Sentences with phrase «technological progress in»

We see the impact of technological progress in the office sector, where space per worker has been declining for some time.
South Africa (22 October) The pace of scientific and technological progress in recent years has resulted in new means and methods of warfare.
But I suspect further analysis like your would show your curve (roughly RCP6.0) to be a more appropriate «worst plausible» case, because it more realistically describes slow technological progress in the production and use of energy (RCP8.5's coal - burning late 21st century would take us back to the late 19thC).
Today both assumptions are being undermined by the risks of the post-9 / 11 world and by technological progress in fuel efficiency and alternative fuels.
«Obviously» any technological progress in history (e.g. agriculture) was just another turning of the vicious cycle: Saving the stupid from collapse so they could continue multiply more mess, until right before hitting the wall something new got invented.
The reflective and sometimes harsh nature of metal, combined with its connotations of technological progress in the postwar period, made it a material of interest among sculptors and painters alike.
So, how do we manage technological progress in a world of finite resources?
Porsche's reborn Targa perfectly exemplifies its technological progress in the last 40 years.
And despite massive technological progress in the years since its launch, the sixth - generation Cruiser hasn't changed all that much, and is in many ways a time capsule from the late 2000s.
My research suggests that the trends in teacher quantity and pay are driven by the nature of technological progress in the larger economy.
Increasing aquaculture production can relieve wild fish stocks; however this positive effect will probably be overwhelmed by a greater demand and technological progress in the fishing industry — both increasing the fishing pressure on wild stocks.
People seem to be able to accept scientific and technological progress in transport and communications, including the internet and air travel, and yet are blind to certain advances in biomedical sciences.
For example, the history of technological progress in the past hundred years is full of amazing things that would have seemed miraculous, if not incredible, in an earlier day.

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That was true since automobiles transformed our lifestyles while simultaneously killing thousands a day, and it's true in our current reality of mind - bending technological progress with entrepreneurs aiming rockets at Mars and envisioning artificial intelligence that makes humans look about as smart a house cat in comparison.
While technological innovation is leading to better patient outcomes in a number of medical conditions, there's one area where Tyson says «progress» is part of the problem.
Systems of this kind have been in development for many years, however the rapid technological progress of enemy tank rounds, missiles and RPGs is leading the Army to more rapidly test and develop APS for its fleet of Abrams tanks.
«Upgrading systems to take advantage of technological progress is important and can increase efficiency,» the analysts wrote in general advice to any company looking at blockchain.
«The Complacent Class» focuses on trends like rising segregation, disappointing economic growth and technological progress, and a recent uptick in civil unrest and crime, not to mention the populist backlash that carried Donald Trump to power.
These improvements in outcomes have surfaced amidst a number of other important changes in the environment as well, including significant technological progress and better economic policies.
But the benefits of technological progress are unevenly distributed, especially in the early stages of each new wave, and it is up to governments to spread them.
What today we call economic globalization — a combination of rapid technological progress, large - scale capital flows, and burgeoning international trade — has happened many times before in the last 200 years.
Consider in particular the technological progress that enabled producers to tap tight oil reserves.
While high prices can certainly spur research and development, technological progress has been a constant theme in natural resource industries.
Bitcoins are indeed one of the technological revolutions, which has enabled countries to benefit from these technologies and also position themselves early on the progress, just like the US railway system in the 1800s.
Although there has been progress in some areas, significant gaps remain and seem likely to widen as technological advances stretch the capacity of regulators to respond effectively.
Baltimore has made incremental progress reforming its police department under its year - old consent decree with the U.S. Department of Justice, but is still far from where it needs to be and faces significant technological hurdles in getting there, city...
All the changes currently in progress - both technological as well as cultural - are about empowerment of people.
In an age increasingly devoted to technological progress, all that we have tried to put behind us emerges disguised as the ghostly remains of a past that refuses to die.
Anyone who expects to be emancipated by technological hardware, or by a system of hardware however structured, is the victim of an obscure belief in progress.
Would the vision of the leaders assembled at the Summit affirming their faith in globalization becoming benevolent in which economic and technological progress distributed to unite rather than divide the community is a reality or just plain rhetoric?
Most current debates in bioethics have less to do with technological progress than with moral permissions.
Since then, for a number of reasons (air and water pollution, health concerns ignored and in fact unknown by scientific medicine, ecological issues), this questioning of the omnicompetence of the scientific method to uncover the truth, and of the creative value of technological «progress,» has deepened and spread and now penetrates much further into the culture as a whole.
Anticipating much of the current controversy over the worship of technological progress that has characterized the end of the twentieth century, sixteen years later this book is still squarely in the middle of the debate.
The Darwinian metaphor of evolution was used to express a faith in a Historical future, in either the coming end of History (Marx) or a more indefinite perfectibility in which our alienating technological progress would finally be ennobled by a corresponding moral progress (say, John Stuart Mill or Walt Whitman) that would be the source of the elusive human happiness promised by modern liberation.
Another excerpt from Caritas in Veritate: The challenge of development today is closely linked to technological progress, with its astounding applications in the field of biology.
For nearly two hundred years, «progress» in the West has largely mean ever - expanding technological achievement from steam ships to trains to cars to the jet airplane.
Those who speak so optimistically in most cases seem to make too easy a transfer from technological progress to human progress.
In large measure this was because the corporation was apparently stable and effective as the provider of technological and economic progress.
This scientific revolution, through which we are still living, consists not just in technological progress, but insight into and control over the creation itself.
By human standards, scientific and technological advances can probably be called progress, and yet there do not seem to be any similar advances in moral living.
Only the attempt to transform society from within (# 5) can redirect a technological civilization to the service of God and man, preserving a legitimate place for scientific progress without making it the ultimate source of meaning in life.
«Elite» status for both Brown and Kelly correlates with a school's uncritical appropriation of the nation's «democratic spirit» (cf. Kelly, 231), with its confidence in social progress (largely through education), technological advances, and skillful management.
We need first to recognize the tremendous tension between technological progress and the health of the environment, including all organisms in it.
If depersonalization turns out to be the greatest single threat in the future, it can be strongly argued that the church has the special role of warning about this and safe - guarding the personal dimension against encroachment in the name of efficiency, progress, or technological necessity.
As to us human beings, though we will go on making scientific and technological progress by leaps and bounds, we are not going to become any wiser in matters of faith and morals.
MAXSPORT is the leading company in functional food area, committed to applying the latest technological progress and health findings to innovative products — each delivering benefitial nutritional profile to consumers.
Sirs: If technological progress has «imperiled» our cities and its countryside as Mr. Boyle says, it has also promoted efficiency in living.
Historically, while technological progress such as mechanisation and automation threatened upending existing modes of production and employment in the past, they also created new opportunities and jobs after some adaptations.
On the other hand, Marx did not account correctly for the effect of increases in productivity caused by durable technological progress.
These include a rising population, an increase in the number of people working and technological progress.
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