Sentences with phrase «technological change requires»

The campaign also urges that more time — substantially more than four days — be dedicated to the deliberations next year as «the current speed of technological change requires urgent deliberations and much more rapid action.»
The pace of technological change requires an expert teacher workforce that is flexible, knowledgeable and skilled in understanding how best to leverage the use of technology to enhance student learning.

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Some say a technological shift at companies like HP and IBM away from traditional manufacturing, which requires large investments in buildings and equipment, and toward data - based products is also changing the calculation of how much investment is needed in innovation.
Being a business owner means being on top of technological changes and new trends in your industry, which can require an investment.
Responding to a recent article in Nature on the psychology of climate change, The Guardian «s Andrew Brown argues that combatting global warming will require something beyond carbon taxes, recycling programs, and technological innovation: There may be ways of fixing [the current....
«We see no evidence of Kyoto actually leading to reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, much less of stimulating the fundamental technological change that will be required to achieve the 60 - 80 % reductions in greenhouse gas emissions that scientists tell us the world will need to achieve in order to prevent what the Framework Convention calls «dangerous interference with the atmosphere».»
«So, behavioral change by composting our organics could prevent virtually all the methane emissions from landfills without requiring any of the technological fixes and complex regulations.»
Taking into consideration broad, economic, technological, and demographic changes, the contributors — all leading social scientists in their fields — suggest that these global transformations will require youth to develop new skills, sensibilities, and habits of mind that are far ahead of what most educational systems can now deliver.
A change in the law coming into play in July 2016 will make it possible and the banking industry is currently working to agree the necessary changes to the infrastructure and technological capabilities required to set a firm timetable for it to be introduced.
``... in the education and training space that [vision and future] is about making sure that our schools, our early learning, our universities and vocational training are all focussed very much on delivering people the types of skills that are required to deal with the economic and industrial adjustment we're facing in a world where global dislocation of jobs because of technological change and so on is coming at us at rapid pace,» he said.
First, the technological changes and globalization that have fueled inequality have also increased the skills required for good jobs — which means that schools need to teach higher - level skills if their graduates are to secure jobs that pay middle - class wages.
The survey also revealed 62 per cent of engineering employers say graduates don't have the right skills for today's workplace, while 68 per cent are concerned that the education system will struggle to keep up with the skills required for technological change.
«Education today must prepare young people to flourish in a society awash with intelligent technology and to enter a job market shaped by rapid technological change, yet there are urgent challenges in the world that require human solutions from future leaders.
Bringing new or existing models to a broader scale will require not only technological and educational innovation, but also public policy change.
It requires a constant monitoring of policies and business practices that continually change because of industry mergers and technological advances that enable companies to frequently upgrade their purchasing plans.
But I think we might be a couple years away from breaching 50 % — which might require a technological advance like color e-Ink or foldable screens, or a game - changing event in the publishing world, such as superstar authors going independent and straight to e-books, big publishers embracing e-books, or lowering of e-book pricing (perhaps as a result of the agency model going away).
Our forward looking statements relating to international expansion are also subject to the following risks, among others that may affect the introduction, success and timing of the NOOK e-reader and content in countries outside the United States: we may not be successful in reaching agreements with international companies, the terms of agreements that we reach may not be advantageous to us, our NOOK device may require technological changes to comply with applicable laws, and marketplace acceptance and other companies have already entered the marketplace with products that have achieved some customer acceptance.
While this is intended to be an accurate reflection of the current job, management reserves the right to revise or to require that other or different tasks be performed when circumstances change, for example, emergencies, changes in personnel, workload, or technological breakdowns in departments.
While this is intended to be an accurate reflection of the current job, management reserves the right to revise or to require that other or different tasks be performed when circumstances change, for example, emergencies, changes in personnel, workload, or technological breakdowns in department.
Analysts say the massive technological investment required for such a change makes it unlikely that other airlines will follow suit anytime soon, unless they already have something in the works.By Karen Elowitt for links: USA Today, CNN, Chicago Tribune, AA.comRelated links on
Getting to 50 percent wind and solar on a grid would be heroic; getting beyond that will require radical technological, political, and legal changes that go far beyond just wind and solar power plants themselves.
The loss of economic and technological development that would be required to eliminate literally all theorized climate change risk would cripple our ability to deal with virtually every other foreseeable and unforeseeable risk, not to mention our ability to lead productive and interesting lives in the meantime.
And indeed, some of the changes required for a transition to a green economy imply significant restructuring (if not disruption of technological paths).
Dr Tristan Smith, reader in energy and shipping, from the University College London Energy Institute, said that the shipping industry would require rapid technological changes to produce zero - emission ships, moving from fossil fuels to a combination of electricity (batteries), renewable fuels derived from hydrogen, and potentially bioenergy.
We are working to create the scientific, technological, and engineering solutions that dealing with the risks of climate change will require.
Human engineering is back in the news with a report from UNEP being puffed here Authors Paul Erlich, Bob Watson, James Hansen et al say: «To transition (sic) to a more sustainable future will require simultaneously redesigning the economic system, a technological revolution, and, above all, behavioural change
However, «how a lawyer should comply with the core duty of confidentiality in an ever - changing technological world» does require some reflection.
While the profession has adapted to past technological changes, none of them have required lawyers to change what they do, they've just offered different ways to do it.
In fact, the American Bar Association recently amended Model Rule 1.1 to require that lawyers stay abreast of technological changes.
I like reading Ron Friedmann's posts about KM because he almost always gets to the philosophical issues a firm has to deal with in order to start making the real operational changes — strategic, infrastructural, technological, etc. — required to wire - up.
This change will require significant technological changes.
In my view, the best path forward, from a cyber policy perspective, is to require regulatory notification of meaningful breach events combined with the developing of a standard of care that is capable of evolving with changing technological means.
Modernity lies at the core of these changes as technological advances, the humanistic approach, and as mentioned earlier, the advent of media has required more or even different parental obligations.
• IP is a dynamic and constantly evolving field, which provides opportunities to push the boundaries of the law and requires creative lawyering to use legislation that is often perceived as outdated when dealing with new challenges arising out of technological, economical, and social changes.
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