Sentences with phrase «technical polish»

Without the proper execution and requisite technical polish, a game will always feel rough and frustrating.
Most of all, God of War 3 improves the level of technical polish from the previous title with high - definition graphics, huge character models via the Titans, and battles that have Kratos facing off against dozens of enemies at once.
Apparently chiefly inspired by the loads of money generated by robots smashing into one another in the Transformers films, executive producer Steven Spielberg helps orchestrate more metallic mayhem in Real Steel, in which a tremendous technical polish is brought to bear upon what is frequently a rather awkward grafting of family drama and overblown, futuristic boxing tale.
The proceedings have enough technical polish and whiz - bang to qualify as a fun spectacle you can at least compare to, say, Fantastic Beasts.
Deadly Premonition and Binary Domain lack the refined technical polish or (supposedly) mature sensibilities of acclaimed games like The Last of Us, but they make up for it with their unabashed authenticity.
You could even say that «the degree of refinement and technical polish across every facet of Gears 3 is enough to make most other games look tatty,» although Edge Magazine already says so in a 9/10 piece.»
Certainly, her work is not what's currently in fashion: The paintings reject abstraction («I like things that are legible»); they lack technical polish («I'm not a good painter»); they care little for process («I just want to paint efficiently»).
To be honest, it wasn't until Phantasy Star II that we really became competent with the Megadrive's capabilities — which is why, in that sense, that game had a very high level of technical polish.
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay — Part 2 has the technical polish and competent acting of the four - film series, though less intensity.
It's the best kind of homemade movie, created with skill, modesty and a pleasing awareness of what works in an ultra-low-budget format that tends to be performance and storytelling, rather than visual expressiveness and technical polish.
RECOMMENDATION: Real Steel is Hollywood entertainment in every way: creatively timid, technical polished, fun while it's on and utterly forgettable once you put it away.
Having a technical polish on massive games like this is no longer rare, but the same amount of detail goes into character interactions.
Then it polishes things up with colorful characters, funny items, and a level of technical polish you'd expect from the people who make and maintain the Unreal Engine.
It's a tried and true platformer, with the same tight controls and technical polish that Mario is known for.
I have already put in more hours into Super Smash Bros. for Wii U than most humans would care to admit, and I honestly believe that, in terms of technical polish and creativity, it's the best Smash Bros. ever.
Her works are aesthetic feats, but a distinctly sinister ambience lurks under the technical polish of her videos.
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