Sentences with phrase «technological growth»

We can observe the wave of technological growth in all fields.
We are in the midst of a technological revolution, and are seeing perhaps the fastest rate of technological growth and development in history.
«That type of exponential technological growth is allowing things to happen that was never possible before.»
As CNBC notes, «the international crowd which has turned Silicon Valley into the nation's technological growth engine may not have grown up on a diet of Sunday football.»
Unprecedented technological growth, constantly shifting demographics, increasing customer sophistication and the rise of individual choice has resulted in a new world of work.
Capitalism drives technological growth, which allows us the leisure time to give back to society.
Globalisation and modernisation through technological growth have brought many serious problems.
In this time of huge technological growth it is essential to understand cyber security, what your risks are and how to keep yourself, your family and your business...
It was these qualities, which allowed diverse groups of people from far - flung corners of the world to connect, experiment and invent, that were arguably the key elements of the explosive technological growth of the past two decades.
January 1 In The Tinkerers, journalist Alec Foege explores how amateur inventions, like Steve Jobs's «blue box» phone, can jump - start technological growth.
Despite our recent technological growth spurt, our brains don't evolve quite so quickly, and the preceding millennia of yarn - spinning have hardwired us to respond to stories rather than raw data.
Drawing on the theory of technological singularity — which holds that invention of artificial superintelligence will prompt uncontrollable technological growth, resulting in unimaginable changes to human civilization — the artist explores how art can respond or adapt to such change.
If the US government wants to figure out how to effectively regulate Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies while encouraging technological growth, elected officials on Capitol Hill will first need to learn how Bitcoin works.
Though we are still in the infancy of space travel, he says, «At our current rate of technological growth, humanity is on a path to be godlike in its capabilities.»
The point I find least convincing is that technological growth will necessarily be stagnant.
Investors seeking exposure to technological growth can consider taking a targeted approach to their sector definitions.
KC: Having followed the technological growth model steered by elite controlled planning and programming, serious questions arise now about an alternative model of development.
The ecological crisis is created by modern industrial and technological growth and modem life - style.
Innovations had been coming along before that, but the breakneck speed of technological growth is centered largely on electrical and electronic devices.
After all, the present wealth and attendant short - term boost in population, consumption and technological growth may be largely founded on longer - term deterioration of the planet, including declining fish populations, acidifying oceans, degrading soils, remnant forests, polluting watersheds and a transforming climate.
It's no secret that the Neanderthals struggled: The glacial periods they endured and the fragmentation of their population left them unable to support robust social or technological growth.
The eBook publishing process is made easier with the technological growth in the field of e-publishing.
He and his project are situated at the edge of modernization and industrialization, and Solnit's analysis of the promise and degradation of this period of economic and technological growth are devastating, but made human and palpable through the backstory of Muybridge's iconic photographs.
With their «wait and see» arguments about wealth and technological growth, the editors twist their logic beyond reason.
The best example would be to think of the technological growth just in the past 10 years.
To those who doubt the idea of a multi-trillion-dollar cryptocurrency market, it's important to bear in mind that technological growth is usually exponential.
Want to contribute to the technological growth and development of a single organization by providing whatever support services are needed.
From out of the exponential surge of technological growth, comes peace and solace.
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