other.
The other main school of though is known as the «technical method» where investors actually analyze a stock price's charted behavior over time.
Note: I am not endorsing the technical methods in the book, but most of the methods boil down to momentum, anyway.
Great article and something that no technical method can ever teach us.
These technical methods may require information to be sent, either directly to us or to another party we have asked to collect information on our behalf.
There is a technical method of mitigating this problem that is far less expensive than «hitting the brakes» as hard as would be required to keep the CO2 from breaking the budget.
The technical methods used to prepare the resume based on how it will be delivered to the recipient.
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