Sentences with phrase «technical wonder»

The Cole Porter score features approximately a dozen tunes, including the wildly entertaining «Stereophonic Sound» (a clever salute to the new technical wonders of cinema in the 1950s) and «The Ritz Roll and Rock» (a gentle dig at the burgeoning rock n» roll scene).
There's little doubt the environmental cost of creating an iPhone, as well as those wind turbines, hybrid engines, and the bevy of other technical wonders that use rare - earth minerals, has been immense.
Who: Girlboss, entrepreneur, technical wonder woman and all rounder high achiever!
There's little doubt the environmental cost of creating an iPhone, as well as those wind turbines, hybrid engines, and the bevy of other technical wonders that use rare - earth minerals, has been immense.
Not only is it a technical wonder with the entire film unwinding in one seemingly continuous shot, but the performances are some of the best of the year.
«WALL - E» (Andrew Stanton) It's dispiriting to realize that the most completely realized American blockbuster of the year was, well, less than completely realized, but to be fair, «WALL - E» only falls slightly short in its second half because its first 45 minutes set such a high, near - unparalleled standard of technical wonder and ideological investigation.
But the fight scenes that swing randomly from exciting to chaotic, are technical wonders.
«Pina» is more of a hybrid creature: further taking its technical wonders into account, it'd be nice to see it find some kind of home in awards season, but I'm not sure where.
They all produced «technical wonders» with graphics, sounds, and animations and, with the digital camera, some great photos.
Japan is a land of technical wonders, and yet it also has very strong ties to tradition.
In a new series of photography, the master shows off the technical wonders of his new Hasselblatt X1D, a digital camera which produces images of uncanny sharpness in astonishing detail.
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